The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 481: Starry sky shell completed

"Okay! I succeeded!"

Liu Lei immediately laughed happily, and the previous downcast swept away.

Because after the blue Lingbo wave was swept, the mobile phone operated by Yang Chen was still running normally, and there was no shutdown or other failures, and there was no sudden burst of green smoke, and the integrated circuit short circuit was burned.

Yang Chen shook his head: "Wait, I can't say success now. The comparative experiment hasn't been done yet."

With that said, Yang Chen took out the SIM card in the phone and took the phone outside, releasing the spell "Lingboshu" again.

So, once again a blue Lingbo swept through Yang Chen's mobile phone.

With the attention of Liu Lei and Bai Yu, the blue Lingbo had just swept Yang Chen’s mobile phone, and he heard a popping sound of electric sparks, and then a green smoke came out of the mobile phone, and a piece of plastic was lit. The unpleasant burnt smell came suddenly.

This mobile phone integrated circuit was short-circuited and burned out.

Yang Chen shook his head. The phone was bought shortly after rebirth, and now it is completely scrapped. But it doesn't matter, with the communication headband on the forehead, the Tianluo series of satellites in the sky, and Xiao Su Xiaoguang, he can make direct calls through these, whether he uses a mobile phone or not.

Obviously, the electromagnetic shielding field does take effect. This time Liu Lei was not as ecstatic as before, but he couldn't help laughing.

"So, what do you think of Bai Yu?"

Yang Chen turned to look at Bai Yu.

"Brother Yang, my path is completely different from him." Bai Yu replied: "We have basically no differences in the front, until the conversion formula of electromagnetic energy and soil energy particles is put forward, we have different views."

Bai Yu said that he also took out a pebble-sized stone, which seemed to be groped very smooth, with a sense of moisturizing, which is obviously not a normal stone.

However, Yang Chen was keenly aware that on the seemingly smooth surface, in fact, numerous dense and dense runes were engraved. Obviously a refiner product.

"My idea is. Refine a psionic field that can shield the aura's fluctuations. This is my achievement."

Yang Chen took it. Without Bai Yu's explanation, the particle equation engraved in it immediately became a matrix of soil particles.

Then his mental energy moved slightly, and immediately the particle matrix was triggered. An invisible psionic field then propped up.

"Um. This earth psionic field should indeed have the function of shielding the fluctuation of aura."

Yang Chen probed silently with his mental strength for a while, and finally reached a conclusion.

However, the actual situation still requires actual research to get results.

Still the same experiment as before. But this time Yang Chen didn't have a cell phone. He simply moved a computer that was idle as a backup. Let the psionic field envelop it, and then launch the "spirit" again.

Cyan Lingbo swept through and the computer was operating normally.

Then close the psionic field. Blue Lingbo swept across, and the computer also smoked blue smoke.

Obviously. This Lingbo shielding psionic field was also successful.

Then the eyes of the two youngsters were wide, waiting for Yang Chen's verdict with anticipation.

Yang Chen first looked to Liu Lei: "Your technology is still very effective at the moment. This is the energy particle theory. But it is almost completely constructed by traditional electronic technology. The biggest advantage is that there is no bottleneck. Traditional Of electronic technology manufacturers only need to change the production line a little to make your electromagnetic shielding field."

After listening to Yang Chen's words, Liu Lei glanced at Bai Yu proudly, and he felt like a winning ticket.

"But..." Yang Chen came next, but Liu Lei couldn't help himself: "First of all, I'm afraid there is still a problem with the potential of traditional electronic technology. And this electromagnetic shielding field can really load How strong is the aura fluctuation? How can I increase this load? And what kind of transformation needs to be done? etc. These all limit the promotion of your technology. You must know that electronic products are very fragile. Even if I don’t know the upper limit, even if I don’t know the upper limit. I’m afraid further research is needed to make this technology practical and popularized.

Liu Lei was bowed down more and more by Yang Chen, and he only felt that his level was rough and unworthy of mention.

"Of course, this idea is commendable. I hope you can continue on this path. If you can persevere, your future achievements, even if I can't predict."

A stick will give a sweet date, and Yang Chen doesn't want to lose Liu Lei's enthusiasm, then said.

Next is Bai Yu.

Relatively speaking, he let Yang Chen worry more. After all, unlike Liu Lei, who had lived under Professor Liu’s wings and appeared more simple, Bai Yu grew up in the place of the legal school of the legal school, and experienced the heavy pressure brought by Zhong Yuan from an early age. Change, even if you don't talk about the reasons for personality, is far more mature than Liu Lei.

So Yang Chen didn’t play the first-in-first-out strategy, and said directly: "The future development prospects of your technology are considerable. But for now, this pure magic instrument needs further simplification, if it can be done It can't be better if ordinary people can make it. The spiritual martial monks we produced under the theory of energy particles are different from traditional monks. Our fundamental lies in ordinary people. We can never learn to be as arrogant as traditional monks and ignore the needs of ordinary people. Only satisfying every ordinary person is the greatest achievement of our spiritual system!"

Bai Yu nodded silently, obviously listening to Yang Chen's words.

In the end, Yang Chen concluded: "In short, both of your routes have merits. It is impossible and unnecessary to forcibly divide a height. In fact, because of the different mechanisms, your two methods can be complementary. One plus one is greater than two. So I hope you all can continue to study. And which step my star can do depends on you!"

The two teenagers nodded and went back to their studies.

And their research has other surprises.

First of all, in the research of Liu Lei, after many experiments, he found that the electromagnetic shielding field not only has an effect on the aura wave energy, but it can still take effect even in a high electromagnetic pulse environment.

In other words, this electromagnetic shielding field can make the threat of the EMP electromagnetic pulse bomb, which is the most threatening to electronic technology, to nothing.

Even better, this technology is almost entirely based on traditional electronic technology and has considerable application prospects.

In fact, shortly after the technology was researched, the military received news that the technology was directly purchased at a large price, and the technology was prepared to be vigorously developed as a standard for the military's anti-electromagnetic equipment.

In addition, Liu Lei also found that after the liquid super-base metal and the reconstructable nano-ceramic alloy metal invented by Zhao Jianshu form a new alloy, they are particularly suitable for manufacturing electromagnetic shielding field generating circuits. If the electromagnetic shielding field effect generated by the generating circuit using ordinary copper wires and copper sheets is one, then the electromagnetic shielding field effect generated by the generating circuit using this new alloy is at least 20 or more.

Therefore, this alloy was finally named "electromagnetic shielding alloy."

Although Bai Yu's technology is not close enough to the people, it cannot be manufactured by ordinary people for the time being, but later research found that this technology can be completely adjusted through the clever array, and finally can produce a large-scale Lingbo shielding field.

Compared with Liu Lei's technology, one is small and simple, one is large and complex, and the combination of the two can happen to complement each other.

Therefore, after the preliminary research yields results, further research must take a long time. When the results cannot be produced in a short period of time, the two have temporarily released in-depth research, but have done their best to study how to complement each other.

Of course, this is to apply the results to the Stars as soon as possible.

While they are studying, Yang Chen is also preparing the shell material of the Star.

The shell material of Xingchen is not ordinary metal, but a special titanium alloy. It is a special alloy obtained by combining a high-performance titanium alloy with a liquid superbase metal to form an alloy, and then subjected to special treatment by an energy particle collider.

Yang Chen named it "evolutionable alloy in space".

The word space is, of course, because this is the most suitable alloy for space vehicles.

And evolution is because the performance of this alloy is still second, the key is unlimited evolution.

In fact, this is no longer an ordinary metal, but belongs to a low-cost refiner material-even though the cost is still relatively high compared to traditional alloys, it is much cheaper than the refiner material.

And the biggest feature of many refiner materials is nothing but evolution. That is, performance can be improved through continuous sacrifices.

This is unmatched by traditional alloys.

No matter how good a traditional alloy is, its performance has a limit. At most you can only approach this limit indefinitely, but you cannot exceed it.

However, the material of the refiner can be continuously refined to improve the performance to several times, tens of times or even hundreds of times beyond the performance of the original material!

This is the difference between the refiner materials.

And this space-evolvable alloy has certain properties.

Now the performance of the starry sky made of space-evolvable alloy can only be said to be good, but if Yang Chen continues to sacrifice, then the performance of the starry sky may rise tens of hundreds of times one day-at least so many times potential. After all, the performance of a spaceship depends not only on the manufacturing materials, but also on other comprehensive aspects. The improvement of material performance only represents the improvement of its potential. To really improve the performance, it must also be enhanced in other aspects.

But no matter what, it still means that Yang Chen's first spaceship in his life was not a consumable, but could be used forever, even to the end of his life.

In a sense, this is also a kind of alternative magic weapon.

In this way, after seven days of hard work, the outer shell of the Starry Sky was finally successfully completed, and it was waiting for the internal facilities to be filled. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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