The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 401: Satellite reconnaissance

"Found abnormal energy fluctuations..."

"Found anomalies..."

"Discover special target characteristics..."

"In the database comparison...complete...the characteristics match, and the special target marked as sss level is found..."

"Trigger the wake-up mechanism, call the agency..."

When the high-altitude reconnaissance satellite aimed the camera at Yang Chen and others, in a secret base on the east coast of the remote Pacific Ocean, the super-computing control authority terminal display that had been connected to the satellite and had control rights was always on the display. , Such a line of characters appeared.

A sensitive and mysterious mechanism was triggered...


"Yang Chen! How dare you catch up?"

Gui Hai couldn't believe his eyes, and then he laughed happily: "Yang Chen, do you know that you are looking for your own way now?"

"Beware! This Yang Chen is not a fuel-efficient lamp. We have to be careful of any traps he has!" Shanglue was not confused by Yang Chen's performance, and said cautiously.

"There was no one walking behind him. He came alone." Feng Tuo was silent for a moment, and finally said: "In my mind, at least ten kilometers, I can't find any other monk's breath."

"That doesn't rule out that his helper is ten kilometers away!" The business strategy still had some concerns.

Gui Hai caresses the beard on his chin: "Relax, this person is now cultivated, even if he has a helper, this ten-kilometer distance will be far from the horizon! We will not even connect his helper to cross the ten-kilometer distance. Doesn't he have the ability to clean up in time?"

During the speech, Yang Chen had arrived in front of him, with a grin on his face and a terrible smile on his face: "The three, don't you mean that I rely on the power of the formation to win?" You can also defeat you with the power of the formation!"

"Infatuated delusion!" Gui Hai shouted, and another Fengshui device made of Linghai rosewood was broken in his sleeve. The black and white mysterious light on him shone again, and the appearance of the Qiankun and Bagua array in Vientiane. Reappeared on him, Feng Tuo and Shanglue.

The business strategy is also slightly tinged with joy on his face, but he does not dare to be too happy, and still has a sense of caution, but he does not stay in his hand, the string of beads has flew out, the colorful streamer, as if the starry sky is coming to the earth, Whistled and flew to Yang Chen.

Great compassion and great compassion Ganges Xingsha Fu!

Feng Tuo saw the two shot. But he stopped and did not keep up.

He still has his pride, even if Yang Chen left the protection of the formation, he would not besiege with others.

This is the pride of Jianxiu!

But Yang Chen laughed: "The three, if you don't join forces to join together, but there is no chance! Feng Zhenjun, you also shot!"

Feng Tuo snorted coldly without speaking.

The business strategy and the return of the sea changed, but in the end there was no persuasion. Only because they knew Feng Tuo's temperament, Ruo persuaded at this time. It is inevitable that there will be conflicts, of course they will not be so stupid.

Perhaps, even without the power of Feng Daoyou. We can also defeat and even kill this Yang Chen!

Guihai increased the blessing of the Vientiane Qiankun Bagua array, and even shot the black and white mysterious light towards Yang Chen. Confident two-pronged approach will definitely make Yang Chen lose.

This time, unlike the Tianxian Formation of Yuanci Xuanchen Cave, the entire heaven and earth are discolored by the attacks of the two ancestors!

Within a few hundred meters, there are black and white mysterious lights that are almost endless and seem to be filled with infinite mystery. And that it seems that the stars in the sky hit the ganges in the sand.

All the auras within a few hundred meters of the radius were stirred into a mess. A mess!

Even, it is the psionic ocean. There are vague signs of being disturbed!

The so-called Linghai Ocean is actually a kind of majestic, seemingly endless, and ubiquitous spiritual ocean or energy particle ocean. There is a psionic ocean everywhere in the entire universe. However, this aura is actually just the dissipative psionic energy "above" the psionic ocean, but it is just a spray of the psionic ocean. Aura density and activity are different in different parts of the universe.

In short, the psionic ocean is inert and endless. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible to stir the psionic ocean, and it is even difficult to detect.

The so-called explosion of geomagnetic core energy is actually just agitating the psionic ocean, so that the density of the escaped psionic energy above the psionic ocean becomes larger and the activity becomes stronger.

If the aura of the earth was like a normal wave before, then after the explosion of the core energy of the geomagnetism, it would be like aroused the huge wind and waves of the psionic ocean. In the later generations, certain spells and implements that destroy the earth and destroy the earth are equivalent to triggering a tsunami of the psionic ocean.

In short, the psionic ocean is mysterious, and even later generations don't know much about it. Many scientists have made many speculations, such as thinking that the ocean of psionic energy is vacuum quantum fluctuation or vacuum zero point energy, or another expression of vacuum energy. There are also people who think that the psionic ocean is the so-called dark energy. There are also thoughts of ether and so on.

There is a tendency to disturb the psionic ocean, and its power is so strong that it can be seen. It really is not as weak as the limited effect of the Tianxian array of Yuanci Xuanchen Cave.

But what about Yang Chen?

Above him, the big rising sun mirror can handle all this!


When Yang Chen and others started fighting, along with the detection scan of the high-altitude reconnaissance satellite, a line of information was sent to an unknown server in the base through a fairly secret channel.

Almost only half a minute later, the 24 hours strategic duty in front of the server, the duty officer who was drinking cola and eating potato chips immediately saw all this, and immediately downloaded it from this network that was physically isolated from the external network The relevant data is printed out, and is automatically encapsulated in a sealed file bag, marked with a special mark.

Then, one of the guards put down the cola and potato chips in his hand, tightened the holster above the butt, took out a pair of plastic film gloves from a special toolbox, and then picked up the file bag and stood up The duty room went on the other side.

This side is not the exit of the duty room, but there is a small metal window, but now the window is blocked by a metal baffle.

The duty officer came to the window and pressed his hand in front of a touchpad in front of the window. A red light scanned slowly on the touchpad. After scanning the watchman's palm prints, the sound of the motor rotating came in front of the window. A camera flashed red light and twisted over here.

The duty officer looked up, and an accessory of the camera shot a faint red light, hitting the pupil of his right eye.

"Palmprint verification...Verification passed...Pupillary iris verification...Verification passed...Security information channel license authorization...Complete." An electronic voice sounded softly.

Then the metal shutter of the window opened.

The duty officer threw the document bag to the other side through the window.

Then the metal baffle was put down again, and the duty guard no longer knew where the document bag was going.

On the other side of the window, there is another room. After the document bag was dropped in, it was sensed by a sensor, and an electric bell sounded, which was transmitted to an unknown place. It didn't take long before a person ran into the door breathlessly, could not wait to pick up the document bag, and ran out without looking.

A low-pitched electronic sound came from the room: "The secret document was the notification...the notification was completed...the recipient entered...the recipient left...the departure time did not exceed the standard, and the mouth-out process was canceled..."

The man finally reached another door and threw the document bag in his hand through the narrow window on the door and threw it in.

Behind this window, there is a curved taxiway. After the document was thrown in, it glided through this channel to some distance. This passage is winding and winding, and whenever there is a bend, there is a conveyor belt to prevent the document from sliding to the bend and being blocked.

Then, the document slipped out of a small mouth, and arrived in a closed room, and fell into a strangely dressed, deep eye socket, but with a little yellow skin, not completely white, and should be of mixed blood of Indian descent. In hand.

The person carefully checked the seal of the document, and finally determined that no one had ever opened it. Then he opened the document bag, pulled out the document and read it carefully, then closed his eyes.

Thousands of miles away, at another secret base, another half-breed with Indian descent opened his eyes.

Opposite him, Alfonso stood impressively.

"How is it?" Alfonso asked.

The half-breed replied: "I have obtained the latest information from Jonson through telepathy. Yes, our satellite captured the picture of that person. But..."

"But what?"

"However, we must admit that the strength of the goal is far beyond our imagination..."

"How much?"

"All of our current plans have to be redone! At least, we should talk about the estimation of the target strength, and increase it by at least two times!"


Alfonso was shocked: "Are you sure there is nothing wrong?"

"Of course there is nothing wrong!" said the half-breed confidently:

"In order to obtain information ~ ~ we deliberately only allow fixed super-computing satellites with fixed geographic locations to obtain the information captured by satellites. The base network where Super Brain is located is completely isolated from the external network. And, In the process of information transmission, the two sides did not meet each other. When it was finally passed, we used the special means of the American priest from the Indian priest to ensure that the network means proficient in that person could not be intercepted. If this There is something wrong, then we cannot get more accurate information."

Alfonso sighed: "We have to use this method just to obtain district intelligence. That person is indeed terrible! To be honest, I am increasingly doubtful whether that plan should be executed..."

"But we have no way. Alfonso, we have no other choice. Use all your abilities and destroy him completely! This is our last chance! The prophet of the American Parliament told us that after this time, we will not have Any chance to start against him again!"

"Alas... I had to do so. I hope we can succeed..."

"Hope..." (To be continued.)

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