The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 376: Magic art

I saw Yuan Mo suddenly scratching his head and scratching his head, looking left and right, matching his appearance, it seemed to be a horse monkey.

After seeing Yang Chen, he became curious. When responding to the attacks by Luo Jingchen Jing Lei and others, he put all his energy on Yuan Mo: "Strange, what is this? How did an ancestor like Tang Tang become like this? Are they not the most image-oriented?"

When Yang Chen was thinking about it, he saw Yuan Mo shouting, "Heaven is the Great Saint," and the whole person's temperament changed dramatically.

The eyes opened and closed in their eyes, and when they blinked, they looked like a pair of flaming eyes. In particular, the expression in his eyes was even reckless, and there was a lot of momentum that would break the sky.

And his voice became sharper: "Devil, take my punch!"

During the speech, the whole person had turned into a flash of lightning and appeared in front of Yang Chen. The person had not arrived yet. The strong wind on his body had arrived first, blowing Yang Chen's face with pain.

" it a legendary hit?"

Yang Chen was also overjoyed.

He has heard of this kind of method before, but it’s good for future generations, and now, for the first time. In later generations, all those who mastered the magic weapon were eliminated in the catastrophe caused by the explosion of geomagnetic core energy, so that in the later generations, they only have some descriptions about magic weapon, and how to perform magic weapon. , But did not know at all.

According to the research of later generations, magical power should be just a kind of hypnosis to oneself, through hypnosis, to transform oneself into an imagined powerful character, and then have some abilities of this character. The reason why it is a powerful person in imagination is because this person does not necessarily exist. For example, Qi Tian Da Sheng and Nezha three princes are all fictional characters in mythology. They do not exist in reality, but they can still invite them to the upper body and exert their abilities.

Therefore, there is no thorough study on how God will turn this imaginary thing into a force in reality, even in later generations. Only as a mystery.

But now. Yang Chen met in person, but instead had the opportunity to study.

Seeing Yuan Mo struck, Yang Chen's body didn't need to take the initiative at all, the instinct was a twist. Flashed off Yuan Mo's attack.

But Yuan Mo's melee combat effectiveness was significantly higher than others. I saw a sudden bow in his body, with a twisted quirky posture, fist in hand. But already hit Yang Chen hard!

Even if Yang Chen has developed a good instinct in the battlefield of later generations, after all, cultivation is not enough now. Physical fitness can not be compared with later generations, the other party's speed is like lightning, and they failed to escape.


There was a loud noise. Yang Chen was directly beaten out a few feet away. The protective spells on Yang Chen's body flickered and burst again and again. In the end, he still couldn't successfully block it, and his teeth grinned for a while.

A painful heart came, he only felt when he was breathing. There was a slight pain in the lungs, but some minor injuries.

This was the first time he was really hit since he was attacked.

Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, this magic method is actually more powerful than others.

With one blow, Yuan Mo was overjoyed and Yang Tian laughed sharply: "Hahaha, it's still my old grandson! And see my old grandson destroy you!"

As he stepped forward, his fists came out and slammed into Yang Chen's door. The shot was like lightning, ruthless and poisonous, Yang Chen quickly flew back, and these two punches could be stopped in front of Yang Chen's door.

But with his hands stretched out, his arms became much longer than before, and with a "bang", Yang Chen was hit hard again!

His method is quite like the boxing technique of ordinary people. The elongation of his arms is completely without any warning, which makes people unpredictable, even Yang Chen is also a hit.

Yang Chen was beaten with aura of broken body, and the Taoist symbols on his hand were turned into ashes. The head of the whole person tilted back, and the corners of his mouth were already bleeding.


Successively, Yuan Mo was almost insane, his hands seemingly unscrupulously scratching and striking, and his body was like a monkey, jumping up and down quickly, erratic, strange and extreme, making people fundamental Unable to predict the direction of its attack.

Yang Chen was beaten a bit by this combination of punches. He repeatedly hit the body and repeatedly backed away. There was no resistance at all!

In fact, the fighting power he fought out in the battlefields of later generations was not the case.

It is not uncommon for all auras to be suppressed in the battlefields of later generations, and in the end, only hands-free combat is possible. Yang Chen also has his ability in this respect. At least, he is quite skilled in the battlefield martial arts of the future generations, "Blood Killing Eighteen Forms."

This blood-killing eighteen style is the tempering of future generations through the battlefield. The melee essence of martial arts researched by the lives of countless soldiers can be used with empty hands or any other weapons. Fight stunts in the battlefield.

But the environment of later generations is different from the present. Under the influence of the explosion of geomagnetic core energy, the physical quality of even the lowest-level ordinary warriors in future generations far exceeds that of the present. However, Yang Chen suddenly reduced it to only a first-order level. Although the physical quality improved by changing the foundation was quite a lot, it was still inadequate compared to the physical quality of later generations of ordinary soldiers. This is not a problem of Yang Chen itself, but a problem of the entire environment, and Yang Chen has no choice.

Under such circumstances, the vast majority of the 18 killing methods of blood killing cannot be used.

And the remaining moves have no chance to use, barely used, and the power will not be great.

The reason is very simple. There are almost no defensive styles in the Eighteen Kinds of Blood Killing, and they can only be used to attack. On the battlefield, if you don't enter, you die, how can you have the chance to keep it safe? The so-called defense means is not so much a defense as a way of reducing injuries in combat.

These were actually used by Yang Chen.

Therefore, although Yuan Mo was almost crazy, he still didn't cause much damage to Yang Chen. With every attack, Yang Chen was able to use clever body movements and even muscle movements to minimize the damage.

After such a fierce attack, Yang Chen now looks vaguely flesh and embarrassed, but instead he is not as seriously injured as in the previous two attacks.

Looking at the battle, Luo Jingchen frowned tightly: "It seems that this devil is not easy!"

Jing Lei laughed: "This guy, Yuan Mo, is almost crazy. I want to see how long this Yang Chen demon head can support! No matter how many symbols he has on him, will it be used up?"

He said that he looked at Luo Jingchen: "Luo Daoyou, wouldn't you be upset because Yuan Mo grabbed your limelight? Didn't expect that in such an environment now, it's because God didn't look at it before we hit this kind of thing Xiaoshu is the most effective! It seems that even Xiaoshu can be useful."

Luo Jingchen shook his head: "What is the meaning of those disputes of arrogance now? Is it true that I am as indifferent as he is? Just look at you, Jing Daoyou, then Yang Chen seems to be overwhelmed, but in fact, Yuan Mo has done very little damage to him. Did you see that Yuan Mo would do some strange little moves with every move Yang Chen made?"

Jing Lei took a closer look and said, "Eh," he said, "Don't say that, it's really like this. If you don't look closely, you can't see it. What did Luo Daoyou find?"

"Jing Daoyou, you see, Yuan Mo grabbed hard this time, it seemed that Yang Chen was carrying it hard, but his body moved back more than an inch, and the muscles where he was attacked were also strange. Shaking, did you notice?"

"I saw it..." Jing Lei nodded again and again: "Luo Daoyou, what's the point?"

"Jing Daoyou, your Shenxiao school has always been a Taoist cultivator, and has never been involved in martial arts, so I don't know about it. Our Huashan school is otherwise. Although it is mainly a Taoist cultivator, there is also a method of martial arts by Master Qigong, so Lao Tao has some understanding of this."

Luo Jingchen pointed to Yang Chen's side: "These small movements of Yang Chen's devil's head are clearly a kind of clever method of unloading power, and they must be generated from the battlefield. Only the large-scale wars, there is no Personal dodge and escape room can only produce this kind of weird but clever method of unloading power when other methods are used to reduce the enemy's attack. Otherwise, my monks have spiritual power and the fighting method will be much more flexible, it is not necessary at all this way."

"I heard that Luo Daoyou also participated in the war. Like the grand president of the Chinese Metaphysics Promotion Association, he was a master who was killed from the battlefield. Sure enough, the name is well-deserved. Otherwise, Jing Mou can't really see this thing." Jing Lei couldn't help but sigh. Suspiciously said:

"It's just strange, didn't you hear about Yang Chen's ethics, or even the intergenerational inheritance of the Wufeng Taoists? When did the Wufeng Taoists come out of the battlefield, and they summed up a set of battlefield martial arts?"

This is the essence of the martial arts They are familiar with the monks in history, but everyone is well-known. Those monks have some skills, they can't escape their eyes. It is precisely because of this that we can keenly discover that Yang Chen is not right.

Luo Jingchen snorted coldly: "The devil only, do you really think he is the inheritance of the Taoist of the Five Peaks? That's just a guise. What his true inheritance might not be. Anyway, it's to provoke the wind and rain, and bad for the overall situation Enemy of the metaphysical world! Okay, don’t look at it anymore.

"This..." Jing Lei hesitated a little: "Yuan Mo Yuan Daoyou's temper... I'm afraid I don't like others to intervene..."

"This kind of blackmail event, whether he likes it or not?" Luo Jingchen looked at the battle and dismissed his lips. "However, with his restraint, we can try to see if we can cast some powerful spells, just come with a sharp knife. Cut the hemp and kill the devil!"

During the speech, Luo Jingchen closed his eyes, but his Qi machine was changing rapidly. It was a sign of trying to cast a large spell.

Seeing him like this, Jing Lei also closed his eyes, and the gas engine changed like a sharp... (to be continued.)

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