The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 532: Shou Shou Xiaoguang

"Besides that, is there any change in you?"

"Isn't it..." Xiaoguang hesitated, and suddenly she smiled happily again: "Yes, I can take my body away now!"

With that said, I saw a cute little girl who looked only seven or eight years old in mid-air, with a pigtail, a red round face, and a very cute look.

After she jumped out, she threw herself into Yang Chen's arms: "Father, hug..."

Yang Chen smiled helplessly and reached out to catch her, only to feel dead and dead, not only blamed: "You little guy, really naughty!"

Yang Chen knows that this is the incarnation of the dotted creature.

Not every enchanted creature has its own incarnation, but it is certain that every enchanted creature with its own incarnation is not an idle generation and has unlimited potential.

Only three such creatures appeared in later generations, but these three creatures were eventually recognized as members of the monk by the Chinese Daoist League. If there is not enough strength and potential, the China Daomeng League will not give such an identity.

The true degree of this incarnation is also a sign of its potential and ability.

Now, Yang Chen can clearly feel that the touch and temperature of Xiaoguang's body are the same as those of normal human beings.

Even if you are really exposed to light, there will be a feeling that light is more "true" than real humans.

This is of course only an illusion. But this illusion is also another manifestation of Xiaoguang's enlightening power, which represents Xiaoguang's appeal, which can already surpass the so-called "real".

Xiaoguang was lively and restless, and stayed in Yang Chen's arms for a while, then rushed out again and smiled in the air, as if there was no weight flying up and down.

Although she can call the wind and rain on the Internet, known as the god, but in reality, she still appeared for the first time, seeing everything feels novel and fresh, and has fun. For a time, her silver bell-like laughter spread through the computer room, turning a large dark room into a playground for children, from the original silence to full of vigor and vitality.

This vitality has deeply affected Yang Chen, as if the natural feelings that emerged from the depths of the mind, rather than the artificial light. This made Yang Chen secretly surprised:

"The essence of my spiritual power has reached the planetary level. It stands to reason that things below the planetary level are basically difficult to infect my mind. I didn't expect Xiaoguang to do this, it seems that I was unintentional. The child turned out to be of extraordinary origin. The secret of the chaotic void, I am afraid that it will land on her. Not this time, I think there will be a chance in the future..."

After a while, Xiaoguang had enough play, so she flew to the supercomputer cabinet in the air, proudly holding her head, holding her small breasts, akimbo, and pointing at the cabinet and screaming, "Give me!"

I saw a faint light shining through the air and split a mouth. Yang Chen clearly saw that behind the mouth, it was Xiaoguang's private storage space.

Then Xiaoguang flew to the cabinet, grabbed the cabinet, shoved it into the mouth, and still shouted his horn.

She obviously only has a small body one meter high, but she can easily carry the cabinet with a height of more than three meters, which looks particularly awkward.

What's even more weird is that in Xiaoguang's hands, the cabinet seems to be turned into slime and can be arbitrarily twisted and deformed, but no matter how twisted and deformed, there will be no breakage and damage.

Yang Chen had intended to come forward to help, and stopped after seeing this scene.

This should belong to Xiaoguang's ability to control his body and is unique to Xiaoguang. He didn't have that ability, and treated the cabinet and the large number of chip motherboard memory modules in the cabinet as soft mud without causing damage.

Xiaoguang shuffled the cabinets one by one into her exclusive space, and spent a whole hour to finish the work.

When the last cabinet was also tucked in, Xiaoguang folded his hands together, and the mouth in the air was closed, then the white light faded away, and the release never appeared the same.

Then Xiaoguang straightened up and wiped the sweat beads on his forehead: "What a tiring..."

But although she looks like a person, after all, she is not a real person. How can there be any sweat? That is, pretending to wipe two on the forehead, and then became happy again, "giggling" with a smile, and rushed to Yang Chen: "Father and father..."

Yang Chen quickly opened his arms and let Xiaoguang "puddle" into his arms, seeing the innocent and lovely Xiaoguang, he was also inexplicably happy and asked with a smile: "Xiaoguang, you put your body all over Into your space, are you afraid that your body will lose power?"

Xiaoguang raised his head and smiled crisply: "No, Xiaoguang can not only use electricity but also use Reiki..."

"That's good."

Yang Chen was really worried that Xiaoguang would lose consciousness after the power was turned off, and now she finally feels relieved.

"Okay, is there anything else to take away? Leave without us."

Xiaoguang tilted his head and bit his finger, thinking for a while, pointing at the corner of the computer room: "I want to take all of them away!"

Yang Chen looked at it, and it turned out to be a spare parts cabinet in the computer room, as well as other peripheral equipment.

He frowned slightly: "These things are not your body, can you use them?"

"Yes." Xiaoguang replied: "You don't know, father, Xiaoguang can be powerful..."

She opened her hand a lot and made a very powerful look: "As long as it is a computer accessory, Xiaoguang can all assimilate them! Father, do you say that Xiaoguang is powerful?"

She blinked and blinked her **** eyes with long lashes and stared at Yang Chen with a look of "praise me, praise me".

Yang Chen smiled and rubbed her little head: "Great, our family Xiaoguang is the best!"

"I hate... my father is not allowed to touch Xiaoguang's head. Everyone says that touching his head often makes people stupid."

Xiaoguang grunted his mouth to express his dissatisfaction, but his **** eyes narrowed into a slit, like a crescent moon, and enjoyed Yang Chen's movement very much.

Then she flew out of Yang Chen's arms, once again akimbo, holding her head, pointing at the air with a finger, and said crisply, "Give me..."

The misty white light flashed again with the opening of the space.

But this time, Xiaoguang didn't fight against those cabinets and accessories, but grabbed a mouth in the air, which was obviously the void of space cracks, but it was like a real door, and was Xiaoguang. Grabbed in his hand, and resisted against the small shoulder, he was "resisted" and directly "resisted" to those cabinets.

"I want to be louder..." Xiaoguang lengthened his voice, and the little arm tried to open his mouth, "pulling" the mouth that was not too big.

Then she continued to "pull" the space mouth like this, until the space mouth reached the size of five or six meters, and then stopped.

"Come in!" Xiaoguang smiled happily, "resisting" the space mouth, and surrounded the target with one hand, as if he was putting something in his pocket. A cabinet was completely installed in one hand.

Obviously, this trouble is because this cabinet does not belong to Xiaoguang's body, so it cannot be made into a slime without being damaged as before, and can only be installed by this method.

Although Xiaoguang seems easy and simple to do this, Yang Chen knows that Xiaofei Xiaoguang had his own storage space at the beginning of being enlightened, so he has excellent instinct and Qualifications, for changing other people, is simply impossible to play with the vague, elusive space as a real bag.

"Hee hee..." Xiaoguang smiled happily, dragging the space, just like dragging a bag, looking for treasure, putting all the things she valued, all the same.

Every time she put it in, she hummed happily, and was happy.

Listening carefully to her singing, Yang Chen has a face, because the lyrics are like this: "We are pests, we are pests..."

I don't know where she found this old-fashioned song.

Only, the meaning in this lyrics...

Are these three views too wrong?

Yang Chen felt that his education of Xiaoguang had really failed.

When she stopped her hand at the end, she was pretended not to be full, and at least 70% or 80% of the computer room was empty, leaving almost nothing left.

In addition to the super-computed cabinets, accessories, and spare parts, this computer room also has other large backup servers and many other electronic devices. As a result, Xiaoguang was completely wiped out, and almost no one was left.


Yang Chen covered his face speechlessly: He said that let Xiaoguang take away some things, but did not say let Xiaoguang take away all! These things are all useful on the Chinese Metaphysical Portal. If you want to get Xiaoguang away, how can he explain to Miao Gaoliang and Zhang Bingyu?

With a bitter smile, he looked at Xiaoguang: "Xiaoguang, why did you take everything away?"

" What are you talking about?"

Xiaoguang blinked his **** eyes and looked innocently at Yang Chen, who looked ignorant and understandable. He couldn't help but feel pity, and almost made Yang Chen forget what Xiaoguang did.


Yang Chen responded involuntarily and immediately responded, slapping his forehead fiercely: "No, Xiaoguang, take out everything you shouldn't take!"

Xiaoguang was still blinking, as if he didn't understand what Yang Chen said.

Yang Chen gave Qile a finger, Xiaoguang, and said one by one: "Xiaoguang, return what you shouldn't take!"

Xiaoguang held the mouth of the "space pocket" firmly, shook his head hard and backed away: "These things are all Xiaoguang's..."

"Come on or not?"

"If you do not pay, you will not pay!" (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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