The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 491: Raptor wings

? "Fak! We must adopt a more effective strategy, not such a stupid fight!"

The F-22 fighter pilot who temporarily served as the commander cursed.

The American aerial eagles have too much advantage in this world. The polar bears, who could once compete with the American aerial eagle, have declined to the point where they can barely guarantee their own survival, and can no longer be the enemy of the United States.

If it weren’t for the polar bear’s terrible and huge nuclear arsenal, the United States had already dismantled the polar bear into bones.

This has caused the American air eagles, even after many actual battles, they often rely on the strength and equipment to slap the children of all parties. Although it can be said that there is no one in the world, it can be said that it is alone. Aliens can only be chosen as opponents in Hollywood movies.

But precisely because of this, once the enemy has mastered a certain level of aircraft similar to that of the American Air Eagle, or even a more advanced aircraft, the American Air Eagles will become somewhat incapable of fighting.

For example, this was the case before. The timing of launching the AIM-120 air-to-air missile should not have been so early, but when fighting in the air, it should look for the most suitable angle to launch, not just "lock-get rid of the lock-continue to lock." This has no technical content back and forth.

However, after all, it is the strongest air force on the planet. Soon they discovered their problems and began to drive the F-22 in preparation for an air dog fight.

Although, in terms of maneuverability, F-22 is not necessarily very good. But the fearless American Sky Riders will never flinch.

"Then come!"

Air dogfighting is not as dazzling as imagination of various tactical maneuvers, what roller maneuver, what Imaman maneuver, what Pugachev cobra maneuver, what super cobra maneuver, etc. .

In fact, these maneuvers are often seen in the air show of the air show, mainly used to show off the skills and show the extraordinary performance of their own aircraft.

But in actual combat, flight maneuvers are more focused on simplicity and practicality. In other words, as long as it is conducive to fighting. As for what maneuvers are taken, even simple maneuvers, as long as they are effective. At this time, similar dazzling moves, but seem fancy and superfluous.

The air combat theory of the aircraft mostly adopts the "energy mobility theory" of the US Air Force Major John Boyd.

This theory indicates that in air combat, at any point in the flight envelope, the side with the higher SEP prevails. The so-called SEP is the unit residual power of the fighter (s-), the formula is SEP = (thrust-resistance) * speed / weight.

In other words, in aerial combat, the side with the most energy has a greater advantage and is more likely to win.

Well, in the air combat of fighters, the battle between the two sides is actually the process of lift-off-bite-dive-lift-off.

The purpose of lift-off is to obtain more gravitational potential energy. You can gain greater advantage by diving from a height.

Yang Chen was not born in the Air Force, so it should not have much advantage in facing four F-22s.

But his greatest advantage is that his physical fitness far exceeds the F-22 pilot.

At the same time, F-22's not good air fighting performance also gave Yang Chen a chance.

Of course, the biggest advantage lies in the star's powerful maneuverability and speed change ability. It can exceed Mach 6 at the fastest, and can withstand far higher overload flight than the F-22 pilot's body-the variable speed overload of high-speed flight is not only determined by the performance of the aircraft, but also by the pilot.

Too much overload often leads to red vision (negative G action, cerebral congestion) or black vision (positive G action, cerebral ischemia). If the pilot's physical fitness is not met, an overload can kill him, then no matter how advanced the aircraft is, what good is the performance?

In fact, in many cases, the designers of the aircraft are not unable to design better-performing aircraft, but the physical fitness of the pilots, so that they can only limit the performance of the aircraft to a certain range. Otherwise, mastering the aerospace technology that can get rid of the speed of the first universe can create a better-performing aircraft. The reason for not doing so is simply because the pilot cannot bear it.

Because of this, the speed of the body's reaction also determines how much the aircraft's performance can be brought into play.

Even if the US military pilots flew Yang Chen’s Star, their lack of physical fitness also prevented them from performing as well as Yang Chen. In the end, it still has to fail, not to mention that Yang Chen's star performance far exceeds F-22?

"Bite him! That's it!"

None of this is known to the pilots of the four F-22 fighters opposite. They are still fighting in the air nervously.

"Yes! That's it!"

"Hold on, here we come!"

"Be careful! He is behind you!"

Yang Chen didn't give full play to the performance of the Star at the beginning, but accompanied the F-22 pilot for a period of time.

Their five aircrafts were flying in the sky, Yang Chen occupied the altitude for a while, and the F-22 pilots occupied the altitude for a while, which seemed to be evenly matched.

However, Yang Chen only has one flying machine, with one enemy against four, even if it is evenly matched, it actually means that the other party lost.

"Damn! He swooped down!"

"Good opportunity! Missile launch!"

Yang Chen drove the Star, like a swift swallow, flying back and forth around the four "raptors", hardly giving the other party a chance to seize Yang Chen.

In such a high-speed, high-overload tremor, the F-22 pilots already felt a little overwhelmed.

Missiles that were originally intended to be launched at a better opportunity had to be launched when they found a barely good chance.

"Drop! Drop! This spaceship has been locked by a missile!"

"Reaction kinetic energy weapon system activated!"

"The coordinates of the enemy missile have been locked! The anti-kinetic energy weapon system .72 electromagnetic machine gun is launched!"

The spaceship shook slightly, and a series of projectiles flew out, successfully exploding the AIM-120 advanced medium-range air-to-air missile in the air.

Although the response was quick, after all, in order to deal with this missile, Yang Chen was delayed for a while. Four F-22 fighters have seized the opportunity to launch the missiles one by one, not only the AIM-120 advanced medium-range air-to-air Missiles, as well as the AIM-9 Rattlesnake missile.

It is not an over-the-horizon air combat, so AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles that do not have over-the-horizon combat capabilities can also be used.

As the first practical air-to-air missile on Earth, the first air-to-air missile designed with infrared as the guidance method, and the first air-to-air missile with a record of the target being shot down, the AIM-9 Rattlesnake missile has a good name. But now it is inevitable that it is a bit behind.

Of course, if the AIM-9 Rattlesnake missile is in a non-BVR air combat, it is still very powerful.

For a time, air missiles chased chaotically, all of them aimed at Yang Chen.

"Missile sea?"

Yang Chen's lips flicked, indicating disdain.

The anti-kinetic energy weapon system has been fully operational. This time, the anti-kinetic energy weapon system used other weapons, and by the same time began to conduct actual combat tests.

"Star, "Flying Crab" small caliber star pulse gun actual combat test, start!"

The Star Pulse Gun is a weapon that uses the power of stars to produce pulse waves of star power. The biggest use of this weapon is in space. Its rate of fire is one third of the speed of light, and its carrying energy can be adjusted. It can reach a nuclear bomb level of 10,000 tons T.N.T. equivalent. However, the highest energy emission is only three shots per day, and then equipment cooling and psionic recharge are required.

Dealing with a few missiles in the area, of course, does not require such high energy.

But the power of this star pulse is still enough to destroy all the missiles that have been fired.

However, in just three seconds, there were as many as seven, including three AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles, and four AIM-120 advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles, all of which were exploded under the attack of the Star Pulse.

"It's not polite to come and go! You also try my missiles!"

Yang Chen pressed a button.

"Star", "Flying Sword" I psionic missile started actual combat test. Type of loaded missile: high-explosive type."

Suddenly, from the belly of the star, a missile flew out like lightning!

That's really lightning speed!

The "flying sword" I psionic missile uses a variety of guidance methods. Basically, any combat weapon of modern technology cannot escape the lock.

The key is that the real combat environment in the design of the "Flying Sword I" psionic missile is also in space. Therefore, the speed of such missiles far exceeds that of traditional missiles.

In space, the Flying Sword I psionic missile can reach the speed of 1 percent of light per second (it must be accelerated after a long time to reach), which is almost equivalent to Mach 1,000 and has a combat radius of 100,000 kilometers.

In the atmosphere, because of the air resistance, the Feijian I Psionic missile cannot reach the speed of 1% of the light, but its speed can still reach at least Mach 50 or more. In fact, due to the gravity of the earth, the Flying Sword I Psionic Missile can have better acceleration performance than in space. It is only because of air resistance that it cannot exceed space.

Despite the addition of a vacuum law array on the body of the Feijian I psionic missile, which can expel the surrounding a law array that greatly reduces the air resistance, too fast acceleration will still cause extremely high air friction , Thereby losing kinetic energy. Therefore, the flying sword I psionic missile can only reach Mach 50 in the atmosphere. This is equivalent to 17 kilometers per second, and the speed of the first universe is only 7.9 kilometers per second, and the atmosphere will be blown out with one step of care. Therefore, too high a speed may not be a good thing for weapons operating in the atmosphere.

The flying sword I psionic missile launched by Yang Chen previously carried the simplest and most common high-explosive warhead, not a special warhead, but under the influence of a vacuum circle, its speed was still within just two seconds. Reached Mach 20!

Such a high speed, but just a blink of an eye, the F-22 fighter plane locked by the psionic missile has been hit!

They are still reminding each other in their data link that a huge fireball has already exploded in the air, and an F-22 fighter jet was knocked out. The pilot did not even have time to eject.

The raptor is here! (To be continued) If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, and your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read. )

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