The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 453: Optimal solution of Kailin formula

()ps. With today's update, by the way, you can vote for the "Starting Point" 515 Fan Festival. Everyone has 8 tickets. The vote also gives starting point coins. Please pray for your support and appreciation!

Seeing the rejection of the Taoist Daoist, Yang Chenzheng said: "Daoyou, the calculation of this spiritual formula is not easy. If the calculation cannot keep up, the accuracy is not enough, and the efficiency of the practice will not be too high. Daoyou should not be polite."

The Taoist Taoist smiled and said: "The poor Dao has come to such a situation, and has received such kindness from real people. What kind of politeness is this? It is really a matter of spiritual practice. Whoever wants to be good at things, but still himself, can rely on himself Yes, you still have to rely on yourself as much as possible. After all, this computing power is supported by real people, and the poor still want to come by themselves."

"This..." Yang Chen shook his head: "It is good for Daoyou to have this spirit, but can Daoyou's computing power keep up?"

The Taoist person smiled and said, "If you completely recalculate, the computing power of the poor Dao really can't keep up. But before, the poor Dao has made many preparations and assumptions for this situation, and has already prepared multiple opening spirits. Formula calculation results, now only need to adjust the individual parameters, you can get the results."

"But isn't that still to be recalculated?" Yang Chen didn't understand.

Daohua Taoist shook his head: "Of course not. Real people have enough computing power, so they may not care too much. In fact, the poor Dao, Zhou Zhou, and Bao Yihua have studied the Kailin formula before and found that the Kailin formula is complex, but it is also Regular. If most of the parameters are unchanged and only a few parameters change, then the previous calculation results only need to be slightly changed, and new results can be quickly obtained, which is many times easier than completely recalculating."

"Can you actually optimize the algorithm?"

Genhua Taoist nodded: "This is the merits of Brother Zhou and Bao Yihua.

Yang Chen was very pleased with his heart, and his heart became more worthy of Taoism. The abilities of the Daoists were indeed worthy. This ability is really not simple. Even if the previous cultivation was blocked by the Shenxiao School, it still can make a difference. The sentence is that gold will shine everywhere.

Technically speaking, this kind of optimization is not difficult. The key depends on whether you have enough confidence and can think of it. Yang Chen, for example, didn't expect it because he had enough computing power and no such demand. However, although this optimization technique is not difficult, for those with insufficient computing power, it can greatly increase efficiency.

Even if it is a bit exaggerated, this optimization may become a powerful pusher for further promotion of the Kailin formula!

"Now the Kai Ling formula has reached a bottleneck period of development. After all, Xiao Su Xiaoguang's computing power is limited. Now it takes at least half an hour to wait in line to calculate. It is already unable to meet the needs of more and more monks. This is Restricted more monks to practice spiritual formulas. If this optimization technique can be promoted, then monks only need to borrow Xiao Su Xiaoguang's computing power for the first time, and later rely on the computing power of home computers or even mobile phones. In the end, the number of cultivators of Kailin formula is afraid that there will be another blowout!"

Thinking of this, Yang Chen busy said: "Daoyou, how about this algorithm, let me tell you first."

The Taoist Taoist didn't have anything to hide about Yang Chen, so he spoke out the algorithm. Yang Chen heard his eyes shining brightly and kept mumbling: "It's not bad... Sure enough, the design is exquisite... Well done... …"

After the Daohua Taoist finished speaking, Yang Chen said for a moment: "Daoyou, the optimization algorithm you proposed has a great effect. I can provide you with 30,000 points of contribution!"

"What?" The Daohua Taoist was surprised for a while. Even if he was a lunatic Daoist, don't look at him just now, he already had a profound experience of how important he is to contribute. It was also shocking to hear Yang Chen say this.

"Don't use it! This algorithm is not difficult. Real people give such a high contribution point, it is really over..." The Daoist froze, and immediately waved his hand to quit.

"Otherwise, this algorithm has made a huge contribution to my Lingwu Villa, and it deserves such a high contribution point." Yang Chen shook his head, and after seeing the Taoist Taoist, he would say it again, extend his hand to interrupt him, and then said:

"This algorithm is really not difficult, it depends on whether you have thought of it. But why so many people have not thought of it, but you have thought of it? This is where your creativity lies. Nothing else, just to encourage this kind of creativity To buy horse bones for a thousand dollars, these 30,000 contribution points must also be given! Don’t forget, the new cultivation system represented by the Kailin formula is not only a cultivation system, but also a research system. Even the research system is the essence, and it is a creative force The encouragement is even more important! You don’t want to quit."

"Well... Okay, but the role of the poor Dao is not so great, just give some meaning to the point, and give everything to Brother Zhou and Bao Yihua." Genghua Dao reluctantly accepted it.

Yang Chen shook his head and said with a smile: "That's not the case. Naturally, how to allocate the contribution degree is naturally determined according to your contribution, to ensure fairness, openness and fairness, but you can't speak for yourself to avoid the occurrence of academic phenomena. Having said that, you can’t push it for you, and you can’t grab it if you shouldn’t.”

"Okay..." The Daoist reluctantly said, but his eyes were radiant with joy. Obviously, he was not really indifferent to the contribution point, but had his own principles and would not take what he should not get.

This point makes Yang Chen more important. There are many talented people, but few people who have both ethics and talent. Of course, the way of employing people does not exclude the use of talented people without virtue, but of course people with both virtue and talent are better. Yang Chen still understands this way of employing people.

The next thing, of course, is to change the Taoist people and start practicing the spiritual formula.

Changing the Taoist abolition of the foundation is only the first step in the fight against the imprisonment of the Shenxiao School of Cultivation. Whether it is possible to revise other mental methods is the more critical step.

The success or failure of their attempts today depends on the progress of the Taoist cultivating spiritual formula.

Therefore, Yang Chen also has a gleam of eyes and pays close attention to the actions of the Taoist Taoist. Even if there are any changes, he would not let go.

But overall, it was relatively smooth. Soon after the Taoist Daoist practiced the formula for opening spirits, Yang Chen keenly felt that a large amount of aura was absorbed into the body by the Taoist Daoist with the control of the large array, and then he saw that the breath of the Taoist Daoist quickly increased from the previous Without cultivation, in a blink of an eye, it will be upgraded to the first, second, and third order, until the third order.

However, this is not necessarily the result of the success of the spiritual formula cultivation, it may also be the process of the Shenxiao School's cultivation method to absorb the aura and automatically restore the ban. Yang Chen did not dare to take it lightly.

Knowing that Genhua Taoist opened his eyes, Yang Chen asked, "Dao friends, how is it going?"

A more relaxed smile appeared on the face of the Taoist Daoist: "Everything went well! Poor Dao has successfully cultivated the Spiritual Formula and has been promoted to the third order."

Yang Chen secretly said that it was really the seed of the main school, this qualification is really extraordinary. Even if the foundation is revoked, the first cultivation can reach the third level. Although I have had previous experience and did not have much practice as a bottleneck, after all, the practice is different, and the previous experience may not be of much use. The main reason is to improve the extraordinary qualities of Taoists.

"Don't be careless, just run the mental method and carefully feel whether there are any hands and feet left behind by the Shenxiao Sect cultivation method that have not been removed."

Although happy, Yang Chen did not dare to relax his vigilance and quickly reminded.

The Taoist nodded his head, closed his eyes, worked his mind, and even pinched his hand. The spirit palace moved, condensed out the particle equation with mental power, and released several small spells, all based on the basic particle equation. .

There are a total of 72 basic particle equations, including the spatial topology of the following first-order, second-order, and third-order particle equations, which have been written by Yang Chen and placed in the library of Lingwu Mountain Villa, which is currently only open In addition to the basic particle equations, the others are open to a limited extent.

Obviously, Dao Ren has already remembered the particle equations that he can reach well, and he even optimized them according to his understanding of the energy particle theory.

The few spells he started were only basic spells based on the basic particle equation. The following spells were recognized by Yang Chen for the first few spells, but Yang Chen had never seen it since. But of course these spells cannot escape Yang Chen's mental analysis, and at a glance Yang Chen sees through the changes based on the basic particle equation and higher-order particle equations.

"It really is the aptitude and understanding of genius!" Yang Chen became more and more delighted.

This is equivalent to creating a spell.

Although Yang Chen's strength is not weak, it may be because he has mastered the technology of later generations. On the one hand, of course, it is of a very high level. On the other hand, his thinking is also somewhat constrained by the technology of later generations. On the contrary, his creativity is insufficient. . He really hasn't created a spell yet.

Right now, in addition to Bai Yu, a young genius who created a particle matrix, that is, the formation of seven stars, the monk who received the spiritual martial arts practice system, only the person who made the magic is more Taoist!

These spells are not necessarily better than those of later generations. The key is that the talent and savvy embodied in it, and the creativity embodied, surprise Yang Chen.

As for the Daoist, his eyes have been widened for a long time, it is unbelievable.

This particle equation is not only for monks who have accepted the Lingwu cultivation Before Yang Chen once preached the particle equation when he was preaching in Wufeng Mountain, there will be a few epileptics. But he couldn't do it himself. Because that thing seemed too complicated and a headache for him...

"Okay, I have checked, basically no problems, this time, we really succeeded!"

Soon, the Huanhua Taoist stopped and said with a happy face. In addition to joy, he also felt relieved. One can imagine how uncomfortable he was that was tossed by the Shenxiao School.

"Look closely, don't miss anything..."

Yang Chen still couldn't believe it. I couldn't be too careful about this kind of thing.

"No problem, really no problem!" Genghua Dao people did not dare to carelessly, closed their eyes and felt it again, and finally opened their eyes and said.

"Good!" Yang Chen relaxed. "We finally solved the problem of the Shenxiao School!"

[It is about 515 soon, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain will give back to readers and publicity works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】

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