The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 499: Take the attack


Just after Yu Guang saw a series of fireballs several kilometers away, Yang Chen felt that a huge force was attacking fiercely. The terrible speed and kinetic energy would bombard the air between the distance calculated in kilometers. All out!

The shell speed of up to at least Mach 20 is too fast. Yang Chen hasn't had time to react, the HUD display in front of him becomes a blaze, and all over the place are hot flames burning and raging, even if steel is in this flame It will be burned into gas instantly.

Next, Yang Chen only felt the strong vibration of the star, and the series of alarm sounds of the star map:

"Crash warning! Crash warning! Please commander ready! Please commander ready!"

In fact, half a second had passed since the warning of the star chart.

At that moment, Yang Chen felt that the entire Star's hull was twisting violently. The "squeaking" kind of sour voice has become extremely frequent and loud!

"Warning! Warning! The damage to the ship's hull exceeds 10%... 15%... 20%... The self-repair system of the star is activated! The hull is being repaired..."

Perhaps in order to cope with the bombardment of the electromagnetic shells and repair the hull of the Star, too much energy was used. The entire interior of the Star was flickering violently. The display of the HUD display in front of Yang Chen was also trembling and flickering. As for the star The sound of the picture is intermittent, and I can't hear clearly.

And this is just the result of the first space-based electromagnetic shell!

And after only one thousandth of a second, more impacts came one after another!

Xingchen seems to be pinched in the hands by an invisible big hand, rubbing it like plasticine, wanting to change beyond recognition! If it weren’t for the self-repair system inside the Star, it was still working hard to repair it. The first-evolvable space alloy used to make the Star was a powerful alloy material dedicated to the harsh environment of space. It also has a memory function. I’m afraid the Star. It has become a pile of scrap iron.

And this is just because the kinetic energy of the electromagnetic cannonball was intercepted by Yang Chen's three measures, and only the remaining wave was caused. If the electromagnetic shell was actually bombarded directly on the Star, only one shell was needed, and the Star would be destroyed.

"What a terrible impact!"

The bombardment of twenty electromagnetic cannonballs said fast and fast, and slow and slow, adding up to no more than a second, but in Yang Chen's heart, it felt as if a century had passed!

This passive feeling of waiting for the judge of destiny is really uncomfortable.

"Fortunately, it's okay! I used most of Star's defensive abilities to bless the traction beam, otherwise, today's loot, I'm afraid it will be completely finished! Although the Star has been seriously damaged, but As long as after this time, the ability to repair itself with the Star will soon be restored to its original state, which is also worth it!"

When Chen Xing's shock disappeared, Yang Chen knew that the danger of this time had finally passed, although it was only temporarily passed-the enemy's electromagnetic orbital gun could still be attacked at any time.

However, Yang Chen also knows that, after launching such a powerful electromagnetic shell, the energy consumption can be called massive. In addition, such huge energy will also generate huge heat in the circuit.

Because there is no air in space, the first two of the three modes of heat conduction, convection, and radiation cannot be effective. They can only use heat radiation to dissipate heat, and the heat dissipation efficiency is quite low. Therefore, this electromagnetic gun must take a long time to dissipate heat. Otherwise, even if the gun is barely fired, the accuracy will be greatly reduced due to heat problems. Even if the gun is fired, it will not pose a threat to the Star.

In addition, the violent warning signs that Yang Chen felt before almost disappeared now, as if they never existed again. This is also an example of the danger disappearing temporarily.

In short, Yang Chen can be a little easier now.

At this time, he had the leisure to order the star chart to play the real-time monitoring screen of the electromagnetic shells that he had received before.

I have to say that Yang Chen's protection design for the star map of the control center of the Star is still in place. After the test of the terrible destruction before, the star map can still work normally.

However, the cockpit is also affected, and the picture displayed on the HUD display is inevitably blurred.

Fortunately, the cockpit where Yang Chen is located has been specially designed to be more defensive, and the Star has no crew. Otherwise, the damage suffered by the Star may have turned the stars into a mass of meat sauce.

Instead, no matter the weapon or the cargo in the cargo compartment, there is a special defensive design. Even with such changes, the Star’s weapon system has hardly suffered much loss. Even if it is damaged, it can be recovered by using the Star’s self-recovery system. Come here-this star self-recovery system is not only for the recovery capability of the spacecraft shell, it can also restore the equipment (including weapons and other equipment) on the star. The premise is that the complete data of the equipment is stored in the database of the star map of the central control computer of the Star.

After the incident, from the perspective of Zhuge Liang afterwards, to look at the terrible attack he had encountered before, Yang Chen still felt incomparably scared.

This is the first time since he was born again that he feels an almost irresistible death threat!

In the blurry picture, Yang Chen saw that the twenty fireballs that were hit were first affected by the power of Yuan Mag to resist the aura. The speed of the attack was almost a quarter of a sharp drop!

"Unfortunately, neither the Star" nor me, can fully exert the power of the satellite-level spirit art metamagnetism resistance aura, otherwise, the metamagnetism resistance aura can reduce the kinetic energy of these shells to almost nothing. The degree of threat."

Yang Chen is also a pity.

Next, it was the runes formed by the sun rays of the big, sun-shaded mirror that instantly fired twenty real fireballs of the sun, which directly reduced the body of the twenty shells by one-tenth, and the speed was further reduced. Halfway through.

In the end, the Xuanchen Xuanchen of the Yuanci Xuanchen Cave played a role in distorting the space, and sent back 20 kilometers of the shells that had already burst into the 800-meter-long, but 300-meter-long distance from the Stars. outer!

Then continue the previous action, the meta-magnetic resistance halo slows down, and the real fire of the sun directly destroys the shell. Before the second time Xuanwen Dongtian came into effect, the speed of these twenty shells had been completely melted by the real fire of the sun.

After watching all this, Yang Chen felt relieved, but his body shook uncontrollably. "Wow" spit out a **** mouth, and the whole person collapsed into the seat.

That was the impact of the previous shocks from the bombardment of electromagnetic cannonballs, and the forcible manipulation of the satellite-level psychic metamagnetism resistance aura, as well as the counterattack brought by the powers of the large, Rizhao sky mirror and the metamagnetism force of the metamagnetic Xuanchen cave.

It was only forcibly suppressed before, knowing to let go of the big stones, this could no longer be controlled and broke out.

Now Yang Chen has no strength to move a finger. The meridians in the body are so full of holes and many damaged. That was the result of the previous shock, which seemed to be fine, but actually penetrated Yang Chen's body invisibly, causing Yang Chen to suffer internal injuries.

As for the brain, it was as if it was severely hit by the awl into the brain. The whole palace was shaking slightly, and there were many damages. This is the damage caused by his mental backlash.

The injury is not a minor one.

However, compared to the result of being bombarded by space-based electromagnetic orbital artillery, this injury is not worth mentioning.

After Yang Chen collapsed in his seat, the large and sunlit sky mirror above him, or the control core of the Tianci array of Yuanci Xuanchen Cave, all turned into a ray of light and flew into his body, but this was Yang Chen's power can no longer support the manifestation of these two instruments.

Fortunately, Yang Chen couldn't move his finger, it was okay to talk. He said feebly: "Star map, check all damage to the Star, and perform self-repair. Notify me of the unrepairable part. Also, check my injury and give medical plan."

"Observe, Commander."

Star Chart responded with a weird voice that appeared to be damaged by the equipment.

"The overall integrity of the Star is 67.53%, and it can be repaired by 20.67%. The remaining damage requires the commander to participate in the repair."

"The data collection for this destructive experiment is completed. This experiment exposed 27 unreasonable parts of the Stars, and 3 fatal weaknesses caused by design conflicts, 12 more serious weaknesses, and 41 insignificant weaknesses..."

"The new design plan of the Star has been completed, and the commander can download it from Xingtu's internal database..."

"Inspected that the commander was injured, the emergency medical system of the Star was opened, and the data was being collected..."

"Comparing the commander's injury data..."


"Completed. The current commander's cause of injury... symptoms... choose a medical plan..."

The star chart immediately reported a large amount of data, and the data on the HUD display rolled down like a waterfall.

Yang Chen frowned, forcing himself to read the data, but was not busy processing it, but issued the instruction again: "Star chart, contact the Tianluo satellite system, start the space war mode, target, and attacked my US spacecraft before. Electromagnetic rail gun platform."

"The management team of the Tianluo satellite system has been linked. An authorization code is required to start the space warfare mode. Please ask the commander to show the authorization code. Three errors will interrupt the connection and cannot be reconnected within 24 hours.

"The authorization code is..."

Yang Chen reluctantly rejuvenated his spirit and formed a special particle equation space topology in the air with the mental power that had almost reached the limit.

This particle equation space topology is not capable of forming a spiritualist structure, nor does it have any practical functions, but is only used as an authorization code to manipulate the Tianluo satellite system.

The structure itself doesn't look very complicated, but it can't be condensed without special training or knowing the tricks. The result of forcibly drawing the gourd is that the structure will collapse and cannot be formed and there is also an extremely complex algorithm. Depending on the time and location events, the solution will have subtle differences.

Therefore, in theory, if you want to crack the level of computing power of 1000 times that of Yang Chen's present fortune teller, it will take at least a thousand years to crack it. But will Yang Chen give this time? Obviously not. The complexity of the current authorization code will follow the evolution of Yang Chen's own computing power and repair and the evolution of the Tianluo satellite system.

"The authorization code is verified. Commander, you now have full operation authority of the Tianluo satellite system. Your previous command was to carry out a space attack on the commander's space-based electromagnetic orbital gun platform. Are you sure?"


Yang Chen seemed to be lying sick on the seat, his eyes looking out of the vast void, and there was a sharp flash in his eyes: Yankee, now I can't help you, then let me charge some interest first!

Along with Yang Chen's eyes, thousands of kilometers of space flashed a dragon-like light... (to be continued). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point, and your support is my biggest motivation. For mobile phone users, please read. )

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