The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 447: As long as you go to space, this is not a problem!

"Oh, this..."

At first glance, He Bin said with a smile on his face: "This is of course the lab prepared for Fu Yao Dan Wang and his old man!"

"What? He still has a laboratory here? Isn't the alchemy room in front of him also prepared for him?"

Crazy Taoist is unhappy.

Before, he saw that the alchemy room is just opposite the refining room. They all occupy a huge area and have complete internal facilities. It is needless to say that all kinds of unprecedented magic weapons and magic arrays have not been thought of. Saying that alchemy furnace is as big as a small house.

Moreover, although he is only good at spirit planting, he is no stranger to alchemy because of the close relationship between alchemy and spirit planting. Not to mention multi-professionals, at least I still know the goods. I can see at a glance that the alchemy furnace is of very high quality.

This thing, of course, was used by the Fu medicine Dan Gerenchuan.

He is a long-time admirer of this magical medicine pill king, and he also recognizes his ability in alchemy. He specifically provides him with an alchemy room, and the epidemiologist has absolutely no opinion.


Yang Chen, how much does your kid value Ge Incheon?

Needless to say, Ge Incheon was provided with such a large, well-equipped and high-end alchemy room. This research area actually gave him a laboratory, and his name was "Fuyao Danwang Laboratory". . This is ok, the problem is that this laboratory is almost the size of the alchemy room, okay?

No matter how big or small it is, when the Daoist enters the laboratory, he will almost be furious: Yang Chen, your child's differential treatment is too obvious? The completeness of the equipment inside is simply coveted! Many people who don’t recognize it, and those who don’t know He Bin, don’t talk about it. Those few people who know Epilogue or He Bin know that they are quite high specifications.

This Ge Inchuan is also a person. Is it necessary to build two for him? Is there any research to be done, and it can't be done directly in the alchemy room?

more importantly. He is very good at the medicine pill king, he is unique in the field of alchemy, but in the field of spiritual planting. I am also a leader in epilepsy, even saying unkind words. The entire Chinese metaphysical world, if I were the second child, no one would dare to be the boss, okay?

This is simply...I don't take my lunatics in my eyes!

It is unbearable! No, I must find Yang Chen to talk about it!

Crazy Daoist was not that hot-tempered, but this treatment gap was really unbearable. He rushed out of the study area and asked Yang Chen to settle the bill.

but. After he found Yang Chen and scolded his head and scolded him, Yang Chen's inattentive look made him more angry: "What's the matter? Yang Chen, you have to give me an explanation! Why is the treatment so bad? Thanks to the old... "

"What's the matter with you? It seems that you have been benefiting me, I haven't benefited you? I used to ask you to help me to recruit people you messed up, I haven't taken care of you? Jinyang? I told you about the large-scale cultivation method of Lingcao, and the cost of your research is also from me. Do you have any achievements? What else do you have to say?"

Speaking of the achievements, the epidemiologist stuttered a little: "This... the matter of soliciting people is an accident! Yes, it is an accident! As for the cultivation of the spirit. It has been a long time, how can it be possible in less than a year? Results?"

"Yeah, I didn't want you to produce results right away. No matter how much you report. I didn't pay you the money as soon as possible? The money is trivial. Needless to say, the resources required for research, regardless Is it a secular hardware ore, or a variety of materials needed by the metaphysical world, you said I would give it right away? Never discounted, right?"

Yang Chen's series of words made the epilepsy speechless, and he argued a few days later: "Then you can't treat them so differently! Is it that my status in the Lingzhi field is worse than that of the drug medicine king?"

Yang Chen said with a bad smile: "Lao Dao, your status in the Lingzhi field is of course comparable to that of King Fuyao. But now you have cooperated with me, Laoyao Wang has not agreed. This is not a good plant. Tree. How do you attract the Golden Phoenix? This person is not all a wife as good as a concubine, a concubine is better than a steal, it is better to steal than a steal."

Yang Chen's ridiculous shivering sentiment enthusiasm: "You mean, the old way is stolen. Can't Fuyao Dan steal it?"

Yang Chen nodded triumphantly: "That's right! Unfortunately no award."

"Good! Can it be stolen? Really, you won't be able to steal today!" After talking, the Daoist turned away.

Yang Chen didn't keep it, but just said: "If you run a monk, you can't run a temple. You can run the old road, where can your Jinyang spirit grass run? That's what you cultivated for many years, and you are willing to do it."

"I..." The insane words of the Daoist Dao, only half a day later, said indignantly: "I don't want to be a big deal! Anyway, you have told the old-fashioned tricks to the old-fashioned, and the old-fashioned is another place to come again!"

"You don't want Jinyang Lingcao? Okay, even if you can come back to another place, seeds? Where do you go to find seeds?"


The insane Daoist had nothing to say, and Yang Chen smiled and stepped forward: "Okay, you don’t have to be troubled, you have to take care of the overall situation..."

A stick will give a sweet date. Yang Chen will still do it.

Hao Yan said for a long time, the seductive Daoist who was caught by Yang Chen was finally calmed down by Yang Chen, and no longer quarreled with the gang.

Of course, Yang Chen also promised him that when the first phase of Lingwu Mountain Villa was completed, he would first construct the Jinyang Lingcao laboratory of the epic, and ensure that the laboratory area of ​​at least 5,000 square meters (including planting) Garden), as well as the equipment of the alchemy room and laboratory of the Fuyao Dan Wang Gerenchuan alchemy.

In addition, Yang Chen also confessed to the Daoist Daoist that the Lingwu Mountain Villa is now under construction. Others are okay, and the materials of the critical arrays and facilities cannot keep up.

In fact, many materials can choose between artificial materials and natural materials.

Natural materials are naturally the so-called treasures of heaven and earth in the metaphysical world. Under the current decline of the metaphysical world, these are all things that can't be met, but they are not so large in production. Can only put hope on artificial materials.

Although the artificial material has an energy particle collider and Yang Chen's production technology from later generations, manufacturing is not a problem, but because the current technical level is not enough, the manufacturing cost is still very large.

For example, "Spirit Steel", which is very important and indispensable to many magic weapons, is a psionic steel that can pass through any psionic energy with low loss and high speed. It is divided into eighteen labels in later generations. Yang Chen can only manufacture the lowest grade Lingsteel at present. This material has been eliminated in later generations. Even the worst steel plant can produce more than 200,000 tons per year.

But now, because of inadequate technical level, the product qualification rate is extremely low, even if Yang Chen adopts the technology and equipment of later generations, it is still far from sufficient, and now the daily output is only 3,000 kg. One year is one million kilograms, only one thousand tons.

However, if it is only the public practice site, if it is strictly in accordance with the design specifications, it will be able to swallow all the output in one year.

In the end, Yang Chen had to adopt a modular, detachable design. The essential parts were made of Lingsteel, and other parts were temporarily replaced with ordinary special steel. This is true in other places.

So don't look at Lingwu Mountain Villa, which makes people wonder. It's amazing. For future generations, this is basically a tofu project.

In many dispensable places, Yang Chen directly saved.

For example, the Jinyang Lingcao laboratory of epilepsy.

But he promised that, with sufficient materials, Jinyang Lingcao laboratory, including other laboratories, would be built immediately. He also declared that the Lingnian Biological Research Center will independently set up a "spiritual planting laboratory" and tens of thousands of hectares of land outside the Lingwu Mountain Villa, which will be handed over to the epiphany for spiritual planting.

After listening to Yang Chen's words, the epilepsy Taoist finally got a step down, and he doubted: "You said that the supply of materials will be built immediately after you keep up, so when will the materials keep up? How fast can you make your various Breakthrough in material production and increase production speed."

"Well..." Yang Chen's eyes rolled: "This depends on you working hard now!"

"Me? How can I try?"

"Am I not engaged in aerospace engineering? My minimum goal for this project is to at least hit the level of asteroid belt mining. Just build our mining spaceship and go to the asteroid belt, you can get a few Thousands of tons of cherished ore, what is a laboratory like?

"Is it reliable? You can get a lot of precious ore by going to the asteroid belt?"

Yang Chen quickly packaged the ticket for him: "Of course it is reliable! You should know that in our metaphysical world, all meteorites flying from outside the sky are true treasures of heaven and earth?"

The insane Tao nodded: "That's right."

"Well!" Yang Chen took a thigh shot: "Where did the meteorite come from? Meteors fell to the are much larger than meteors. Meteors can provide a few tons of meteorites from outside the sky. Flying into the earth, the friction of the atmosphere alone can cause a lot of loss, and the real thing that falls on the earth is just a few hundred pounds, and even the useful part may only be calculated in grams, right?"

"Of course, otherwise how can it be called a treasure of heaven and earth?"

"Yes! But this thing is not valuable in the asteroid belt, it is calculated by an asteroid and an asteroid, and any one has a diameter of hundreds of meters and thousands of kilometers, and the weight is hundreds of thousands of tons. Millions of tons! If you talk about all of them being mined, how many good things must be mined?"

The epileptic Taoist also drooled a little: "Really... wait, it's not necessarily Tiancaidibao that fell out of the sky! Maybe it's only after the friction of the atmosphere..."

"That's easy! Break the asteroid directly from the asteroid belt to the earth, calculate the angle and speed, let it be captured by the earth, turn it into a meteorite and hit the earth, and it is still the landing point we want. It won’t be cheaper for foreigners to foreign countries. It’s time to go directly to mining sites! As long as the aerospace industry is developed and goes to space, it won’t matter!” (To be continued.)

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