The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 466: The threat from 3 Ling

The matter of Xingguo Metallurgical is of course clear with these shareholders’ investigation of Tongtai Industry.

After learning about Xingguo Metallurgical, these shareholders immediately felt that the boss of Xingguo Metallurgical was really bold and actually dared to resist the Japanese.

You should know that in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, mainly in the southern coastal areas, the influence of the Japanese is still not small.

Especially when the relations between China and Japan were normalized and diplomatic relations were established, the Chinese government gave up war compensation for various reasons.

The compensation for the War of Resistance Against Japan was first waived by Chang Kaishen, who was the leader of the National Party. This was the first time that war compensation was given up. However, after the founding of New China, Chang Kaishen, as a stubborn gangster, of course did not count, and had to come again.

This is the second time that the prime minister at that time proposed to give up war compensation when China-Japan relations were normalized.

However, this is essentially different from the first time.

They all give up war reparations, so why are they essentially different?

Because for the first time, it was Chang Kaishen's way of hitting a swollen face to become fat. As an important war criminal who invaded the Japanese army and Gang Tao Ningji who committed **** debts to the people of China, he hired the head of government as a consultant to the then national government after the war, Chang Kaishen made such a move, That is quite natural.

However, after the founding of the New China State, it was not that simple. It seemed that it spent a lot of money in diplomacy and suffered a lot of losses, but that was the best choice based on the historical environment at that time. At that time, people were not born again, nor did they have long eyes, how could they know that those friendly countries would become white-eyed wolves?

At the peak of this foreign policy, the two Arab Arab proposals sent China to the United Nations, and it was directly the position of the five permanent members and rogues of the United Nations, rather than the "one country, two seats" that the United States envisaged before, namely the new China He Kuomintang’s separatist regime also occupies the seat of the United Nations, and the five permanent positions are inherited by the Kuomintang.

In this regard, the two Arabs who made this proposal, as well as Algeria and Albania, have made great contributions. Although later Albania and China turned against each other. But that scorn. In fact, it was because the founding leader died later, Hua changed the founding leader’s national policy, and Afghanistan, which did not understand the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States and was an anti-Soviet pioneer, was the first to intend to shake hands with the Soviet Union. The Shanghai State stopped factors such as free assistance. The final result.

Of course, Albania also feels a little unaffordable. Too much reliance on China's aid, or even lying on China's aid as rice worms, once you stop aid you will have to turn your face. This is indeed an oversight of the greed of the human heart. But this credit for sending China to the United Nations is still indelible.

It can allow the two Arab countries to put forward a proposal to return Xinhua to the United Nations. This diplomatic effort is also indispensable.

Back to the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan, the Chinese government gave up the Japanese war compensation. In return, Japan had to propose government assistance (ODA) to China, including a large amount of unpaid aid, interest-free loans, and low-interest loans.

Not to mention the grudges of history. This aid itself actually helps Japanese companies and products enter the Chinese market. Japan has won a lot of profits and market share, and this is not a loss for Japan.

However, objectively speaking. This aid did indeed help China at that time. At that time, China was in a closed-door period. The main industrial, civilian, and military technologies were all Soviet-style. Japanese assistance helped China open the door to Western technology. From Japan, China has learned a lot about technology and management systems. China can achieve today’s economic aggregate surpassing Japan, and even economically makes Japan heavily dependent on trade with China. Any anti-Japanese storm can make Japan’s economy turbulent, and the foundation laid down above is still very important. of.

Of course, on the other hand, this aid to China also suffered some losses, and the Japanese took the opportunity to steal a lot of confidential technologies (what rice paper technology, Jingdezhen porcelain technology, and even supercomputer technology that was not backward in China at that time) ). But let's be honest, gains still prevail over gains.

At the same time, China's foreign exchange was extremely scarce at that time. In fact, until 2003, the status quo of this foreign exchange shortage was slowly alleviated. At that time, the Japanese yen, which had been integrated into the Western system, was also a foreign exchange with relatively high purchasing power, and it did not have the current weakness. These foreign exchanges have also helped Hua Guo busy.

All in all, this aid objectively says that both sides have their own gains and losses, and they can be regarded as a win-win situation overall (some places lose both).

This assistance was not cancelled until the previous year, which was 2008, and it took nearly thirty years to add up.

The focus of this loan is mainly in the southern and coastal areas, so the influence of the Japanese in these areas is much stronger than in the central and eastern regions.

Of course, 30 years ago, China and Japan had close ties, and even the people were very close. They really regarded each other as friendly neighbors with clothes. Therefore, in Japan, a military fantasy novel "Minsk Attack" that described the alliance between China and Japan against the Soviet Union appeared in the 1980s. The book describes the Soviet Union's invasion of China, and then Japanese civilian volunteers formed a volunteer army to fight against Soviet and aid China. The slogan was even "Defend our cultural mother." Later, Japan was annexed by the Soviet Union, and the Japanese government in exile was established with the support of China. It persisted until the United States took action and eventually recovered.

The international situation at the time reflected here can be said to be quite interesting.

Moreover, Chinese people at that time were also very kind to Japan. The official state of Hua Guo also starts from the education of primary school students to the official government level, and promotes all-round friendship between China and Japan. The vast majority of ordinary people in China truly believe in the slogan of China-Japan friendship. Many Japanese fans later laid the foundation at this time.

Japan has government aid to China (ODA), a market that is fully open to Japan, and an overall atmosphere of civil friendship. It can be said that at that time, Japan had a good hand.

However, with such a good hand and such a good foundation, how did Japan make a good hand into a bad one? How did you turn a nation that is friendly to Japan into a country full of anti-Japanese sentiment, and turn a country that is friendly to Japan at an official level into a country that constantly warns Japan of "retreat from the cliff" and that it is "alert to the resurgence of militaristic extremists" "Do you want Japan to "sincerely apologize for the sins committed in history"? Does it mean that Japan intends to be in the United States?

If you change any country, as long as you don’t take the initiative to die, won’t it be so bad?

This really cannot be explained. It can only be said that the nationality of Japan determines that they do not have the demeanor and demeanor of a truly great power, nor do they have the mind and pattern of a truly great power. This is the essential defect of their nation.

This is the result of lack of knowledge. The lack of knowledge leads them to persist in adversity without giving up. When the situation is good, they forget what their surnames are. As the so-called broad face changes, once the situation is good, they will be arrogant.

During the Second World War, Japan arrogantly took the initiative to attack the United States to seek death. Now Japan is arrogant enough to announce that it wants to buy the United States. As a result, the United States engaged in a square agreement and fell on its knees to lick it, and even later generations were arrogant to use the Zhenguo artifact to be expelled alone. The Trojan invaders dominate the earth, which are all manifestations of this national character.

Perhaps this is also a reflection of the mentality of the island nation. In the world, the only island nation that can get rid of the island state mentality to a certain extent is Britain. But Britain was able to get rid of the mentality of the island nation, it was because after hundreds of years of undying empire, habitually cultivated a global vision. Even so, when the empire fell apart and Britain could only shrink back to the British Isles, the mentality of the island nation reappeared more or less.

This is something that is rooted in the nation’s genes, and it’s entrenched and can’t be changed.

This is why, with the development of China, it is no longer the reason that Japan is no longer regarded as the biggest threat-because of the mentality of the island country, he can't bear the weight of the enemy. The country that can be regarded as a major enemy by China as a strategic opponent related to life and death is only the continental Soviet Union (now the declining Russia no longer has the dominance of the Soviet Union, no longer has this qualification) and the continental marine both United States.

The goal of China is always the world's first. (The Soviet Union in the 1960s and 1970s was in a period of strategic offensive, when the Soviet Union was the number one power. At that time, various strategic contractions in the United States at that time would have otherwise attracted China to fight against the Soviet Union. The short honeymoon period with the West emerged out of this strategic consideration.)

This is China. Just because of her, she was born to be destined to rule the world!

But in any case, Japan, which had a good card before, even though the good card was smashed, but the so-called rotten ship still has three pounds of nails. Japan is increasingly unable to do so. That is the overall situation and the national level. In the private sector, for ordinary Chinese businessmen, it is still a formidable behemoth.

As a prominent Mitsubishi consortium in Japan, it naturally has a considerable place in China.

Most of these shareholders are people from Jiangsu and Zhejiang. When facing the Japanese and the Mitsubishi consortium, they are often afraid of themselves.

After all, they all came from the peak period of Japan after World War The terrible image of Japan at that time is still imprinted in their minds, but it is not Yang Chen who does not care about Japan at all. New generation.

The Japanese impression of the new generation is that the industry is developed, or the animation is good-looking, but they have deeply felt the rampage of claiming that the Chinese navy can be eliminated in three hours (more terrifying is that it was really possible at the time. Of course now it is definitely No,) I have deeply felt the dominance that Japan once possessed in China. I have deeply felt that Japan once dared to compete with Americans and said that it would buy the domineering power of the United States.

It is impossible for one of these shareholders to count the courage of Xingguo Metallurgy. And to cooperate with Xingguo Metallurgy, they will naturally hesitate.

"What are you hesitating about?" the shareholder who first proposed the plan shouted: "As long as we take the train of Tongtai Industrial, what Japanese are you afraid of?"

"Don't be afraid? It's easy to say..." People were deeply concerned, all of them were deeply worried.

"Wait, Laoguan, weren't you most opposed to strategic cooperation with Taitai?" Suddenly someone debunked the true face of the proposer. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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