The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 455: Cooperation negotiation completed

"It's not just me. Please search() to see the most complete! The fastest update" only listens to Mu Qingsi's answer: "In addition to me, there are a group of other hands, which are also listed as experimental hands this time. Oh, I think you know them too, basically the medical staff of those military hospitals in Lingwu Village now."


Yang Chen knew.

After seeing Yang Chen's treatment of the two old experts, the country really opened his mouth.

This is good, that Gao Zhou does not need to be envious of people who are very envious of the spiritual formula, but can't practice because of discipline. Although it sounds a bit like experimenting with white mice, Yang Chen knows that Gao Zhou has seen it for a long time and understands that it is safer to practice this spiritual formula.

"You said you are coming? The military representative's mission is gone? Well, when will you come, I will send someone to pick you up. Well, that's it..."

Hanging up the phone, Yang Chen began to prepare, waiting for Mu Qingsi to arrive, as well as preparing things for her and Gao Zhou and others. The most important thing is that the preliminary work has already been done, and the major aerospace project should officially start.

Needless to say, the arrival of Mu Qingsi and the cultivation of Gao Zhou and others. They were all soldiers or soldiers, and they acted resolutely. After Mu Qingsi arrived at Lingwu Mountain Villa that day, Yang Chen arranged for her and Gao Zhou and others to start practicing spiritual formulas, and provide computing power support, as well as aids in opening.

These have not encountered any problems. With Yang Chen's help, they are quicker in inducing spiritual energy. Although this induction psychic depends on personal talents, but with the help of Yang Chen who has mastered the kaiqiao particle equation and the large array, the most dull one, starting at more than two o'clock, also completed the kaiyu induction at almost nine o'clock in the evening. Spiritual process.

Then Yang Chen took them to practice by themselves.

This time, Yang Chen did not intend to wait for them to practice to the bottleneck, but prepared to start the project formally the next day.

When it was almost ten o'clock, Chen Ang, who had indulged in cultivation and had reached the third level, came to him.

"Chen Ang, do you have anything?" Yang Chen couldn't help but wonder.

During this time, Chen Ang can only be said to focus on cultivation, set aside all mundane things, and ignore other things, just concentrate on cultivation, even if he has a huge new energy under his hands, it will be left behind.

This is the first time he has come to Yang Chen for the first time.

"Is there something wrong with the cultivation?" Yang Chen asked Chen Ang's thoughts.

Chen Ang shook his head: "No, I just inform you that the preparatory work for our cooperation has been completed and the details have been negotiated. It is only waiting for the signature of our two CEOs."

"Oh yes."

Yang Chen remembered. During this time, he has too many things, and they are very important. I haven't really remembered for a while. He has also reached a strategic cooperation with Angyang New Energy. The two sides cross-shared each other and eventually formed a new interest group that can be controlled by himself. action.

For these negotiations, Yang Chen only transferred Zhang Xinjian of Tongtai Industry and a few others to do it. In addition, he also asked some professionals who are familiar with the relevant parties to negotiate from the parent Hengyang Pharmaceutical, and then started Dismissed the shopkeeper.

It is not that he does not pay attention to this, but that the most important technology in his hand is still using force. Without papers, he is not worried about problems. Naturally, all you need to do is to throw your hands and wait for things to be completed.

"It was completed so quickly? I thought it would have to wait for a while. Isn't it always cumbersome?"

Chen Ang laughed: "It's cumbersome because the temptation and division of interests between the two parties are too troublesome. We don't need any temptation. Everyone doesn't care about those small interests, how can it be unhappy?"

"That's true."

"My people have informed me, and it is estimated that you will report back soon. Do you think we are looking for a lucky day to hold the signing ceremony?"

As I was saying, the phone call from Zhang Xinjian also came over, and it turned out to be a matter of reporting comprehensive strategic cooperation.

Zhang Xinjian also meant to let Yang Chen choose a lucky day, hold a signing ceremony, and also promote the cooperation between the two sides.

Speaking of the signing ceremony, Yang Chen hesitated a little.

He certainly knows that this ceremony is only a form, but it is still very important in speaking. It's just that there are so many things around him now, so what is the leisure time to do the signing ceremony?

"There is no need for auspicious days, you just pick a time and let your people do it. For the publicity, you can let them do what they want."

Yang Chen sincerely said: "You also know that I am very busy here, these formal things, I really have no time to withdraw. Other than that, my first phase of Lingwu Mountain Villa is almost completed, but this completion and unveiling ceremony I There is no time for it, and I plan to save it."

Chen Ang frowned: "I'm just worried that this will make the following people misunderstand our sincerity in cooperation?"

So this is the necessity of many rituals. In addition to the effect of publicity, the key is to settle people's hearts.

Chen Ang actually agrees with Yang Chen's pragmatic approach, but it deviates from China's traditions and business rules.

"What are you afraid of?" Yang Chen came from a later generation, but he didn't have so many concerns. Because when future generations face survival, some optional rituals will never be carried out. Of course, it is undeniable that the importance of the major ceremony is to stabilize the hearts of the people and stabilize the people’s anti-Japanese war:

"Relax, as long as the following people know that you live in Lingwu Mountain Villa, is it not enough to prove to them that our relationship is good? There will naturally not be so many misunderstandings."

"That's the case. That's the case, just do it." Chen Ang nodded, preparing to leave, and suddenly remembered what he asked: "Oh, aren't you lacking talents in related companies such as mergers, acquisitions and reorganization? I can support you as evidence that allies are friendly to each other."

Yang Chen really lacks talents in this area. When the new year comes, Yang Chen intends to make a big difference in the business world. Now I'm in the middle of my arms: "That would be great. Then I will find a time for me to meet, and then things can be settled."

"Okay. I'm going to be busy for a few days. I'm afraid I will leave the villa temporarily for these two days." Chen Angyi refused.

After all, it is an important cooperation such as cross-shareholding and full alliance. The signing only represents the official recognition of both parties. When it comes to all aspects of cooperation, things are still confusing.

Angyang New Energy is not like Yang Chen. Although the equity is not owned by Yang Chen alone, it is entirely Yang Chen who can make a rule, and then let the following go to the meeting to discuss it. Just sign and agree.

On the side of Chen Ang, he must personally consult with those important shareholders, and may even have to transfer some benefits, etc. These can be done by hand, but it is not possible to make a decision, only his CEO.

Thinking of Chen Ang, some complained about the fact that this time it was too rushed, and such a big thing as the aerospace project actually happened to be missed. Although he also knows that although his level is still there, it is really not necessarily indispensable for such a large-scale aerospace project.

"It doesn't matter. In fact, you can invite your shareholders to live in Lingwu Villa for two days." Yang Chen said, squeezing his eyes at Chen Ang: "I believe that after seeing everything in Lingwu Villa, they won't be in some The irrelevant interests are entangled."

That is, of course, seeing the opportunity to become a monk with your own eyes, and the worldly interests will naturally not be taken care of anymore.

"That couldn't be better! Thank you, Yang Chen." Chen Ang naturally understands the key to this. In fact, he didn't have such an idea, but the owner of the villa is Yang Chen after all, he has an idea. Yang Chen disagrees. Also in vain. And he inconveniently asked: "I will call immediately!"

He was really anxious.

This matter of strategic cooperation with Tongtai Industry, although after seeing some clues of the huge benefits of Tongtai Industry, the shareholders of Angyang New Energy agreed in principle, but the shareholders still struggle with how to do this and how to divide this interest. Chen Ang is also a bit scorched. Otherwise, even if he is addicted to practice, he will not hide in the hands of Lingwu Villa regardless of outside things.

But this kind of thing can't be avoided, and ultimately we have to face it. I was having a headache, but when I saw Yang Chen making such a suggestion, I immediately felt relieved and said that I would immediately resolve this mess.

"Thank you? We are allies, we should all be. I think you have a headache during this time? Go ahead."

Chen Ang is different from other people who have surrendered to Yang Chen. He belongs to an ally. He still cannot treat Chen Ang the same way as others. It can be said that Chen Ang is a tentacle extended by Yang Chen to the world, as a preview and experiment of the practice of the whole people. Yang Chen also understands Chen Ang's troubles, and this is the only proposal.

Moreover, in the mind that Yang Chen hasn't said, those shareholders who Chen Ang invited to visit Lingwu Mountain Villa, that is, Yang Chen and Lingwu cultivation system have another tentacle in the world, which is used to influence the world~www. This is the act of laying the foundation for the future era of the nation's spiritual practice.

Chen Ang moved quickly, and soon after he came back again, telling Yang Chen that he had persuaded those important shareholders to come to Lingwu Mountain Village to spring-is it not early spring now? Spring is one of the best reasons.

His expression is very relaxed now, in addition to solving the big troubles in his entanglement, the key is that in this way, he does not need to leave the spiritual holy land of Lingwu Mountain Villa.

Subsequently, Yang Chen and Chen Ang discussed the cooperation between the two sides and exchanged some opinions and views. The overall atmosphere was quite good. In this way, until late at night, Chen Ang resigned.

After Chen Ang left, Yang Chen did not rest, but looked at the starry sky above his head, and his heart was fiery.

Tomorrow, tomorrow will formally embark on the journey of the sea of ​​stars. Although this is just the beginning, it still makes Yang Chen feel excited.

The future will be better. He has no doubt about it.


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