The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 511: New record: 4th universe speed!

Psionic technology and modern technology take different paths. Therefore, there are also differences in the difficulty of solving the same problem.

Perhaps it seems a very simple problem in Psionic Technology, but modern technology is very difficult. The reverse is also true. Many problems that modern technology can easily solve are very troublesome in psionic technology.

Having said that, Yang Chen only showed the first situation, so it seemed that Psionic Technology was quite superior. At least, at the moment, it is enough for all the viewers on the moon to have such awareness. Maybe they will have a more accurate and sober understanding after leaving, but now, they are crazy.

"Hello Yang Chen, on behalf of the people of the country, on behalf of our government, government, scientists, and aerospace workers, I congratulate you on your achievements and wish you all the best to successfully reach the moon and complete the Chinese people for thousands of years. dream……"

In the trembling voices of the experts, the No. 1 chief also began to speak to Yang Chen, expressing his condolences to the Xingchen, etc. In short, he made his stand and support.

Yang Chen knows that as long as he and others actually land on the moon, then this support can be firmly secured.

Because of this, Yang Chen's original idea of ​​turning on the incognito mode for landing on the moon was no longer necessary.

No one has observed your landing on the moon. You can only believe that you have been to the moon by yourself. Who can believe it? In the case of stealth mode, it is difficult for optical and radio to detect the Star, and if it cannot be detected, it cannot be trusted by people.

Even if this may bring some risks, it is worth it.

So, in this way, under the attention of a small high-level and experts in China, the Stars further increased the speed, and slowly approached the second cosmic speed required for artificial celestial bodies to escape the gravity of the earth: 11.2 kilometers per second.

However, since the moon has not exceeded the gravitational range of the earth, the initial velocity of the lunar spacecraft launched from the ground should not be less than 10848 kilometers per second.

In other words, it only takes 10.848 kilometers per second to reach the moon.

But the Star is not an ordinary flying machine, so its speed is far beyond people's imagination.

So, after reaching 10.848 kilometers per second, the star's speed further increased, reaching the second cosmic speed of 11.2 kilometers per second, but still refused to stop, and is still further increasing.

Experts who have been closely following the data of the Star are starting to be surprised.

According to the speed of the second universe, it takes about seven and a half hours to reach the moon. In fact, because of acceleration and deceleration, there are also orbit differences, and other factors. In fact, this time is longer than seven and a half hours.

But anyway, in the universe, any speed change consumes energy. The greater the kinetic energy of the aircraft, the more drastic the speed change, the greater the energy consumption.

Therefore, even though the usual lunar spacecraft and lunar probes may reach higher speeds, they will still fly at a speed almost equivalent to the speed of the second universe.

After all, fuel is limited, even if you can fly faster, but you must still slow down to the moon's gravitational circle. The faster you fly before, the more energy you consume. This is uneconomical.

Of course there is no such problem with the Star.

So in the eyes of experts, the speed of the Star has been constantly improving. At the beginning, everyone didn't realize it, but when the speed of the stars reached 1.5 times, two times, and even three times, ten times the speed of the second universe, it was surprising.

When the Star is more than ten times the speed of the second universe, even reaching 120 kilometers per second, it is particularly shocking.

Because it can escape the solar gravitational circle and fly out of the third cosmic velocity of the solar system, it is only 16.7 kilometers per second.

At 120 kilometers per second, that's more than the fourth cosmic velocity that can break away from the galaxy's gravity and fly out of the galaxy.

The fourth cosmic velocity was proposed by scientists in 1991, but because little is known about the galaxy, and the mass and radius of the galaxy cannot be taken. The exact value of the fourth cosmic velocity is still an unknown number, 120 kilometers per second Strictly speaking, it belongs to the upper limit of the fourth cosmic velocity. The true fourth universe is even slower.

Current human technology has reached the first cosmic speed in 1948, the second cosmic speed in 1955, and the third cosmic speed in 1969, but the fourth cosmic speed has not yet been reached by mankind.

In other words, the Star may very well be the first artificial celestial body to reach the fourth universe speed!

This is another record, and this record was first set by the Chinese.

Since the Star does not adopt the stealth mode, it is not just China that has observed the Star. Other astronomical institutions with sufficient capabilities can also observe the Star’s flight speed.

Therefore, this record is not like what many Chinese nations have called the world record creation. It is just a self-talk, not recognized internationally. Now this record has been observed by astronomical institutions all over the world, even if you want to deny it, it is impossible.

Realizing this, although the Star is not from the official Chinese space agency, all the Chinese space scientists and staff who are watching the live broadcast are still happy!

This is true even for the space center where the head of the No. 1 and other leadership collectives is located.

Hearing cheers, the No. 1 head was puzzled: "What's wrong? Why are they so happy?"

An expert next door quickly explained: "Head No. 1, they are so happy because the Star has reached the fourth cosmic speed, and this is the first time in human history! This is the most undoubtedly created by our Chinese people. 'S aerospace record is also the best aerospace record!"

Chinese climbed the peak of the aerospace industry, of course, also created many records. There are also many world records. But these records, strictly speaking, do not have much shock.

Because the path taken by Chinese people is the path that others have verified, these records are rare, but more than just further improvement on the basis of others, originality and groundbreaking are not enough.

These records can be used to inspire the ambition of the Chinese people, but also to fight against the discrimination of foreigners.

Because everyone knows that pioneers tend to move slower than chasers. This is not the incompetence of the pioneers, but the chaser can avoid the difficulties and troubles encountered by the pioneers. This kind of fast is not commendable.

The same is true of Chinese. They avoided many problems in the space exploration of the United States and the former Soviet Union. It is not that Chinese people have much foresight. They just learned the lessons of the United States and the Soviet Union. Perhaps these records can show the ability of Chinese people in space exploration, but the real contribution to human space exploration is limited.

It is different now. As the first country to reach the fourth cosmic speed, this contribution will be recorded in the annals of world spaceflight. No one person or country can deny it.

As we all know, the earth is a low-speed world, and even the entire universe is also a relatively low-speed material world. Fortunately, at a low speed, in the high-speed world, a lot of problems will come up that have never been thought of and never experienced before.

This was the case when humans reached the first cosmic speed, the second cosmic speed, and the third cosmic speed.

It is only after these problems are exposed and solved that human space technology can reach today.

There is even a saying that since the United States landed on the moon in the last century, the reason why it has not been able to return to the moon, or even land on Mars even further, is because humans have not reached or approached the speed of the fourth universe, and have not exposed more problems. The solution slowed the development of science and technology.

Because it is an undeniable fact that after the United States landed on the moon in the last century, human space technology reached its peak. Existing space technology is more advanced than it was then, but there is no essential difference. Those advances are basically repairs to the existing technology, and are not truly groundbreaking.

This is why the era of landing on Mars has been repeatedly hyped by the media and the scientific community as a topic, but it has always come.

Think about it, the current generation is just a year of prosperity and strongness. It is the core of society. The forty or fifty-year-olds were still children when they were young. They listened to the media and scientists all day to say what landed on Mars. Landed on Mars. Fifty years old, this day is still far away.


Of course, there are many reasons, but an important factor is that humans have not reached the fourth cosmic speed. The problems that will arise from the third cosmic speed to the fourth cosmic speed are unclear, and there will be no breakthrough in space technology. The progress of **** can only be improved and explored a little bit.

Now it is different. The first time China reached the fourth cosmic speed revealed these problems.

In addition, most celestial bodies in the Milky Way are slower than the fourth cosmic speed. What changes will occur when an object reaches this speed, and why these changes are generated, are data with strong scientific research value. These data may even allow scientists to further unravel the mysteries of the universe and the causes of the universe, not only space technology, but also further advance astronomy, astrophysics and even theoretical physics.

As for further breakthroughs in space technology, it is even more within reach!

And all the data of this breakthrough is in the hands of the Chinese, which means that the Chinese really have a leading edge in space exploration!

These data may be open to the international aerospace community in the future, but before that, it must be thoroughly studied by Chinese scientists. Why is American space technology so powerful? It is because they are ahead in exploration. Later, although these exploration data are open to the world, it is a long time after they have studied, and it is difficult for other countries to surpass them.

Not only the United States ~ ~ the former Soviet Union’s current level of aerospace science and technology in Russia is still commendable, that is also because the US and Soviet space hegemony, the US and the Soviet Union are in the forefront in this regard, the former Soviet Union also has a lot The key data, even if Russia's national power is declining today, but only need to eat the old book, it is still enough to reach the undisputed second place in the global space field!

Taking Mars exploration as an example, so far, only four countries and forces have conducted Mars exploration: the United States, the former Soviet Union/Russia, Japan, and Europe.

But who really got the probe to Mars?

The United States, the former Soviet Union, and Europe.

So who really landed on Mars? The United States, the former Soviet Union.

Only this one can make Russia comfortably rely on the old book to firmly occupy the second place in the field of aerospace.

It's just that after the Chinese reach the fourth cosmic speed, perhaps because of the reasons for the inside, they can't pry the first throne in the United States, but it is no problem to surpass Russia's second.

This value cannot be overestimated! (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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