The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 513: Cost advantage

"The efficiency of Xingchen is so good, and the cost performance is so high. So, is it necessary for us to let Xingchen assist us in space engineering? At least, the launch of Chang'e 2 and Tiangong 1 can be handed over to them. Let's do it. I estimate that if they launch it once, it will cost several million at most, and at most tens of millions, much cheaper than ours!"


The experts next to each other looked at each other, speechless.

Needless to say, Chang'e 2 is a moon exploration satellite. This star is going straight to the moon, needless to say, even if it is just to send Chang'e 2 to the sky first, let the star help to combine it in space, make a temporary guest appearance on the cargo ship, and help get to lunar orbit, That would save a lot of money and resources!

As for Tiangong-1, this is China’s first space laboratory and a technical preview of the future space station. It will cost at least several hundred million dollars for a launch-this is just a launch. If the Stars help, it can also reduce a lot of costs.

Chief No. 1 said this only in the sense of cost, but... because of this, it is not easy to answer.

In the end, an old expert with white hair and great esteem replied: "Head No. 1, the account cannot be calculated like this. First of all, as an official space agency of a country, we must fully master the technology of all links. If we Saving a little money and omitting this link will definitely have to pay a price for this in the future. We have suffered from this kind of things before. Lessons learned!"

"Don't the Stars share all the data?"

"Data sharing is shared, but the key is that we have adopted different technological paths, and implemented different methods for the same steps. Therefore, it cannot be copied exactly."

"Then the effect of this data is not as great as expected?"

The No. 1 chief was disappointed.

The old expert shook his head: "Of course not, this data still has a huge effect. It can even be said to be extremely critical. With these data, we can greatly advance our progress in research and development. However, this can only be promoted, but not skipped. Things in this province cannot be saved."

"But... this star has such a cost advantage, don't we just watch and do nothing?"

The No. 1 chief was quite worried.

Of course, he is happy to see the development of civil space technology, even if civil space technology is stronger than the official, it does not matter. But if the advantage is so large, it is not considered a holistic consideration.

If it weren’t for Yang Chen’s technology, it would be too far away from the traditional scientific community. The possibility of promotion is extremely small. Even if the No. 1 chief is unwilling, I am afraid that he must take tougher measures to obtain Yang Chen’s technology.

After all, it is not terrible for a private company to have a technology that is more powerful than the official one. The terrible thing is that this technology has been widely promoted, and many companies can have powerful technology that exceeds the official one. This is especially true of the strategic technology of aerospace technology.

The old expert said: "Of course we cannot do nothing. Now we are not cooperating with the R&D Star in many places, are we also learning the technology on his side? But the previous technology does not include aerospace technology. That's it. Then, it is also possible to add a cooperation to the space technology now."

Chief No. 1 nodded: "What else?"

"At the same time, we can also cooperate with them in certain aerospace launches. However, one thing must be ensured that the groundbreaking launch must still be done by ourselves, no matter how expensive it is! The true core technology, or It must be mastered. This is beyond doubt."

"This is natural." Chief No. 1 nodded in agreement, but as the head of state, he considered more directions: "But in the event of an emergency, we still have to exercise power."

The old expert also responded: "Of course, if you encounter an emergency that must rely on space forces to fight for important interests, of course, you can exercise power and temporarily let go of these principles. But you must make up for the missing things afterwards. We can’t be right What we haven't yet mastered is dependent! This is the consensus of our aerospace industry people!"

The No. 1 chief smiled: "I feel very relieved that you can have such a consensus. So I can rest assured."

Having finished speaking, the No. 1 chief asked the Space Center to establish a communication channel for him and Yang Chen. He would speak to Yang Chen separately.

Soon, Yang Chen temporarily put down the experiment, went to the living room in the back, lit a three-dimensional projection, and connected to the head of No. 1 Space Center.

It is a pity that this 3D projection technology is not mastered by the Space Center. Therefore, the so-called 3D projection is just to project 2D video images using 3D technology.

When the video was connected, Yang Chen greeted the No. 1 chief politely and immediately turned to the topic.

"Xiaoyang, is your star technology very advanced. What is the cost?" The specific cost is very curious.

Because the previous cost calculation was completely relied on the state to purchase funds from the materials purchased at the time when Lingwu Villa developed the aerospace industry, it would certainly not be very accurate.

Yang Chendao: "Well, it's really hard to say."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because if we completely follow the cost, many important instruments are developed by ourselves, and many important materials are also made by ourselves. The key is that you know that we are monks, and we can provide many things ourselves, and There is no need to spend money. So, should the monks only calculate the ability or the value of the product? Wait, these aspects are not good for calculating the cost."

"If it is pure material cost?"

"That's very low. Basically no more than 20 million. And 20 million also includes a lot of infrastructure construction. Many facilities have multiple uses, not just for the aerospace industry. So it's not easy to count. If you only count the cost for the aerospace industry, and not the manpower, then the cost is only five million!"


"Yes, including rocket development and experimentation, satellite development and launch, spacecraft development, etc. And the cost per take-off of the Star is also very low. Basically, it does not exceed 100,000 yuan. Not only the Star, even the large thrust rocket developed before The cost is only 200,000."

"So low? Isn't the take-off cost of an ordinary fighter jet the same? And the cost of fuel consumption per hour of a fighter jet flight must also reach more than 100,000!"

The No. 1 chief did not speak, but the experts next to him were inexplicably surprised.

"In fact, because of the unconventional engine, if we only fly in the atmosphere, then we will consume almost no fuel."

"Then where does your energy come from?"

"From nature! From the ubiquitous aura in the universe!"

The old expert's eyes flicked: This ubiquitous aura is simply cheap, eternal energy!

You must know that any energy researched by modern science and technology, no matter nuclear energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, tidal energy, solar energy, or even only theoretical anti-matter energy, it cannot be extracted indefinitely anywhere.

Nuclear energy requires nuclear materials, and wind energy, geothermal energy, and tidal energy are basically solar energy. And solar energy is gone when it leaves the galaxy. Antimatter can look good, but first you have to have antimatter. The antimatter is not available everywhere. Even if you make it yourself, you must first have a positive substance?

These are not eternal energy. Nor can it be considered the most suitable energy source for interplanetary navigation.

After all, there must be material in these energy sources. In the universe, matter appears to be concentrated, most of it is concentrated in galaxies. Between galaxies and galaxies, there is a vast void, and the distance is often calculated by hundreds of thousands or millions of light years. With such a vast distance, even if you have mastered the ability to jump in space, it is difficult to cross. Energy alone can make people scratch their heads.

Bring enough before takeoff, the spacecraft is large enough to carry enough, but the energy consumption of interplanetary navigation is too large. The spaceship is small in scale, and the energy consumption is small, but your carrying capacity is small, and the energy band is not enough.

Let’s say we acquired it during the voyage. There is nothing in the middle and nothing is there. How do you get it?

Only this so-called aura is ubiquitous in the universe, no matter where you are, you can get inexhaustible energy, which is naturally suitable for intergalactic interstellar navigation, maybe even it should be A cosmic civilization (that is, a civilization that can reach any corner of the universe) is a must.

If we can master this kind of energy now, can the earth's civilization not develop by leaps and bounds?

Of course, Yang Chen saw the eyes of the old expert, but shook his head: "No, the biggest problem with Reiki is that it can only be manipulated by life. At least for now, we have not mastered the technology of unmanned manipulation of psionic energy."

The old expert's eyes dimmed.

If it must be manipulated by humans, then no matter how good this technique is, at least there is no light in sight now.

Although it is said that life can manipulate Reiki, to manipulate it freely, one must possess sufficient knowledge and wisdom. At present, only human beings can reach the standard. And this kind of practice that must be manipulated manually cannot be used in the vast universe.

The vast universe is in danger, and human response is often overwhelming. Without solving the problem of unmanned psionic manipulation, this technique cannot be used for interstellar navigation.

Seeing off the topic, Yang Chen pulled the topic back: "In short, in the atmosphere, our energy is free. So the cost of this flight is very low."

"What about outside the atmosphere?"

"Out of the atmosphere, because of the law of momentum, we must fly with a working medium. So, the energy fuel of the star outside the atmosphere is the working medium provided to the engine. Of course, in the future, when we have mastered the means of propulsion by means of the omnipresent psionic ocean It is possible to save these fuels, but it is not possible now. However, even so, the cost is still extremely low compared to conventional rockets, spaceships, and space shuttles, and they are not even a fraction."

The No. 1 chief smiled mildly: "So, Xiao Yang, your cost advantage is so high, how about taking full advantage of your technology in our country's space launch?"

The No. 1 chief did not say what he had discussed with the experts before, obviously to test Yang Chen. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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