“Ding! Yan Thirteen’s awakening mission is completed, and he begins to awaken his past life memories and restore his peak cultivation! The system did not immediately start summoning immortals, but sounded a prompt that Yan Thirteen’s awakening mission was completed.

As the system’s prompt sounded, Yan Thirteen seemed to be drained of the only remaining energy in an instant, and fell powerlessly from the air.

At this time, a figure rose from Yang Yu’s side, caught the falling Yan Thirteen, and carefully inspected, only to breathe a sigh of relief, it turned out that it was just too much consumption, life force failure, it should be the sequelae of what secret method was forcibly used, and it was temporarily life-threatening.

This person was Yan Chixia who was summoned by Yang Yu, and everyone set their eyes on Yan Thirteen, so they did not notice Yan Chixia’s appearance.

Yan Chixia was a tall man with a beard, a height of one meter and eight meters, carrying a big sword, his clothes were a little shabby, he was not dressed very neatly, and his hair was tied behind his head at will.

Seeing that Yan Thirteen was not in danger of life, Yan Chixia fell on the altar of the Heavenly Sacrifice God and put Yan Chixia down, and then he looked up at the four black-robed people who were like gods in the sky, with indignation on his face, but he did not immediately make a move, because he understood that he was not the opponent of these people.

These people were all true Immortal Realm powerhouses, and they were not something he could resist at all, even if he was a powerhouse of the Nine Heavens of the Shattered Realm, he was also shocked by the intimidating momentum of these black-robed people.

“Who are these guys, they have all reached the realm of immortal realm!” Yan Chixia thought in horror, he didn’t expect that he would encounter such a terrifying opponent as soon as he was born, and he was really in a desperate situation!

Not to mention the ministers of the Immortal Court Kingdom, they didn’t even dare to move, and the terrifying tyrants and others who were already powerful in their eyes all ended up miserable, and they would definitely send heads when they went up.

“Ding! Yan XIII began to awaken! ”

“Ding! Start summoning fairies at random now! ”

With the prompt sound of the two systems, Yang Yu also looked nervous, Yan Thirteen really did not disappoint, with the half-fairy realm cultivation, retrograde immortal cutting, killed the black-robed man at the head, and the black-robed man at the peak of the Nine Heavens of the Human Immortal Realm was killed like this!

It turned out that at the last moment, knowing that he was invincible, Yan Thirteen resolutely began to burn his life force, using the fifteenth sword with the strongest posture, the power of this sword surpassed his peak state, he succeeded, and successfully killed his opponent.


Suddenly, heaven and earth seemed to sense something, and the surrounding heaven and earth spiritual energy frantically rushed towards Yan Thirteen, surrounding Yan Thirteen layer by layer, mending his severely injured body.

In an instant, Yan XIII’s surroundings were already covered with aura, which was so rich that it turned into a liquid state, until finally it was transformed from liquid to solid, completely wrapping Yan XIII and turning it into a silkworm chrysalis.

Only then did everyone come to their senses, and the four black-robed people in the sky looked at Yan XIII who turned into a chrysalis with a complicated expression, and they were also secretly glad that Yan XIII’s opponent just now was not them.

In the face of Fang Cai’s sword, they completely lost their ability to act, watching the black-robed man led by them being killed, unable to make any moves, if that sword was aimed at them, they would probably end up in the same fate as the black-robed man at the head.

Fortunately, now that everything is about to end, Yan Thirteen has also lost the ability to resist, and then he can easily erase these people.

In the distance, the two of Hades and Hades had long since returned to their senses, but their eyes were full of shock, and the power that Yan Thirteen burst out was beyond their imagination.

In just one sword, but a breath of time, the battle is over! Yan Thirteen won, so that neither of them reacted, they wanted to save but couldn’t.

They had to marvel that they could see that Yan Thirteen had burned his life force, but they did not expect that in the end, the power of Yan Thirteen’s sword explosion had surpassed the Human Immortal Realm and had reached the point of the Earth Immortal Realm.

At this time, the remaining four black-robed people in the air once again fell their gazes on Yang Yu and the others, and it was time to end it, lest there be any more changes.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for summoning the Silver Horn King, from the world of Journey to the West, is it re-summoned? ”

Yang Yu’s body trembled, he didn’t hear it wrong, Silver Horn King? The Silver Horned King from the Journey to the West world?

In his previous life, when Yang Yu read Journey to the West, he remembered the two monsters of the Golden Horn King and the Silver Horn King deeply, just because of the sentence ‘I call you, do you dare to agree?’ ‘, a proper artifact!

In Journey to the West, the Golden Horn King and the Silver Horn King are the two monsters of the lotus cave of Pingding Mountain, the Golden Horn King turned out to be the boy of Taishang Laojun looking at the golden furnace, and the Silver Horn King was the boy who watched the silver furnace.

The weapons used by the two kings of gold and silver horns are all a seven-star sword, and there are several treasures such as red gourds, jade jing bottles, banana fans, and golden ropes, and it is difficult to win or lose when they compete with Sun Wukong.

If it weren’t for the fact that Sun Wukong used his stratagem to defeat the gold and silver monsters and collect five treasures, it would really be possible to win or lose.

Yang Yu also had hesitation, whether to summon the Silver Horn King, in the Journey to the West, the Silver Horn King completely relied on magic weapons, and his cultivation should not be very high.


Looking at the black-robed people in the air, Yang Yu no longer had a choice, even if the cultivation of the Silver Horn Great King was definitely above the Immortal Realm, it should not be a problem for these black-robed people.

“Call up the Silver Horn King’s attribute list!”

“Silver Horn King, from the Journey to the West World!”

“Race: Demon Clan!”

“Cultivation: Earth Immortal Realm Seven Heavens!”

“Exercise: Taiqing Immortal Method!”

“Loyalty: 85!”

Earth Wonderland Seven Heavens!

Bunker, I originally thought that the Silver Horn King was just a fire-burning boy, and his cultivation should not be high, but I didn’t expect that there was an Earth Immortal Realm cultivation, or the Earth Immortal Fairy Realm Seven Heavens!

Sure enough, the seventh-grade official in front of the prime minister’s door, although it is only a fire-burning person, but it also depends on who is burning the fire, Taishang Laojun is the doppelganger of the saint Laozi, and the boy under the door is too low, shame!

Seeing that the Silver Horn King actually had an Earth Immortal Realm cultivation, Yang Yu suddenly calmed down, these black-robed people with the highest cultivation had been cleaned up by Yan Thirteen, and the rest must not be stronger!

The Silver Horn King was more than enough to deal with them, the only regret was that the Silver Horn King did not come out with a magic weapon, which is a great regret!

“I really didn’t expect to be able to kill our leader, but now you still can’t escape death, so I’ll send you on your way!” The four black-robed men shot at the same time, for fear of another change.

Yang Yu smiled coldly, “Xu will not die, it is you who want to die, do you really think that there is no one under Xuan’s hands?” ”

The four black-robed people shrank their pupils when they heard this, and one of them immediately blasted towards Yang Yu with a taek fist, and the void shattered between the electric light and flint.


A black hole suddenly appeared, between the black-robed man and Yang Yu, the black hole revealed a terrifying aura, as if some terrifying existence was about to come out of it, the eyes of the four black-robed people showed fear, and Yang Yu’s face was full of killing intent.

“Dare to hurt so many subordinates, I will let you die without a place to bury today, and now our roles are about to be exchanged, I want you to know what pain is!”

Yang Yu sneered, his face filled with a thick killing intent, which made his face even more grim.

Yang Yu’s words made these black-robed people creepy, and at the same time, a huge coercion like a catastrophe came out of the black hole.

“The silver horn is here! Whoever dares to offend His Majesty will let him die without a place to be buried! ”

Silver Horn!

The entire imperial capital could hear the voice of the Silver Horn King, and the sound was thunderous, making them feel awe.

At the same time, the people and officials cheered up again, could this man named Silver Horn also be a subordinate of His Majesty and come to help His Majesty?

Note: I’m very sorry, the power is out at home, just turned on the electricity! There will be a change later, let’s see it tomorrow!

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