The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 428: Calculator success

What is produced after incineration is a kind of shiny and shiny thing like grease, which just slowly penetrates into the space.

Then Yang Chen felt that the overall operation of the space of the palace was smoother at once-not only the smoothness caused by the elimination of impurities, but the product that was finally burned, also happened to be something with space lubrication function. To make the space of the Ling Palace more smooth and coordinated.

"Can this be the so-called "domestic oil"?"

Yang Chen remembered a research document from later generations.

The so-called dome crystal oil is something of a spatial nature, I don’t know how to produce it, but this kind of thing has a considerable advantage for the space of Ling Gong space, Dantian space, etc., but it is half illusory and half entity, not only It only makes the space more harmonious and smooth, and more importantly, it can "condense" the space and really have the characteristics of space, not just semi-unreal and semi-entities, except for refining objects, unreal spaces that other entities can't accommodate at all. .

This benefit is great.

One day, this "dome crystal oil" is used more, and it can even transform its own Lingong space and Dantian space into a storage space, and it is a kind of storage space that can continue to expand in size. As long as the cultivation space is upgraded, the Lingong space and Dantian space will expand automatically, and this storage space will also expand.

Be aware that storage space technology, even in the Trojan Federation, is also quite advanced. And they only have fixed-size storage space technology, and similar expandable storage space technology is really not.

As for the earth, space technology is only a legend, and even future generations only know some fur. It is said that research in this area is barely fruitful, but it needs to consume energy equivalent to hundreds of millions of kilowatt-hours of energy. One kilogram of material can be stored.

This result cannot be used practically at all.

The only exception is to find this "dome crystal oil", which can transform people's Dantian space and Linggong space into storage spaces. Even in later generations. There are only two people on the planet who can do it. And still father and son, obviously they found some dome crystal oil. Father and son shared. Even if the research institute wants to get some samples for research, only the needle-size dome crystal oil is obtained.

Of course, Yang Chen was very interested in this in his later generations, but even in his capacity as the elder of the China Taoist League, he could not find a second dome crystal oil.

"It turns out that burning this space nodule with the real fire of the sun can produce dome crystal oil?"

Yang Chen suddenly understood.

This is a big discovery.

However, the afterlife is not that Yang Chen now holds the big sun-lighting goggles, which can produce the real fire of the sun. No one dares to be so bold to use their own Dantian space and Linggong space to burn the real fire of the sun-that can burn you to ashes at any time-it is naturally very difficult to find the way to produce dome oil normal.

"It seems that in the future when conditions are suitable to ensure safety, I can burn my Dantian space with the real fire of the sun, not to mention anything else, just this dome oil is worth the fare."

Yang Chen secretly calculated: "Right, doesn't Xiaoguang also have a natural storage space? I asked her and Xiao Su to study the space, and I don't know what the result is?"

Xiao Su quickly received Yang Chen's message and replied: "Father, the progress of the research on storage space is very slow, and there is almost no progress. We now master the storage space. It is still too difficult. However, Xiaoguang she I have preliminarily grasped a particle equation that may have spatial properties, but how is it specific. Because of our limitations, we cannot conduct experiments, we can only wait for your experiment."

"Okay, when my refining machine is completed, you pass this particle equation to me, and wait until I have time to experiment."

"Okay, father."

Between the speeches, the flame in the space of the Ling Palace became fiercer.

At first it was just burning those space knobs. But slowly, it started to burn up the Ling Palace space!

But Yang Chen was keenly aware of the change in space: with the burning of the flame. The attributes of the semi-illusory and semi-entity of the Ling Palace space are slowly transforming towards the entity.

I don't know if this is because the sun is really burning. Still because of the dome crystal oil.

This is a good thing.

The bad thing is that the flames caused by the real fire of the sun also made the space of the Ling Palace begin to burn down. This is not a trivial matter. If the space of the palace is reduced to a certain extent, there is a danger of collapse!

This is not a big deal. The key is the semi-finished infrastructure of this fortune teller. Under the burning of the sun, there are already signs of melting!

"Not good! The situation must be controlled immediately, otherwise the basic structure of my fortune-teller will be built in vain!"

Yang Chen hastily dispatched his full power to master the big sun-light mirror, and with the help of the big sun-light mirror's control of the sun's real fire, he gathered the sun's real fire a little bit.

The flames in the space of this palace are completely triggered by a ray of sun that is not thicker than spider silk.

And the body of the sun's true fire is actually still suspended in the space above the spiritual palace space, there is no actual touch, otherwise, the entire spiritual palace space will be burned directly, there is no previous That kind of benefits.

If it weren't for the big sunshine mirror to control the sun's true fire strong enough, the violent sun's true fire would never be so obedient.

Yang Chen's thoughts moved, like a long dragon, the sun's true fire suspended above the space of the spiritual palace, flying out a trace of the sun's true fire wire that was only one-thousandth of the thickness of the body, and there was a problem with the fortune-teller's infrastructure Touch the parts.

The part almost melted immediately and fell from the foundation.

Fortunately, because the contact time is extremely short, only this part is affected, and the parts next to it are intact.

Even for this part, it is only because a part of the center has melted, and the deformation has fallen off, rather than being directly melted, otherwise the surrounding parts cannot be unaffected.

This kind of control is barely up to standard.

However, Yang Chen was not satisfied. He felt that the most appropriate control force should be that the part was heated and caused a little deformation, and it fell off directly. Not like this, the center has been melted.

But this is already his limit.

This true sun fire, which is thinner than spider silk, is already the weakest true sun fire he can control from the large sun mirror. It's actually too strong.

The most ideal state should be so thin that it hardly affects the surrounding space, and will only partially deform the parts, rather than almost melt the parts.

After the magic weapon changes from the original form to the refined state, it cannot change the original form. Originally, under normal circumstances, the shape of the refining state can be changed in various ways, but once it is not subject to external forces, the shape of the refining state magic weapon will still return to the original state.

But now this part is different. It has been destroyed by the power of the sun's true fire, and it cannot be restored to its original state at all. Yang Chen can only choose to refining one.

He directly expelled this refining state part from the space of the spiritual palace, and threw it to the big sunshine sun mirror. The sun was really burning, and it disappeared without a trace.

Then he re-refined some parts with extra materials. Each type of spare parts has been refined some more backup.

In the design of this fortune-teller, although there are thousands of parts, but the specifications are only less than one hundred, so Yang Chen does not need to refinish all the thousands of parts at all, but each part is more refined. Several backups.

This is enough to replace. After all, it is not too much for the situation that the form is incorrectly cured and the parts must be replaced by the sun to burn the parts.

Next, it is natural to contaminate these parts with sperm blood, and then use the "refinery state transformation" particle equation to transform it into the refining state, and then be involved in the space of the spiritual palace, and rebuild the basic structure of the fortune teller.

The rest is just hard work, and there are not many thrilling ingredients.

"Part 1022 part calculation error, construction method must be changed..."

"The design of the space coordinates (-775.254.631) is wrong. Originally it will form a fire attribute psionic structure, but now it will become a water attribute psionic structure. It will conflict with the whole calculator and must be corrected..."


Slowly, as time passed, the basic structure of the fortune-teller in the space of Yang Chen Ling Palace was gradually improved and slowly built.

Finally, five hours later, when Yang Chen successfully built the last part needed for the fortune-teller infrastructure, he saw a soft, moonlight-like silvery white on the fortune-teller infrastructure framework. Light, and then all the parts start to resonate, and also emit different colors of light with different strengths.

In the end, the light of the parts that were originally clear and separate from each other merged into a whole.

Yang Chen only felt the brain for a while, and then a cool stream of water came out from the space of the Ling Palace, surrounding the brain for a week.

His original pain was like the mind of countless big saws in it. Suddenly clear for a while, the pain was relieved a lot in the blink of an eye, and I just felt extremely comfortable.

"The fortune teller feeds back the brain and promotes the evolution of the brain. Obviously, my fortune teller has been successfully refined."

However, after the success, it is not that nothing has been done. What is now completed is the hardware of the fortune teller. Yang Chen will also instill various algorithms and formulas as the software of the fortune teller.

This also requires constant testing and experimentation. However, all experiments are built on the fortune teller. Even if it finally crashes, you need to restart the fortune teller to restore the original state, and there will be no danger like that before.

"Alright, let me start this astronomical fortune teller, and see how effective this new architecture is."

Thinking of Yang Chen, he started the fortune teller.

I only saw a soft blue light emitted from the fortune teller, and then a cold mechanical sound sounded in my mind: "The original version of the fortune-teller version of the fortune-teller has been activated and dedicated to serving the master." ( To be continued.)

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