The Strongest Father of Fantasy

Chapter 834: Zulong Follow

"Zulong bowed down at this time, and under Zulong, please also give me a worship and take me out of this illusion."

It is a blessing that the ancient gods and beasts can unite with themselves. This is a blessing that no one else can ask for. Qin Mu originally thought that this practice, but he still entered the realm of emptiness and entertained himself.

But now Qin Mu knows that there is a deep meaning in it, and its deep meaning is enough to change the world. In the past, the heaven always thought that he was too strong, so many parties suppressed it, but now he is taking advantage of the practice to give Zulong to himself.

Qin Mu now understands the meaning of the so-called God of Heaven.

Qin Mujiang Zulong lifted up and patted his shoulder gently. Before Zulong had always appeared in person, never turned into a person, now seeing him as a person, I really want to walk with Qin Mu .

"Since you have recognized me from the bottom of my heart, I naturally have to treat you with kindness. Nowadays, the four seas and eight wildernesses seem to be stable, but they are chaotic inside. It's dangerous, it will definitely break all your peace, you really want me to take you out of this illusory realm? "

Zulong has been waiting here for thousands of years, and he has been tired of being with the illusion of the mountain all day long. Now that he finally has the opportunity to live with the people he admires, how can Zulong refuse? Regardless of the hardships and obstacles outside, it is better than spending years in the void of this illusion.

"Zulong is really willing, no matter what risks are outside, Zulong is willing to bear with you."

When Qin Mu appeared again, the crimson cloud suddenly turned into gold, Ma Ruyu felt a vision in the sky, and went out to check. Unexpectedly, just above the flowing clouds, Qin Mu gradually appeared on the ancestral dragon. People don't feel stunned.

Ma Ruyu originally wanted to be called Qin Xuan, but Qin Mu is so graceful that people can't live without eyes.

But when the vision of heaven descended, even if Ma Ruyu didn't call Qin Xuan, Qin Xuan and Taishang Laojun walked out of the room one after the other.

Qin Xuan was most pleased to see Qin Mu go out of the customs, but when Qin Mu slowly landed in front of him, Qin Xuan's happiness gradually became panic.

Qin Mu wanted to give his son a hug, but he did n’t expect Qin Xuan to avoid it first. Sure enough, the child was too old and thoughtful. It was impossible to think that the hug was too nauseous, so he avoided it. ?

"What's wrong with this? The sad cloud is bleak, is it really what happened?" Qin Mu felt panicked when she was closed. When she came out, she saw Ma Ruyu's dodged eyes, which was even worse.

Qin Xuan did not speak for a while, Qin Mu asked anxiously, "Ma Ruyu, you said."

Ma Ruyu was not good at speaking, and all the things about the human race spoke to Qin Mu without any modification.

Qin Mu had just left the border and was really uncomfortable. Qin Xuan hurriedly grabbed his arm. "Dad, it's all my fault. I lived up to your request. I know that now you are very worried about Fu Xi, but Nu Wa will be Fu Xi. In the income array, it is really difficult for us to detect their two breaths, and now we are in a hurry and we ca n’t. ”

Qin Mu knew that even with the strength of the three of them, he still couldn't stop Hong Jun and Nu Wa's plot. Since he knew it already, how could he blame Qin Xuan?

"I know you have done your best, and I also know that I just got out of the customs and I really need to rest for half a day. During this practice, I will bring Zulong back to the present world, which will definitely cause a lot of controversy, but this is not the most What matters is the most important thing. You must check it for me. What is Nu Wa's real purpose?

Fu Xi is her brother, and Nu Wa will not really kill Fu Xi even if she is mad or furious. Now that the human race is prosperous, the second realm of the Nu Wa saint can never be broken. If she wants to break through, she must borrow the luck of the human race. , Go check it out for me, get the exact news and come back and tell me. "

Although Zulong went out together with Qin Mu, he could not show his true body in reality, mainly because Zulong had already merged with his wood in an illusory state, Zulong was inside Qin Mu, Qin Muyuan The body is a giant dragon, and now it is an ancestral dragon.

Qin Mu was lying on the bed, only to feel extremely hot inside the Dantian, Zulong is a fire, and he is also a fire elephant. It takes a period of time to be compatible. Presumably this time of mutual adaptation is not only Qin Mu, Zulong is also very uncomfortable.

Ma Ruyu and Qin Xuan were given instructions from Qin Mu, naturally they did not dare to be half-hearted, and quickly investigated Yuan Shi Tianzun and Nu Wa ’s activities.

Qin Xuan went directly to hell, which is the final destination of the human race that he established after he turned into the Six Dao.

If you want to judge whether Nu Wa has won the human race's luck, then you need to count from the number of the lone soul and wild ghost. If there are many more unowned ghosts, it is the beginning of the decline of the human race's luck.

After turning into the six ways, although he dissipated into nothing, he still left the hell's caretaker. King Yan Luo was angry and looked at the infiltration, but Qin Xuan had seen the world after all, but he did not expect A person as gentle as the earth, who actually wants such a person to look after hell, is really not very suitable, but it is also okay to get used to it.

"This is Lord Yanluo?"


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