The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 562: Unqualified quality data

No way, this data is too massive.

As a simple example, in the solar system, the mass data of the satellites of the sun, all planets, asteroid belts, the moon, and all planets within the orbit of Saturn can be detected. In addition, the more distant Proxima star mass data, the high-quality cluster data of the Milky Way Center, the mass data of the entire Milky Way, and even the neighboring galaxies, the local galaxy group (including the Milky Way, which has about 500 galaxy groups) The quality data of the Virgo supercluster (including the galaxy cluster of the local galaxy group is also called the local supercluster cluster), the total galaxies (collectively referred to as the universe of human observations), the local universe, etc., can be detected.

Moreover, according to the quality data and some characteristics of the quality data, not only can the distance of the quality target from the earth be calculated, but also the approximate quality of the quality target can be calculated. Among these data, mass data similar to the Milky Way, nearby galaxies, local galaxies, local supercluster clusters, total galaxies, local universe, etc., can be identified through analysis in later generations. Moreover, although these data have also changed, with the current accuracy, this change is still not visible for thousands of years.

This is the benefit of having knowledge of later generations. Otherwise, Yang Chen had to analyze and calculate data one by one, and he must first try to derive the formula of mass distance through the relationship between the mass and distance of objects with known mass at close range. Only then can we analyze and calculate all the quality data, and finally calculate the distance of the object represented by these quality data from the earth and the rough data of its own quality.

Even with Yang Chen's ability, the calculation of such massive data is still enough to make Yang Chen desperate.

But with the knowledge of future generations, there is no need to be so troublesome. The above cumbersome but important calculations have been completed by a large number of scientists in later generations. Yang Chen only needs to compare the data and can clearly compare the scanned data with most objects of constant mass (actually large volume, large mass, Slow-changing objects) correspond to it, and it's much easier to do next.

Therefore, Yang Chen began to analyze and calculate the data after the pain of being forced into a large amount of data in his mind was eased slightly.

With the database of later generations, this analysis is quite fast.

However, in just a few minutes, Yang Chen ruled out most of the interference and focused his attention on one data.

The quality represented by this data is actually not great. Yang Chen calculated the mass represented by this data based on the calculation of the mass distance formula, but only the mass of the moon was not exceeded!

However, also calculated according to the mass distance formula, this distance should also be not far from the Earth-Moon distance.

In the beginning, Yang Chen also mistaken this data as the quality data of the moon. But later found another similar data, and after comparing, Yang Chen determined that the other data should be the real lunar quality data.

And in this way, Yang Chen quickly noticed that something was wrong.

The reason is simple. There is only one moon at a distance of 300,000 kilometers centered on the earth.

But from the current data, two have appeared!

Some people may say that this is because there are some invisible celestial bodies in the Earth-Moon system, or called dark matter and dark energy. This kind of conjecture has always been popular in the earth sciences: not only a dark moon (that is, the invisible moon), but also a dark earth and the like.

But even adding the theoretical explanations of so-called dark energy and dark matter, this is still wrong: the reason is simple, the data of later generations, or the data of modern scientific research, it shows that the so-called dark moon or dark earth does not exist , At least not in the quality detection data. From this, it is enough to see that there is one more lunar quality data, at least 99.99% chance, it is about the strange existence of this black hole or black body.

However, if this is the case, it is contrary to the theory of the mass distance formula.

The mass distance formula is a truth that has been tested in practice in later generations, and it is true in all experimental results. The only time it was not established was the detection by Yang Chen.

"So, what is this?"

Yang Chen became more interested in this thing.

In order to calculate the information flow that generated this thing, Yang Chen used all the computing power he could, and also let Xiaoguang Xiaosu forcefully plunder a lot of network computing power. In order to release the unknown method finally calculated, Yang Chen almost completely exhausted the power of the entire array of Yuanci Xuanchen Cave, and absorbed the aura within hundreds of miles, even the power of the earth’s veins was also absorbed in large quantities. In addition, it also shook the Linghai, which is almost impossible to be shaken!

Otherwise, one can imagine how difficult it is to shake the Linghai.

You have to know that Yang Chen has initially confirmed that the cataclysm that is about to happen ten years later is basically created by Troy’s vanguard.

The so-called cataclysm is actually an abrupt increase in the concentration of the earth's aura by a thousand times.

Yang Chen learned from the calculation that the method used by the Trojan avant-garde should be to shake the spirit sea in the area where the earth is located by some method, which caused the spirit sea to fluctuate and caused the concentration of spirit aura in the sky to rise.

In order to do this, the Trojan pioneers abnormally triggered many geological catastrophes on the earth, including but not limited to large earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, large-scale long-term giant storms, and the duration of at least more than Twenty years or more.

These geological catastrophes, their sources of strength, all come from the earth itself, and their number is extremely massive.

Only after such extremely massive, extremely violent and long-term geological catastrophes, the Trojan pioneers successfully shaken the Linghai, resulting in the earth's aura concentration reaching a level that satisfied the Trojans.

As for the large communication matrix formed by this, sending interstellar beacons to the Trojan's parent star, while opening the interstellar door, so that the Trojans can easily invade, it is a matter of convenience.

Psionic technology is far more advanced than the Trojans of the earth, and it takes so much time to do such a thing. Before Yang Chen District carried out a movement, it was almost done. This only shows that this method must be hidden. With a very profound and profound mystery, perhaps it contains the essential information of Linghai.

And the suspected black hole produced by such a method is of course even more unusual.

"Perhaps, behind this non-theoretical phenomenon, there is an extraordinary secret. Once this secret can be deciphered, perhaps the level of the earth's psionic skills will leap above the Trojans!"

Yang Chen came to this conclusion that shocked him.

You should know that after the wars and contacts of later generations, in the calculation of the earth scientists, if no Trojans came to interrupt the development process, assuming that the earth’s technical level has not increased, then it will take at least two hundred years for the earth to stand up. To the same level as the Trojans.

But in fact, even without the invasion of the Trojans, the technological level of the earth has improved, and it is impossible to maintain the previous speed.

Be aware that there are bottlenecks in the development of technology. Before the rapid development of the earth's psionic technology, it was not the level of the earth's human beings, but the result of a reference object: As of the Trojan invasion, most of the development of the psionic technology of the earth was imitated and simulated. Earth's modern scientific and technological achievements before the catastrophe.

Although these are two different types of technologies and civilizations, after all, higher civilizations have their commonalities, so the reference provided by the previous modern technology is still very important.

In other words, this is a matter of vision. With this vision, even if the previously mastered technology has been completely overthrown, and climbed from scratch to another civilized scientific technology, this vision can still greatly reduce the difficulty of upgrading the technology. This is the essence of earth civilization.

Otherwise, if you completely explore from scratch, Yang Chen estimated that to reach the same height, the time required will be increased by at least two or three times! This is also the result of a large number of geniuses appearing in the technological development process.

It can also be seen how much a large number of earth scientists such as Newton, Galileo, Gauss, Einstein, Schrödinger have contributed to the civilization of the earth. Without their vision and theory that almost surpassed the times, modern scientific and technological civilization could not develop so fast.

However, the reference object of civilization is huge, but it is not infinite. When the technical level reaches a certain level, this reference will be useless. At that time, unless human civilization is expected to hit the luck, and a top genius scientist like Newton and Einstein will guide the mankind for humanity, it will fall into a state of technological stagnation.

If that is the case, it may take four hundred years or five hundred Human civilization can stand at the same level as Troy.

However, this same level just means that everyone has mastered a grade of technology, but this technology itself is also superior. For comparison, it is equivalent to mastering the power technology. The earth civilization is still at the level of entry into the power technology of voltaic batteries, direct current, and only a few hours of electric lights that can be lit for more than ten minutes, but the Trojan civilization has developed. To the sci-fi level of wireless power transmission, plasma technology, electromagnetic shield.

This gap is to be narrowed, and it is not known how long it will take, perhaps it cannot be achieved for thousands of years.

But now, once the secret of the suspected black hole in front of us is deciphered, human civilization may be able to find another way, catch up, and reach or even exceed the level of Trojan civilization in just a hundred years.

It's so important, so why use it?

For a while, Yang Chen even had an urge to let go of everything and concentrate on studying this thing: Of course it was unrealistic. After all, the hidden secrets of such things cannot be deciphered in a day or two. Even if it can play a huge role in the future, but it must be able to support the earth until that day? Before that, you can't do nothing at all? (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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