The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 473: Terrible Tianluo 1

"No, in order to avoid similar situations, it is better to inform the country of this kind of round-trip rocket in the future. It is just that, my launch frequency is too high, and the technical level is too good. Can the country rest assured?"

After all, this is not an ordinary thing. This is a reciprocating rocket that can be used as a strategic ballistic missile at any time. Even without nuclear warheads, with conventional warheads is terrible!

"No, it is estimated that the launch of the rocket will be closely monitored by the country soon. I am afraid that the launch of this rocket will not come several times. The next experiment should get the multi-star technology as soon as possible, and the Tianluo series of satellites should be brought up as soon as possible. Launch all of them into the sky, and then engage my mining spaceship..."

Yang Chen quickly made up his mind.

During the speech, there was already a roaring roar in the sky, and a fiery ball of fire landed from the sky.

The Centaur carrier rocket has flown back.

From where it is launched into the sky, from where it landed on the ground, this technical accuracy is still possible. After all, to re-enter the atmosphere, we must pay attention to aircraft braking, orbit-changing technology, and the angle of re-entry. If it is not the aerodynamic shape of the space shuttle, you can use the air lift to control the flight status. Similar to the current spacecraft return window and rocket, the accuracy of reentry into the atmosphere is difficult to achieve.

But now the Centaur launch vehicle is able to lift off and land wherever it is. This level is still quite high.

The fireball representing the Centaur carrier rocket landed at a very fast speed. From a distance, it turned out to be so devastating. Everyone on the ground inevitably had the illusion of being hit and killed by the fireball!

Of course, Yang Chen certainly cannot let Yang's situation happen. When the rocket is more than ten kilometers away from the ground, the parachute that was prepared behind him has been opened immediately.

An umbrella flower spread out in the sky, and the speed of the rocket's landing suddenly diminished, but the high temperature shock wave still did not completely disappear. This umbrella flower only burned to ashes after only holding for less than two seconds.

But immediately. Another umbrella flower bloomed again in the air.

In total, five sets of parachutes were changed. The speed at which the rocket landed was greatly reduced.

Next, you can already see with naked eyes that the bottom of the rocket (accurately the top, because the rocket is top-up and then re-enters the atmosphere) suddenly emits a blue flame.

But a few seconds. The flame became brighter dozens of times, and the rocket's landing speed. It was cut by as much as 70% in a flash!

This is a psionic engine specifically designed to slow down.

The rocket landed vertically towards the ground at a slower and slower speed.

When it is only tens of meters away from the ground, the landing speed is as low as ten meters per second, five meters per second, one meter per second, etc. Finally, under the light blue silent flame. The rocket roared in a low voice, and finally stopped lightly and accurately on the rocket launch pad.

In the middle, of course, there is no less use of vector engines to adjust the rocket state. Otherwise, it is impossible to fall on the rocket launch pad exactly.

But in the view of Zhuxiong, this also means that Yang Chen has mastered the vector engine technology. Then use strategic ballistic missiles. It means that strategic missiles made with this technology will be difficult to intercept.

"Xiao Yang, this vector engine technology that can adjust the flight attitude. But my country's most advanced and latest missile technology, I didn't expect you to master it so quickly..." I wish the hero a very complicated mood.

"Zhu Lao, these technologies have now appeared, at least the technical principles have been determined. So we have to make the psionic technology, the difficulty is not great. It can only be said that we picked a cheap, not at the technical level Whatever it is, don’t worry too much if you wish to the old."

Yang Chen also knew his concerns and comforted.

Anyway, no matter whether the country and the military are fearful or supportive, it is impossible for him to develop this technology.

No one can stop him, no one can!

After the rocket landed, Xiao Ran and others rushed forward to check the state of the rocket in order to fully grasp the difficulties and possible problems of re-entering the atmosphere.

It seems so smooth, but it is because Yang Chen merges the technology of later generations and present, and the technology of the round-trip rocket has been basically completely mastered. But the next research is probably not that simple.

Seeing the end of the launch, I wish the hero left with a team of experts.

Before leaving, I wish the hero to emphasize to Yang Chen again and again: "Xiao Yang, what rocket launches, what experimental projects are there, you must tell me in detail to avoid misunderstanding!"

Yang Chen was also a little bit afraid of what she had before, and Wen Yan quickly nodded and agreed to come down.

The audience in the other stands also left.

In front of the rocket launch pad, only Yang Chen and other researchers are left.

Yang Chen didn't go to Weihua to join in the excitement, but came to directly connect to the Tianda array of Yuanci Xuanchen Cave, using the large array as the satellite operation console of the control center, and let the operator leave and start operating himself.

"Turn on the energy particle scanning function..."

"Turn on the communication relay function..."

"Connecting the Energy Monitoring Center of Tianluodi Network..."

From this moment on, the energy particle radars on the ground are combined with the data from the energy particle scan of the Tianluo-1 satellite.

Basically, with Golden State as the center, the entire East Asia region, part of Southeast Asia region, part of North Asia region, and the whole of Japan are all under real-time monitoring of the energy particle monitoring network.

At the same time, Yang Chen also tested some hidden features: those are unknown aspects of the Tianluo 1 attack.

"Well, the "Sky Penalty" space-based psionic gun is functioning properly. The "Meteor Shower" space orbital gun is functioning normally. The "barrage" Earth space defense system is normal, and the five-element extinction **** light system is normal..."

Yang Chen also confirmed the status of these attack systems one by one through psionic communication and his induction of the magic weapon in space that he had refined.

He did not use radio communication because the signal was intercepted by others, so as to decipher the information in it, so that the secrets were exposed and even controlled by people. He used to control many satellites in the world through Xiao Su, including armed attack satellites. Things, he does not want to happen to himself.

Satellites are far away in space now, but the kind of induction due to the natal weapon still exists. Coupled with the sensor amplifier he specially installed on the satellite, the difficulty and clarity of the connection with the innate magic weapon as the control core can reach the level of ten kilometers on the earth.

At this time, although it was not possible to fully control the magic instrument and make it conform to Yang Chen’s ears, he could basically control the satellite with the aid of the inductive amplifier in the satellite and the preset combination commands.

"Then, next, let all the satellites go into the air. It must be fast, otherwise, the country will definitely not allow me to continue to launch rockets at Lingwu Mountain Villa, but will let me transfer the rocket launch. Go to the satellite launch centers in China. This reciprocating rocket technology is so sensitive..."

Yang Chen thought, secretly ruthlessly: "Here is a rocket package, and there will be 35 satellites in one hand, all of which will be launched continuously. I will not rest for a while! Everyone is a monk. No problem going on."

Thinking, Yang Chen has begun to transfer the new satellite shell.

Anyway, he has already refined the satellite shell, and the rest of the satellite components have also been completed in the previous research, and the rocket launch has passed the previous experiment, and it does not require so many people to stare, just to make the extra People refine satellite components during rocket launch, etc., to come to a pipeline operation.

Within 24 hours at the latest, there are 35 satellites left, all must be lifted off!

Fortunately, the preparation of the previous materials has been done quite well, basically don't worry about anything else.

However, this requires every rocket launch and must be absolutely successful. Once there is a problem with the launch, I want to finish the launch within 24 hours, I am afraid it is impossible...

Determined, Yang Chen contacted Zhu Zhu again: "Zhu Lao, I will launch multiple rockets starting today, and I will let you know now."

"What? Just finished once, do you want to continue?"

"Yes, I don't hide from you. I plan to launch all the satellites that I expect to launch within twenty-four hours."

"That is to say, on average, at least 1.5 satellites are launched in an hour? This... Xiao Yang, don't worry so much? This is easy to cause accidents! You must know that once an aerospace accident occurs, there will be considerable casualties and loss of resources. Huge!"

"I have this confidence."

I wish the hero a silence Only a moment later: "Can you tell me why I did this?"

Yang Chen smiled bitterly: "I wish you old reminded me many times before that this technology and strategic ballistic missile technology are too close, I still don't understand? If you don't do it early, only the country will not allow me to continue launching rockets."

I wish the hero a sigh: "Xiao Yang, the country is not impersonal, at most it will only allow you to move to a few satellite launch centers, and it will not prevent you from launching satellites."

"I know, but time is too late." Yang Chen said: "I must complete the satellite network as soon as possible. So... I can only do this."

I wish the hero silence for a long time: "You only have one chance. If you fail, you can only honestly give up the autonomous launch of the rocket. The state will never allow this sensitive technology to launch uncontrolled rockets. If your rocket is not a shuttle, Okay, it’s not so easy to switch to strategic ballistic missile technology, but you..."

"I understand. If it fails, just do what Zhu Lao said."

"Remember, you only have one chance!" (To be continued.) Activate the new website

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