As Yang Yu left, the entire hall instantly became noisy, especially Yang Yu’s brothers!

“How so, how can he be like this, is he going to drive out and kill all of our royal family?!”

“Impossible, he can’t be so powerful, it’s fake, yes, it must be an illusion!”


Yang Xiu’s expression was sluggish, how could this be, this was completely different from what he imagined, he was the most promising to ascend the throne!

Even if he can’t become the emperor, it can’t be Yang Yu, with his grandfather Murong Qingtian’s connections, even if someone else ascends the throne, he doesn’t dare to execute him!

Wait, Yang Xiu thought of something, the question in his mind suddenly cleared, turned to look at Murong Qingtian, his face was hideous!

“You already know it, you already know that the pariah has such strength, so you don’t dare to help me, you’re afraid, right, say ah!!”

Yang Xiu tugged on Murong Qingtian’s clothes and roared loudly, more than ten is a madman. Murong Qingtian’s old face was lonely, and he slowly closed his eyes, he was indeed afraid, he couldn’t pull the entire Murong family to accompany Yang Xiu.

The surrounding ministers were also stunned, no wonder some people just now disdained the tenth prince, it turned out that they had long known that the tenth prince was just a jumping beam clown, and the real finale was Yang Yu.

“Why don’t you talk, you talk! Mine is your grandson, my mother is your daughter, how can you be so ruthless! As he spoke, Yang Xiu seemed to have been drained of all his strength, collapsed on the ground, sobbing softly, and lost his former demeanor as a prince.

“I don’t want to die, I really don’t want to die, save me, you must have a way, right, there must be!”

Murong Qingtian opened his eyes, his cloudy eyes gradually became cold, and finally turned firm.

“Murong Qingtian, as a courtier of the Immortal Court, you can disobey His Majesty’s will, the king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die!” Since Your Majesty has already given the order, then, this is your life! After that, Murong Qingtian turned around and walked towards the outside of the hall, and at the same time said to the guards of the Yulin Army, “Arrest all the princes, and if there is resistance, kill them on the spot!” ”

“No…” The princes made their own protests, happy that no one would pay attention.


Finally, all the ministers let out a sigh and left quickly, as Yang Yu said, Your Majesty is a king, they are ministers,

The king decreed that the courtiers could only obey.

The four major families of the imperial capital! Murong family!

Since Murong Qingtian returned from the Heavenly Dynasty, the atmosphere of the Murong family has changed suddenly.

Today’s Murong family has long ceased to be the original song and dance, a sorrow, shrouded in heavy depression, even as a subordinate can feel that it is particularly heartfelt to do things.

The Murong family hall Murong family all the stewards gathered, Murong Qingtian, the head of the Murong family, sat on the main throne, and below were the three elders, all of whom were peak cultivators of the innate realm.

At the bottom are important members of the Murong family, holding high or low positions in the kingdom and having a lot of influence!

“Now that Your Majesty has returned strongly, I believe that everyone will listen to the matter of the Golden Luang Hall today!”

Murong Qingtian said in a deep voice, his words were full of heaviness, what happened in the Golden Luan Hall, in the past two days, he saw the horror under Yang Yu, saw Yang Yu’s domineering, and then continued.

“At the beginning, we wanted Yang Xiu to take the throne, but we did not attack Your Majesty, and now that Your Majesty has returned to the city, we have begun to settle accounts after the fall, Yang Xiu is certain to die, and other princes are also inevitable to die, and… Yun’er, if my Murong family can’t do this well, I’m afraid my Murong family will be in danger!” ”

Yun’er, Murong Yun’er, Murong Qingtian’s daughter, Yang Xiu’s concubine, and Yang Xuanxi’s favorite concubine.

After Murong Qingtian finished, there was silence in the hall, and no one knew what to say, let alone how to speak.

Deathly silence!

“Patriarch, how come my Murong family is also one of the four major families, and it controls half of the army of the Han Dynasty, even if the prince is domineering, he doesn’t dare to oppress us too much!”

For a long time, an elder spoke, but his tone was not confident, it was really too strong for His Majesty today, completely beyond their imagination.

The strong people under his command came out one after another, easily suppressing the sudden chaos, and the Jin Luan Hall was even more unscrupulous.

Killing the ten princes, killing several ministers, and even killing all the royal families, turning over and seriously injuring more than a dozen grandmasters.

In the end, he forced the Manchu Dynasty to bow his head, and His Majesty’s domineering is visible!

“Alas! It’s all to blame that I didn’t see that His Majesty’s potential is so huge, and there are so many strong people hidden behind it! Murong Qingtian sighed and said, “At this moment, you can only obey Your Majesty’s orders wholeheartedly, and then think of others, otherwise other families will definitely not miss the opportunity to attack my Murong family, pass on the order, everyone in the Murong family is ready to go, carry out His Majesty’s order, there must be no hesitation!” ”

After saying the words, Murong Qingtian bent down, as if he was suddenly aging more than ten years, like a tardy old man, without the majesty of being a great general.


The three elders, as well as all the important members, opened their mouths one after another, their faces were full of unwillingness, could they really be unable to resist.

If they completely obeyed Yang Yu’s orders, the Murong family would really become Yang Yu’s dogs in the future, whether in the eyes of outsiders or themselves.

“Go! Go get ready! If you don’t do this, Your Majesty will not stop, you forgot that Murong Ye attacked and killed Your Majesty, but our Murong family’s instructions, Your Majesty can be magnanimous, and the Murong family still has hope of rising! ”

Murong Qingtian sighed, walking towards the inner room, these words may not even convince himself, rise, does the Murong family really have hope of rising?

Don’t give up lightly, the most important thing is that Murong Qingtian still has a glimmer of hope in his heart, if the Murong family dies, then the hope will really be shattered.

With one order after another, not only the personnel of the Murong family, but also the Yulin army were mobilized and dispatched one after another, full of storms in the city.

One by one, the prince’s mansion was surrounded, and the water could not be drained, only waiting for an order, and blood sprayed.

“Your Majesty has an order! The fourth prince King Suiyang is guilty, destroy his door, and the chicken dog will not be left! ”

Just as the housekeeper of the fourth prince’s Suiyang Palace, was about to go out to inquire, there was a loud shout outside, resounding throughout the mansion, and even the beams seemed to be shaking.

“How so?”

The fourth prince in the mansion, King Suiyang’s face changed greatly, and he was shocked in his heart, thinking which one in the palace would make a move, but he never expected that it was really so cruel.


The heart was full of thoughts, but in reality, in an instant, the fourth prince Suiyang King quickly walked towards the backyard, and the foxy rabbit still had three caves.

When he was once vying for the position of crown prince, the fourth prince King Suiyang understood that he would be killed at any time, so he naturally prepared an escape route.

It’s just a pity that the time is too rushed, and the Murong family is also determined to complete the task.

“Kill! One does not stay! ”

An elder of the Murong family outside the mansion led a thousand soldiers, all with indifferent expressions, rushed towards the mansion, and all the guards outside were killed.

As for the warriors enshrined by the fourth prince King Suiyang, seeing the might of Murong Patriarch’s innate realm peak, he didn’t even dare to fight a battle, and quickly fled.

After all, there are too few Grandmaster Realm powerhouses, and it is not something that the fourth prince, Suiyang King, can recruit.


The army is all elite soldiers of a hundred battles, who have followed Murong Qingtian in the southern and northern wars, and they are all martial artists of the Houtian Realm, which can be described as strong to the extreme, rampant!


The attack was even more brutal, with nothing being able to stop them, with blood and corpses under their feet.

But in a moment, the mansion of the fourth prince Suiyang Wang was already full of corpses, blood flowed like rivers, and the fourth prince Suiyang King didn’t even have time to escape, and he died!


Patriarch Murong said, leading the army to leave!

On this day, the imperial capital is destined to flow into rivers of blood!

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