The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 378: Run away

Now, between Yang Chen and the two spells, there is nowhere to look.

As long as any one of the two spells is hit by half, even one third or even one quarter of the power, Yang Chen is also a dead end!

At this moment, Yang Chen snorted, his eyes burst into flames of anger, and even faced the spell directly.

"Great! This devil is about to slap!"

Zhao Huazheng Yue Lifeng and others were overjoyed.

Even that Yuan Mo, although swearing in his mouth, was still waiting for Yang Chen's death with joy.

But at this time, above Yang Chen's head, suddenly one day, he rose slowly.

The whole sky and earth seemed to be heavily choked by the flames of the endless sun. The blazing light enveloped everything, even the two spells that struck it, but by contrast it was dull and dull.

Moreover, as if influenced by this day, the speed of the two spells suddenly became slow. Fortunately, Luo Jingchen and others were assured that although the speed of the two spells was slow, they were still firm and could not be violated. Fly to Yang Chen.

Big sunshine mirror!

"Eighth-order magic weapon! He actually has an eighth-order magic weapon!"

Luo Jingchen's eyes were full of enthusiasm, and he looked at the day intently, even though his eyes were tingling with the sun's rays, he could not help but burst into tears, and still refused to close his eyes.

In fact, it's not just him. Other people's eyes, aren't they staring round?

Eighth-order magic weapon!

The entire metaphysical world is probably unique today. I can see the appearance of such a magic weapon with my own eyes, even if I die immediately, it will be squinting!

"Not good!" Jing Lei's face changed drastically: "This devil has an eighth-order magic weapon, I'm afraid we..."

"What about the eighth order? Even with the eighth order weapon, can he still manipulate the first order, can he manipulate it freely? It's good not to set himself on fire and seek his own way!" Luo Jingchen was not as worried as he was.

But Jing Lei is still very nervous. The result of the spell attack that is now greatly slowed down, frowning, and his face full of worry: "The spell speed is so slow, don’t let him flash away easily. Now in this environment. We want It's also troublesome to release this spell. Spells below the fifth order can't help him!"

As he said, his eyes lit up: "No, the devil didn't dodge! Is it because the manipulation of the eighth-order magic weapon is too heavy, so it can't be moved? Just because the eighth-order magic weapon can block our spells. ."

"Don't worry too much." Luo Jingchen's eyelids did not blink, closely watching Yang Chen said: "Look at the signs of this magic weapon. It is clearly an offensive magic weapon. This kind of magic weapon is for defense. The effect is very poor. There is no defense at all, we don’t have to worry at all."

"Really don't worry?" Jing Lei was still not at ease.

This is an eighth-order magic weapon, which only appears in legend among the metaphysical circles. They haven't seen it before, who knows such a high-level magic weapon. What are the mysterious abilities?

And just when they suffered, the two spells had already hit Yang Chen—to be precise. It was the blazing light that enveloped Yang Chen.


Then there is no more.

Two spells with high hopes are like stones thrown into the water without a splash. Falling above the blazing light, it disappeared silently, and the blazing light did not even fluctuate a little.

"How can this be!"

Luo Jingchen roared loudly. I can't believe it: "Yang Chen, the devil, is only a first-order cultivation, how can he control the eighth-order magic weapon? This is absolutely impossible!"

"Is the eighth-order magic weapon really that strong?"

Jing Lei also feels that his world view has been completely refreshed. I can’t believe that these two spells, many times more powerful than normal fifth-order spells, disappeared without even hearing a sound.

The same is true of the other people around them, all with a look of consternation, and stayed in place for a while.

"What are you waiting for? Run quickly!" Yuan Mo was different from the two of them, and immediately reacted: "No matter what method is used, the kid can definitely use the eighth-order magic weapon! Then what are we waiting for? Run! Once the eighth-order magic weapon came out, it was such a place where the aura was suppressed by the formation method. I'm not afraid that the devil would kill us!"

I don’t know if it’s because Qi Tian Da Sheng has too many upper bodies and inherits the monkey essence of the monkey. Yuan Mo had a gust of wind before everyone had responded. He passed the crowd and ran into the woods.

Luo Jingchen gritted his teeth and said, "Don't be afraid! There are ninety-five town dragon feng shui formations here, and the devil can't use much magic, and he can't move, we still have..."

Before he spoke, he saw that the blazing light that wrapped Yang Chen thickly and suddenly separated, revealing Yang Chen's face.

Then I saw a mischievous smile in the corner of Yang Chen's mouth. He pointed his hand, and suddenly the blazing light was shining, and a bright golden ray was shot at Luo Jingchen and others!

Luo Jingchen and others hadn't had time to react, and the ray had already hit them in front of them and fell to the ground. The sound of "chirp" shot the ground out of a deep hole with the thickness of chopsticks. A scorched smell came from the ground.

"You stubborn guys, against the general trend of the metaphysical world, actually attacked me. I will not give you a color today to see, you see me as a bully Yang Chen!"

No matter how terrified Luo Jingchen and others looked, Yang Chen took a sip and shouted, and suddenly dozens of fireballs flew towards them!

This time they finally reacted, shouting "not good" and flashing away.

Although the speed of the fireball is not slow, at least they have spiritual blessings in their bodies, and they still reacted. After a while, they finally flickered away.

But this made Luo Jingchen and even Zhaohua real people so popular.

They are either ancestors or masters, or middle- and high-level monks, born in the school of martial arts, and their status has never been low. When did they become so embarrassed?

But before they even screamed, they found that there was a blaze in the body, and the flames came up without knowing what was going on!

It turned out that although they had escaped the fireball before, they were still lit by Yang Chen who didn't know what was going on.

Fortunately, Luo Jingchenjing and Lei were unable to release high-level spells in an instant, and low-level fire extinguishment was no problem. They immediately found a mist of water to extinguish the flames on everyone.

But in this way, all of them are gray-faced, embarrassed, and the more angry they are, the more they jump.

"How? How does it taste? Do you want to try again?"

Yang Chen jokingly laughed, and several more fireballs flew. Now they are much smarter, and they watched carefully while evading. Only then did they find out that the fireball actually turned out to be a dark fireball. The direct fireball was a bright fireball, but it was followed by a dark fireball. It was almost transparent in the air. If you don't observe and feel the high temperature, you can't find it.

"Demon, you're bullying too much!"

Luo Jingchen raised his hand to emit a golden light, and Jing Lei was also above Yang Chen's head, releasing several thunders.

But before the golden light flew, it was completely burned in front of the mirror light of the large sun-shutter. To the tears above Yang Chen's head, he directly hit the big sun mirror. This spell is only a third-order level. What effect can it have on the big sun mirror that is the artifact of the town? The mirror light of the big sunshine didn't even shake.

"I'm deceiving too much? You come to the door, is this deceiving too much?"

Yang Chen said slowly, his fingers flicked and several fireballs were fired over. This time, this fireball was extremely flexible, and could even change direction according to their dodge. Everyone didn't expect it and was hit by a fireball.

Some are chest, some are simply inconvenient places such as the buttocks and back. Although this fireball is not powerful, they will not be seriously injured under the blessing of spirit, but they are still burned and shouted, jumping up and down one by one. , Very embarrassed.

Seeing this, the counterattack was completely useless, and everyone had no choice but to retreat.

Luo Jingchen said fiercely withdrawing, and then ran into the woods.

"Good to go, don't send it!"

Yang Chen shouted behind him with bad intentions, a series of fireballs shot out, closely chasing the pace of everyone running away.

In order to get rid of this embarrassing scene as soon as possible, and the fireball killing was not large, they simply did not dodge, and allowed the fireball to scream again and again, but only to quickly retreat.

For a time, these people were all gray-faced, and their entire body was burned and scorched all over the body. They were crying in pain, staggering in their feet, and fled into the depths of the forest.

When I reached the depths of Linzi, it seemed that I felt safer. Then Luo Jingchen finally heard a roar of roar: "Devil, wait and see! We will never end with you! Don't think that there is a large array of dragon and feng shui in Jiuwu Town in Beijing. I wait for the strength, it is your skill to win. This ancestor does not believe that you can stay in the capital forever!"

Listening to the other person's unwilling scolding, Yang Chen glanced at his lip dismissively, his eyes deep.

Even if there is no dragon and feng shui formation in the Ninth Five-Year Town, what can you do?

By that time, I had already recovered my strength.

Moreover, my big sunshine sun mirror will not be suppressed either. Who wins and who loses is hard to tell.


Yang Chen felt the qi around him, but fell into contemplation.

Because he found out that the surrounding Qiqifeng dragon feng shui array's Qi machine, although it also suppressed himself, but more or less...

I feel a little kind...

As a result, the original suppression of 10% came to him, but only 50%, even less than 50%. This is also the reason why he smashed the **** thunder with a purple sky before and killed three monks alive.

Because he overestimated the extent to which he was suppressed in the dragon and feng shui formations of the Ninth Five-Year Town, so that he used too much force, but he ended up killing.

Now when I put on the big sunshine sun mirror, I feel particularly obvious. Otherwise, Luo Jingchen said it well. After all, the big sunshine sky mirror is not for defensive purposes. It is really not easy to deal with their super fifth-order spells when they are suppressed.

So, what is going on? (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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