Do they really exist, and will you ever see them again?

Shiyin, A Fei, Xiaohong, there must be a chance to see you again!

“Hmph! Not so in my opinion,”

With a sneer in his mouth, Tianji said indifferently: “How many heroes and heroes are drunk because of the things in this cup, and finally end up as a result of a drunken dream and death, even if my generation has achieved the broken realm, if you can’t control yourself, it will be impossible to escape the fate of death.” ”

Speaking of this, he couldn’t help but be stunned, and in his mind, he seemed to involuntarily remember some past events.

In the past, he was not also drunk and dreamed of death, step by step, and now he has come to the edge of this crisis.

“Huh…….. You are right, drunken dreams and death, but drunken dreams and death is not a long-cherished wish, I would rather live forever in the world of drunken dreams and death, we are not all the way after all…”

Li Xunhuan’s words in his mouth were Xiao Suo, his trembling hand, slowly reversed, I don’t know when a throwing knife appeared in his hand, at this moment, his whole person’s breath seemed to change, becoming almost unbelievable, he and the previous drunkard are the same person………………

Dreams are like life, life is like a dream, in the dream he is embarrassed, although free, but also lonely.

Looking at the edge of that Senran, in an instant, it gives people an illusion of being dazzling, which is a feeling that people can’t help but be intoxicated by.

However, it makes people clearly feel that the trembling from the depths of the soul, which comes from the threat of death, is the keenest and most fearful of every warrior, the higher the cultivation, the more obvious this sensitivity and fear, then, does it mean that the more afraid they are of death?

To be honest, Tianji really didn’t know, because when he saw Li Xunhuan, who was like a drunken ghost, take out the throwing knife, in an instant, he felt an extremely strong sense of threat, that was a sense of threat on the verge of death, as if in the next second, he was about to step into the world of death.

“Good knife!”

He opened his mouth and walked towards Li Xunhuan, the steps under his feet became bigger and bigger, but the footprints left behind became lighter and lighter, until there was no trace in the end.

Obviously, at this time, everything inside and outside his body has gradually climbed to the peak, his spirit, true yuan, soul, will be integrated with his sword, his sword, naturally, will no longer be the cold steel, but with spirituality, at that time, his sword stabbing out, will be an indestructible, unstoppable sword!

“Good knife? Maybe! ”

Li Xunhuan spoke up indifferently, he did not tell the other party that this was just one of several knives that he spent a few taels of silver to beat from a blacksmith shop in Blackstone Mountain City.

Moreover, after he bought wine, the remaining fraction, but unfortunately, he has limited money, otherwise if he makes up enough, he will inevitably buy wine, and this knife may be gone.

Raised his head and took a sip of wine, did not say anything more, did not make the slightest sound, but Tianji had already felt that Li Xunhuan’s spiritual will had entered the void and forgot himself.

He was stunned for a long time, and finally couldn’t resist the suppression of this pressure, and said word by word: “Do you have to kill me?” ”

Li Xunhuan smiled and said, “Since you came here, the end has been predetermined, aren’t you also ready to do it?” To be honest, I don’t want to kill people, but if I don’t kill people, how can Tianya Pavilion become famous in the world, and how can I complete the tasks assigned by the hall master, so not only do I have to kill, but all I want to kill must be a famous strong person in the world! ”

To be honest, Tianji was very curious in his heart who the Pavilion Master of Tianya Pavilion really was, what he looked like, and he was able to let a prodigal son like Li Xunhuan work for him.

“Tianya Pavilion is rising all the way, everyone wants to know if the Tianya Pavilion Lord really exists, and what kind of person he is!” Tianji has never held questions in his heart, because he feels that if he holds it for a long time, he will become nervous.

Li Xunhuan nodded, “This is natural, why do you think that the Pavilion Master of Tianya Pavilion does not exist, is it just because it has not appeared, this reason is really ridiculous!” The hall master is a person who is beyond people’s expectations, and with guessing, I am afraid that he will not be able to guess in this life. ”

“Maybe it won’t be long before the pavilion master will appear, presumably at that time, Tianya Pavilion already has the ability to change the world, but you don’t have a chance to see it!”

“Maybe! At that time, it is bound to be earth-shattering! Tianji sighed in his mouth: “Before I came, I never thought that there would be such a result, there are five people in the Aurora Hall Shattered Realm, and until now, only me and him are left.” ”

“You’re afraid of death….”

Li Xunhuan took a sip of wine, his hands trembled, and he almost couldn’t hold the throwing knife in his hand, it was really unimaginable, his little Li flying knife, the myth of not being a false example. How the hell did he get it, his throwing knife. How exactly did it get into the heart of the opponent and ban his life.

“Yes, I am afraid of death, the longer I live, the more afraid of death, can not die, who wants to die?”

Tianji did not hide a little, when even if he told the truth, his face unconsciously showed a hint of self-deprecating bitter smile, really bitter, bitter.

“Do you have anything to worry about, or are there people you can’t let go?” Li Xunhuan shook the wine jug and said seemingly unconcernedly.


Hearing this, Tianji only felt that his heart couldn’t help but be excited, and he could hardly help himself, and as soon as a word came out of his mouth, his throat was already plugged.

Li Xunhuan said: “I know, you are not afraid of death, the reason why you want to live is because you feel that you can’t die now, and the people and things you can’t let go of in your heart, you know that there are still people who need you to take care of, and you can’t leave it alone.”

Tianji is silent, and a most reliable friend may be your most feared opponent. ,

However, a terrible opponent will often be your closest friend, because only people who are qualified to be your opponents are qualified to be your confidants, because only such people can really understand you……….

At this moment, Tianji didn’t know whether to be happy, uncomfortable, or grateful, but no matter what kind of feelings, in the face of Li Xunhuan, he couldn’t say it after all.

“It’s a pity that your Aurora Hall must be destroyed by the Heaven and Sea Pavilion, and today, I have to kill you…” Without hesitation, Li Xunhuan indifferently said this sentence, although there was not the slightest hint of killing intent in his tone.

However, between the formless and the massless, it gives people an almost irresistible illusion, which seems to be the will of heaven and earth, and the end has long been predetermined.

“Huh……. I already knew you would say that. ”

Tianji’s heart gradually sank, as if sinking into a deep pool, bottomless, submerged by the endless cold lake, and could no longer fluctuate the slightest.

Mo Yan silently restored Zhenyuan, looking at the appearance of Tianji, he knew that the last hope had also begun to extinguish, and it would be difficult for them to leave here alive today.

Although I knew the answer for a long time, I still had a trace of luck in my heart, this is human nature, but at this moment, even the last trace of luck has been erased.

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