The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 489: Hunting the Goddess of Dawn

?"The test of the Star Storm. 72-caliber electromagnetic machine gun begins."

Along with the sound of the system, two storm-type electromagnetic machine guns installed on the central wings of the Star opened the cover, aimed at the Dawning Goddess strategic reconnaissance aircraft, and began to whisper softly.

The launch of the storm-type electromagnetic machine gun does not rely on chemical energy, and is entirely driven by electromagnetic force, so there is no deafening roar like a chemical-energy machine gun, just a sound of "plopping".

When the current is switched on, a strong thrust is generated on the electromagnetic rail of the storm-type electromagnetic machine gun, and each of the .72 caliber projectiles with a weight of 50 grams breaks through the high altitude thin air at an initial speed of more than 1300 meters per second and carries The terrible kinetic energy of more than 40 kilojoules struck the opposite side of the triangular reconnaissance plane several times larger than the Star.

There is no light flame, only a little dark red light, which is the phenomenon that the projectile rubs the air to generate heat and glow.

In short, the crew members of the dawn goddess reconnaissance aircraft only saw the dark red light flash, they felt the fuselage shock, and then the flight attitude of the aircraft in the high-speed flight state of Mach 5 was somewhat unstable .

"Report a loss! Report a loss!"

"There are a lot of perforations on the left wing and a little perforation on the fuselage. God bless, if there are no more attacks, we can fly back!"

A crew member shouted with excitement.

But when he saw the plane passing by the goddess of dawn that looked very beautiful, but in their eyes was a terrible plane like a demon, this excitement disappeared.

Yeah, what's so happy about it?

Could the other party not continue to attack?

Obviously not.

So they expect to be able to fly back, which is probably impossible.

Driving the Stars passing the goddess of dawn, Yang Chen couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

Storm-type .72 caliber electromagnetic machine gun, each projectile reached 50 grams. The muzzle velocity is 1300 meters per second, and it carries 42 kilojoules of kinetic energy. This power is used to deal with the human body with excess power. Even for light armored targets. You can basically do armor piercing.

But in the face of behemoths like the Goddess of Dawn, the power is inevitable. Unless he is lucky enough to hit the ammunition depot or engine. Otherwise, it is impossible to shoot down the goddess of dawn with a single shot.

In addition, because it is an electromagnetic machine gun, the bullet is not equipped with a tracer bomb, so it is impossible to intuitively evaluate the design effect. In such a high-altitude and high-speed environment, even if he repairs his behavior, he cannot accurately understand the impact of his bullet. Where did you hit it?

It is not impossible to evaluate with the calculator of the Star, but then it needs one more process. In a battle against minutes and seconds, the effects cannot be fully reflected in real time, which is not desirable.

"It seems that in the future, the bullets of electromagnetic machine guns will be added with tracer bombs."

Yang Chen thought deeply.

Technically, there is no difficulty. It's just that the logistics supply is a bit more troublesome.

"Okay, the test of the storm-type .72 caliber electromagnetic machine gun is completed. Now let's test the "Jinya" caliber double-mounted electromagnetic machine gun."

He looked at the goddess of dawn who was fleeing not far away and muttered to himself: "Hey, just the appetizer, man. We still have fun!"

During the speech, the Star had completed a large radius turn and flew back to the sky behind the goddess of dawn. Planning to have a dive attack.

Just as he was about to accelerate the dive, the sound of the spacecraft system suddenly sounded: "Receive radio communication request, is it allowed?"

Yang Chen pondered slightly: "Alright, just listen to what they want to say. Star chart, connect the communication."

"According to... the communication is connected."

"Here is the Star, do you have anything to say?"

Yang Chen said in Chinese.

A busy English voice came across: "Damn! What is he talking about? Why not use English?"

"Don't these Falk's yellow-skin monkeys know that the common language in the air is English?"

"Shut up! When is it that you are still racist? Do you think the opposite does not understand that you are scolding him? Do you think we are not close enough to hell?"

"Call the headquarters! Call the headquarters immediately! We request the headquarters to provide real-time translation services!"


After some hesitation, someone finally said in blunt Chinese: "Mr. Star, do we have any misunderstandings? I hope we can return to peace. What can be discussed slowly..."

Yang Chen replied coldly: "I don't understand that invading China's airspace without permission represents peace."

"Oh. Sorry, I can only say this is a misunderstanding."

"Misunderstanding of invading the airspace of another country without permission? Then I think. It's just a misunderstanding that I sent you to hell!"

"Damn! Well, you won! We will leave China's airspace immediately."

"Anyone must pay for what he does. Do you think you can leave after saying that the barbaric invasion of our national airspace is sorry?"

"Asshole! What do you want to do? But do you want to provoke a war between the two countries? Your superiors will not allow you to do this!"

"Unfortunately, in our national airspace, I have unlimited fire rights."

"No! No! Please! Don't do it! Can't we have a peaceful talk?"

"Of course. After I shoot you down, you can talk about anything, if you were alive at that time."

"God! Sir, you can't do this!"

"I can. Why can't I..."

During the speech, Yang Chen received an alarm from the integrated radar system: "Warning! Warning! Four f-22 stealth fighters are approaching the battlefield. The current distance is 23 kilometers."

So he changed his mind: "Oh, I know, it seems that you have your f-22 to **** you? Okay, I can spare you for the time when there are more delicious small fresh meat for me to taste. Life!"

In the Dawn Scout plane, the crew members have been in a mess: "Aurora calls the headquarters! Aurora calls the headquarters! Our f-22 fighter has been found by the other party, please be careful! Please be careful!"

And the pilot exclaimed: "Fak! We must lower the altitude! The actual combat ceiling of the f-22 is only 65,000 feet (19,832 meters), while we are at an altitude of 130,000 feet (39624 meters), They can't reach us at all, we can only lower the height!"

"That enemy..."

"Don't worry about that enemy! Now that he wants to rely on us to attract f-22, then he will not stop us when we lower the height!"

Soon, the dawn goddess reconnaissance aircraft dragged its left wing, which had been injured by Yang Chen's electromagnetic machine gun, whistling and quickly lowering its height.

Yang Chen also drove the Star to quickly lower the altitude, always maintaining the deterrence at the upper altitude behind the Dawn Scout plane.

Presumably, the crew members of the dawn goddess reconnaissance aircraft did not know how many times they had bitten their teeth and how many times they had made them. Yang Chen didn't care. The sorrow and hatred of the enemy are the biggest praise to yourself.

"Maybe we can guide the f-22 missile to destroy this plane!"

A crew member said in the dawn goddess reconnaissance plane.

"I'm afraid not!" A crew member next to him shook his head and pointed to the radar display screen of the reconnaissance aircraft: "Look, there is nothing on the radar. That is a fighter with super radio stealth capability. No, even our raptor. F-22 is also not an opponent. At least, in such a close situation, the echo of the raptor on our radar is only relatively small, not not. And he can achieve no echo display at all."

"Not only that," another crew member said: "You see, in the infrared detector, the infrared characteristic of the target is also very weak. It is now high in the sky, and the infrared characteristic of any object above zero is very obvious. If it decreases If the altitude is above the city, even in the face of the sun, its infrared characteristics will be masked by the heat or sunlight above the city, and it cannot be detected at all."

"Does it say that in the face of it, our advanced raptors can only choose to rely on air dog fighting to fight?"

"I'm afraid yes!"

There was silence in the airport.

The F-22 stealth fighter is indeed the most advanced active fighter in the world, but its advanced performance is more reflected in stealth performance and advanced weapons.

But now, its enemies are stronger than it in stealth performance, and advanced weapons often rely on guidance systems, and it is difficult to play against enemies with strong stealth performance.

As a result, such an advanced and powerful F-22 fighter actually has to rely on air dog fighting.

In order to highlight the stealth performance, f-22 is not particularly good in terms of air mobility.

Thinking of this, the crew members were all heavy.

"The **** capitalists of Lockheed! Haven't they ever thought that the enemy's stealth fighters have exceeded the United States one day? Such an expensive fighter has such a big weakness."

"Don't worry! Just need to get close, maybe use infrared guidance..."

"I hope so. We can only count on Thunder Hughes (namely, the manufacturer of the advanced mid-range air-to-air missile f-22 installed aim-120 ~ ~ This missile is a missile regardless of its launch. , With infrared guidance function) technology."

"It should be no problem! We must believe in American technology!"

American technology? I hope so.

The crew member who spoke before secretly sighed: Although, looking at the powerful fighter behind him, he has completely lost his confidence and pride in American technology...

The altitude dropped sharply, and soon it fell from an altitude of nearly 40,000 meters to more than 19,000 meters.

At this time, a communication from the U.S. Air Force data link came from inside the Dawn Scout plane: "Aurora, we are coming soon. Be prepared! See how our guy kicks the **** yellow-skinned monkey ass!"

"Hope you can do it..."

With not enough confidence, the captain of the Dawning Scout plane drove the plane towards the scheduled meeting place: it was not far from the border of China's airspace. (To be continued.)

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