The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 494: Capture F-22 and the goddess of dawn!

If there is such a question on the Internet, how should you answer:

How to perfectly capture the F-22 fighter jet and the goddess strategic reconnaissance aircraft? Wait online, hurry!

The answer given by Yang Chen is to eliminate pilots and crew members, and then abolish the flight systems of these two types of aircraft, and eliminate the possibility of remote control by Americans, and then capture and fly back to the base at high altitude. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest update comes next. The F-22 fighter jet and the Dawning Goddess strategic reconnaissance plane are the lambs to be slaughtered in your hand.

So now is the first step: solving the pilot and crew members.

"Didi, the Xingchen soft target anti-personnel weapon system is ready, please commander to order."

Soft target killing is a weapon that kills people rather than equipment. The most typical example is the neutron bomb.

Of course, there is no neutron bomb on the Star. Although it is not difficult for Yang Chen to master this technology, it is a nuclear weapon and is too sensitive.

However, the star-based killing weapon based on psionic technology is not lacking. And this weapon is not sensitive, but much stronger than neutron bombs. The neutron bomb is somewhat polluted, but there is almost no pollution from psionic technology (it cannot be said that it is completely absent, because psionic technology also has the problem of psionic radiation. However, the current level of Yang Chen cannot reach the order of energy that can produce psionic radiation) .

"Is the battlefield capture system ready?"

"The battlefield capture system has been prepared and linked with the soft target killing system. Once the soft target killing reaches the standard, the battlefield catching system will be activated immediately."

"Very well, then, get started now!"

Yang Chen pushed the throttle and increased the speed of the spacecraft. He caught up with the last F-22 that had completely abandoned the battle. He was fleeing furiously. More than 20 kilometers away, the Dawning Goddess strategic reconnaissance aircraft also escaped. Very hasty.

Yang Chen looked at it by the way: "Don't worry, it's your turn immediately, Goddess of Dawn."

"Soft target weapon system preparation, use of weapons: "flying crab" small caliber star pulse gun, pulse type: penetrating soft kill psionic pulse. Power level: low-level disabling level. Countdown 3...2...1, launch !"

The baffle of the muzzle of the flying crab small caliber star pulse gun is opened, exposing a smooth circular ring pulse launch port. Then, Yang Chen felt a wave of psionic energy and instantly penetrated the F-22's body at one-third the speed of light.

Immediately, some changes occurred in the F-22 flight status.

It looks normal on the surface, but the flight that looked flexible before, now feels more stiff.

That's because the pilot who piloted the plane has fallen into a coma.

"Because it was detected that the target personnel had fallen into a coma, the battlefield capture system was activated."

At the next moment, from the middle of the ship's hull, a ray of light shone and enveloped the F-22 fuselage.

"The isolation of the radio remote control function begins..."


"The onboard computer invasion began..."


"The emergency self-destruction system is shut down."

"Full autopilot is turned on, set to the status of the Star with the flight, it is completed."

"The efficiency of the traction beam is turned on, and it can handle emergencies at any time."

"Battlefield capture system, capture target: F-22, complete."

Along with the star chart constantly reported progress, but in just a few seconds, the famous F-22 Raptor stealth fighter has fallen into the control of Yang Chen.

At this time, the F-22's battlefield data link communication channel is still being called by the US Air Force Base: "Eagle Nest calls Raptor One! Eagle Nest calls Raptor One! Hear please answer! Hear please answer! What happened on your side What happened? What happened on your side..."

Thousands of kilometers away, a member of the F-22 U.S. Air Force Base was called to hit the console with a fierce punch: "Damn! Raptor One has lost contact! But it is clearly still flying normally. Could it be said that the **** made it to the Chinese Has it surrendered in the air?"

"It's... unlikely?"

"Besides this, what other reason can explain the current phenomenon?"

"Then what should we do?"

"Contact the space-based laser satellite and let them destroy the F-22! We may not be able to win, but we will not allow American secrets to fall into the hands of the Chinese!"

Walking behind the commander of the air base, he gave a vicious command.

For the time being, it is not yet known to Yang Chen. He is aiming at the goddess reconnaissance plane.

"Star Star Soft Target Weapon System Preparation..."

"Preparation of the battlefield capture system..."

"Commander, the current distance to the target is 17 kilometers. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, we must catch up with the target with the fastest speed. Therefore, Star Map suggests that our ship needs to increase the speed to more than Mach 10."

"Mach ten... can the F-22 withstand such a powerful overload?"

"Yes. But we must maximize the power of the traction beam."

Traction beam is a kind of psionic technology developed from future generations based on the description of science fiction.

It can use the beam emitted by the particle matrix to generate a strong traction force, thereby pulling the target away.

But in fact, this traction force also involves the effect of quality reduction.

In addition, the additional design of the traction beam can make the traction beam into a certain buffering force, so that the objects inside the traction beam are not affected by the outside world, and can withstand the high speed, high pressure, high temperature and other conditions that could not be tolerated. As long as the limit of the traction beam is not exceeded, it will not be affected.

In fact, the initial design of this speed of light was used to capture loot on the battlefield. In a chaotic, cruel, and fierce battlefield, if you don't have this ability, then the loot has not yet been handed, I am afraid it will be destroyed because of brutal transportation or the enemy's deliberate attack.

According to the research results of later generations, if this traction beam was not invented a few years before Yang Chen’s rebirth, but was invented early in the battle with Troy, then humans will obtain Troy loot more quickly, thus The difficulty of analysing, learning from, and learning Troy techniques and fighting Troy will be greatly reduced.

In fact, the difficulty of implementing this technology is not too high, the key is that the idea is very clever, it depends on what you did not expect. So Yang Chen's current technology can barely be used.

Of course, the level is not the same.

Don't look at the power of the traction beam in later generations can withstand the bombardment of less than 100,000 tons of nuclear bombs, but now, it is estimated that any missile can destroy the traction beam.

However, anyway, with the traction beam, it is very convenient for Yang Chen to capture the F-22 and the Dawning Scout.

In an instant, Yang Chen raised the speed of the spacecraft to Mach 10. The F-22 restrained by the traction beam also reached the same high speed. Originally according to the structure of F-22, this high speed only needs a moment to disintegrate it in the air. . But now, F-22 has hardly been affected.

Because of the influence of the traction beam, the F-22 is actually equivalent to flying at a speed of 1.5 Mach, without any problems at all.

Seeing the dawn goddess reconnaissance plane in front of him, Yang Chen even intercepted the panic that caught the radio communication inside the goddess reconnaissance plane, listening to the crew members crying, screaming, and even clamoring for self-destruction, Yang Chen completely Unmoved, he coldly issued an order: "The dawn goddess reconnaissance machine capture operation, now begins!"

"Soft target weapon system launch countdown..."


"Target status assessment..."

"Stunned all humans successfully. Battlefield capture system activated."

Suddenly, the alarm sounded suddenly: "Warning! It is detected that the target has activated the self-destruction system!"

"Invade the target airborne computer immediately and terminate the operation of the self-destructive system incomparably!"

Yang Chen shouted. He didn't want the Dawning Goddess reconnaissance machine to destroy itself. He wanted to capture it completely.

"Invading the target's onboard computer..."

This time is different from before, and it didn't succeed in just a few seconds. After all, there is definitely a huge difference in the performance of the F-22's onboard computer and the strategic reconnaissance aircraft such as the goddess of dawn.

No way, Yang Chen had to wait quietly for the star map invasion to be completed.

Hopefully, before the invasion is completed, the countdown to self-destruction has not passed yet.

While waiting, Yang Chen only felt that every second seemed to be as long as a year.

Finally, Yang Chen heard the general voice of Xingtu Tianlai:

"carry out!"

"Terminate the self-destruction system..."

"Scanned self-destruct operation command from remote, truncated."

"The self-destruction system is terminated, the backup self-destruction system is scanned, and the backup self-destruction system is terminated..."

Unexpectedly, the computer system of the Dawning Strategic Reconnaissance Machine still has several backups. After the self-destruction system is started, even if the self-destruction system is terminated, the backup system will continue to count down.

In order to meet the sufficient computing power required for the invasion, Yang Chen even had to put the fortune-teller Tianshu and the star chart into a cooperative state again.

And this time, the depth of the collaboration state is three layers, which is the maximum depth that Yang Chen currently repairs, and the function of the collaboration calculator can be exerted by 200%.

And this calculation effect is indeed a group, and soon after, the star number successfully completed the invasion.

"All self-destructive systems are completed. The traction beam completely covers the target and the target capture is completed."

"Full Autopilot is is on with the flight status."

"Current speed: Mach six."

"Fly back to China immediately. Target: an airport in central China Air Force. Now contact China Air Force."


"I am the Star, I am the Star. I have captured the US stealth fighter F-X military airport to land, please be prepared to receive!"

"Repeat once, I have captured... Please be prepared to receive!"

When this communication was connected to the Air Force's channels, the entire Air Force almost exploded.

At the same time, the U.S. space-based laser satellite platform began to prepare for attack again, and this time, their attack target was aimed at the F-22 and Dawn Scouting reconnaissance aircraft captured by Yang Chen...


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