“How can you sleep soundly in bed!” Yang Yu’s eyes were cold and domineering, he glanced at He Xiulin and continued; “If the five great sects are willing to submit, everything obeys the orders of this king, and it can still exist, as for being equal to the kingdom, it is impossible!”

Let’s say, Yang Yu is not looking at He Xiulin, he has already said, as for how the five major sects will choose, it does not matter, I believe that it does not take any effort to eliminate the five major sects.

He Xiulin stayed in place, looking at Yang Yu’s gradually moving figure, only feeling that his body was cold, Yang Yu’s tone was cold, and the words he said were even colder.

The Five Great Sects? Hehe! At this time, He Xiulin only felt great irony, the five great sects may have united in the past to threaten the Azure Kingdom and be on an equal footing with the kingdom.

Now, the time with Yang Yu and them may not be long, but what she has seen and heard, maybe she has not been able to compare with in the past twenty years, what Blood Burning Hall and Immortal Palace, these are all she has never heard of, powerful beyond her imagination.

The more he knows, the more he understands Yang Yu’s current horror, and the five major sects can be eliminated by turning over his hand for Yang Yu’s current forces.

Yang Yu has always said that if the five great sects do not submit, He Xiulin believes that Yang Yu will definitely not show mercy to his subordinates, let alone let the Tianmen Sect go in her face.


The next day, early in the morning, all the ministers of civilization and martial arts of the imperial court came to the Golden Luan Hall, not only that, but all the Grandmaster Realm powerhouses who had participated in the great battle yesterday were also among them.

Seeing these Grandmaster Realm powerhouses, many ministers hurriedly stepped forward to say hello, these Grandmaster Realm powerhouses are the dragon who can’t see the end, and now they naturally want to make friends.

However, what disappointed them was that these Grandmaster Realm powerhouses turned a blind eye to everyone and quietly closed their eyes and raised their minds.

In addition, most of the princes are also among them, and only the sixth prince is missing.

The matter of the sixth prince colluding with the Bloody Hall yesterday was known to many Grandmaster Realm powerhouses in the Azure Kingdom, I am afraid that the sixth prince has long been secretly handled.

But most of them didn’t come for Yang Yu’s words.

The reason why most of the ministers came here was because of the new emperor, saying that the new emperor did not say that it was the prince they supported.

At this time, most of the ministers were red and looked full of spirit, and for them, today was a good day.

Yesterday, the imperial capital was full of chaos, and even the forces on that side were fighting were not clear, but they knew one thing, that is, Yang Xuanxi was dead and the imperial throne was empty.

Does it matter if the war took place? It doesn’t matter in the slightest, for them, the power displayed yesterday has exceeded their understanding, even if they know, what can they do? Avenge? No kidding, as long as you’re not dead!

Since the imperial throne is vacant, someone naturally has to sit on it, and for this reason, all the princes show their own powers.

Therefore, there are not even people who wear filial piety for Yang Xuanxi, for them, Yang Xuanxi himself is dead, and they can’t decide the ownership of the throne, since they still pretend to do something, it’s better to fight honestly and speak by force.

Then, after a series of battles, the unexpected Tenth Prince successfully defeated all opponents and became the future ruler of the Azure Kingdom.

The tenth prince sat high on the dragon chair, looking at His Highness’s group of courtiers, his face was full of excitement, especially when his gaze fell on the crown prince Yang Xiu, his smile was even brighter.

Yang Xiu turned his head and looked at Murong Qingtian with resentment, his grandfather, his eyes were full of malice, if Murong Qingtian was willing to stand up yesterday, I am afraid that it would be himself sitting on the dragon chair at this moment.

Grand Sima Ye Mujun looked at this scene proudly, the tenth prince was his grandson, and now he was about to inherit the throne, he was naturally happy.

The question of why Murong Qingtian did not support Prince Yang Xiu last night had long been left behind by him, and now the overall situation has been decided.

Only Murong Qingtian and the others, who knew Yang Yu’s horror well, quietly stood by and watched this farce.

Nangong Liuyun, Li Zhong and the others stood quietly in place, silent, ignoring everyone.

Time passed little by little, the excitement in the heart of the tenth prince still did not subside, looked at the Manchu Dynasty Minister of Culture and Martial Arts, and said loudly, “Go to the dynasty!” ”

A small eunuch beside him was an agitated spirit, and quickly sang, “Shangdynasty, civil and military officials see the ceremony!” ”

As the words fell, Grand Sima Ye Mujun bowed down first, and then nearly half of the ministers in the hall fell to the ground and shouted loudly.

“Congratulations to the new emperor on his first arrival in the Great Treasure, long live my emperor, long live long live!”

The old line, no matter which emperor in that time and space, hopes that he can live long live.

Although they were very unwilling, the other princes still chose to kneel, at least they could still have their lives.

Murong Qingtian and Nangong Liuyun did not squint, looking at this scene with a sneer, they didn’t even want to encroach on the throne, whether it was the prince or other princes.

Whoever dares to stretch out his hand dies!

This is also the reason why Murong Qingtian chose not to help the crown prince Yang Xiu, after all, he is a grandson, and compared with the entire Murong family, it is obviously the Murong family that is more important.

More than a dozen Grandmaster Realm powerhouses opened their eyes, glanced at them, and then closed their eyes again.

Looking at the indifferent Murong Qingtian, Nangong Liuyun and the others, the face of the tenth prince sitting on the dragon chair was ugly, but he also held back and did not attack.

One is a general of the dynasty, holding the military power of the kingdom. One is the prime minister of the dynasty, the head of the civil officials, and both of them are the heads of the four major families of the Azure Kingdom, which is not something he can easily offend.

At least he can’t easily offend at present, and when he is deeply rooted, he will one day clean up all four major families.

Not only the four major families, but also the five major sects, these people’s existence is a cancer, and he wants to uproot them all and push the Azure Kingdom to unprecedented heights.


The tenth prince said, his tone was full of excitement, this day, this scene, he finally waited.

From today onwards, he is the supreme emperor of the Azure Kingdom, controlling the life and death of the Azure Kingdom, and everything is under his control.

Looking at the courtiers who stood up, including Yang Xiu and many other princes, the corners of the tenth prince’s mouth lifted slightly, and the former opponents had already fallen at their feet.

Rival? Suddenly, the tenth prince thought of Yang Yu, the person who made his heart palpitate, a thorn in the eyes of all princes, and a thorn in his flesh.

Just yesterday, he even dared to splash in the Golden Luang Hall, he really scared him at that time, but now he should also let him see the glory that belongs to the victor.

“Ministers, why didn’t you see Yang Yu coming? Isn’t he dissatisfied with Xuan’s ascension to the throne? ”

The tenth prince suddenly spoke, and the entire hall instantly became silent, not knowing how to answer.

“This…..!” The faces of many ministers changed, resounding the terrifying figure of yesterday, and there were some heart palpitations in their hearts at this time, and the great general Murong Qingtian had no spare strength to resist, how terrifying this was.

Many ministers looked at each other, their eyes were full of bitterness, how could they forget that there was such a terrifying existence as Yang Yu, the eleventh prince.

“Hmph! The minister thought that the rest king Yang Yumu was lawless and had no saint, and should send troops to surround and suppress it! Ye Mujun felt the change in the atmosphere, knew that it would not work like this, snorted coldly, and spoke.

“Well, what the Great Sima said is very true, so let’s follow what the Great Sima said! Let’s leave this matter to the Great Sima! “The Tenth Prince said, he doesn’t believe how strong Yang Yu’s subordinates are, can’t a hundred thousand army, can’t a million army?

“Obey the order!”

Ye Mujun bowed and saluted, his eyes looked at the flustered group of ministers below, full of disdain, and strode out.

Now that the tenth prince has ascended the throne, his status has naturally risen, his confidence in his heart has skyrocketed, and his eyes are empty.

“No need! Ben Wang has arrived! ”

A cold voice came from outside, with a chill, which instantly filled the entire Golden Luang Hall.

The powerhouses of the Grandmaster Realm, who had originally closed their eyes and cultivated their gods, opened their eyes one after another, stood up straight, and looked out of the hall.

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