Chapter 110 Drunk Erina

Time passed by how brilliant and domineering the Polar Star Dorm was when Granny Wenxu and Wu Wei were at their peak, and how they are now.

“Mother Wenxu, Wu Wei, they are ready.” Isshiki Satoshi’s voice came from outside the door, interrupting Granny Wenxu’s speech.

“Mother Wenxu, let’s go.” Wiping the cold sweat that was about to break out from his forehead, he woke Erina and Hisako, who were drowsy, and slipped out the door. Granny Wenxu, who was almost on the same level as Tang Seng, was really terrifying.

“Okay, everyone, let’s welcome the new classmates, and a few guests, let’s raise a glass together!” Everyone raised the cups in their hands, which contained the “juice” that Shen Ryoko used to brew.

“Chrysanthemum” is the production process of Japanese traditional fermented foods such as soy sauce, sauce, wine and so on, which is made by multiplying microorganisms such as “bacteria” in steamed rice and wheat. Adding salt and water to “Wei” and fermenting it is “salt”, and Shen Ryoko is good at fermented dishes with salt. That being said, in fact, the koji is fermented with water and salt.

“The temperature, humidity, and fermentation time are lacking. These are all issues of experience, and you will master them over time. However, in the captive world of food, there seems to be no cook who makes alcohol, so it is worth nurturing Ryoko.” With a light smell, Wu Wei knew the insufficiency of rice wine.

“This is fried vegetables, fried shrimp, the ingredients are very fresh, the timing is wrong, the oil temperature is too high, the frying time is not enough, and because of the moisture, the taste is off.”

“Smoked meat, the smoked material is not selected well, if it is changed to pine and cypress, the taste will be even better, if it is smoked with cigar tree branches or gourmet trees, or orange pine trees, it will taste better. And smoked Over time, the taste is a little heavier.”

“This is the chicken that Yoshino Yuuki raised by herself. It tastes good. She can go to the food arena to help Ling and Uncle Mansam.”

There are not many talents used by IGO, and some of them have been cooked by Qiao Ya, and the remaining talents are even less. Wu Wei naturally has to think about helping these families.

“Baked fin fish with peppercorns with vegetable puree, this is Isshiki Satoshi’s dish, the roasting time is 0.3 seconds longer, and the heat is not sufficient, the amount of peppercorns is 0.01 grams more, and vegetable puree, the freshest time should have passed , did not lead out the deliciousness of the fish, but at this age, it is really amazing, if you score, you can score 88 to 89.”

“The last one is Xiaohui’s cooking, Ishikari hot pot. The handling of salmon is not perfect, the ingredients are also a little worse, and the cooking time is a little longer. However, it can still be seen that the cook is trying his best to make them well. Eat, and the ingredients are very happy!”

Xiaohui’s cooking is not the best, but it is what attracts Wu Wei the most. Although the technique is very clumsy, listening to the ingredients desperately trying to express themselves and repaying the chef’s voice, this scene is really harmonious.

With a move of chopsticks, he picked up a piece of salmon and put it into his mouth: “Well, in terms of taste, it is a little worse than delicious. However, this feeling seems to calm people’s hearts and make people unconsciously calm. Come down and feel satisfied.”

Obviously, I have never seen Xiaohui’s mother, but now there is a young woman’s figure in Wu Wei’s mind: “This is Xiaohui’s mother, and Xiaohui’s cooking also comes from her mother’s taste.

Stopping the chopsticks, Wu Wei fell into thinking: “Yukihira Sōma’s heart is indomitable and courageous, while Xiaohui’s cooking is heart-warming and caring for every diner. As for my own, it seems to be a little worse!”

“Wu Wei, come to drink too, hiccup!” A soft body was placed on Wu Wei’s back, and he reached out to catch Wu Wei’s neck.

He turned back, dumbfounded, and looked at Erina, who was ruddy and drinking, “Erina, how much rice wine have you been with?”

“It’s not wine, it’s juice made from rice, Wu Wei, come and drink!” As he said, the drunk Erina couldn’t help but put the cup in her hand towards Wu Wei’s mouth.

With a wry smile, I drank the rice wine fed by Erina.Well, in addition to the taste of rice wine, Wu Wei also tasted another fragrance, which is exactly the same as the fragrance on Erina. This cup seems to be her own use. I don’t know if this girl will wake up tomorrow. Will you chase him with a kitchen knife?

Backhand drunk Erina Lou into her arms, to prevent her from drunkenness and toss. Freeing a hand, thinking about it gently on her neck, Erina suddenly fell asleep in a daze. Carefully put Erina on the sofa, Wu Wei got up and walked towards the kitchen.

“Wu Wei, what are you?” Isshiki Satoshi watched Wu Wei’s movements curiously, not knowing why Erina fell asleep all at once.

“Acupuncture, you will see it in the future, now I am going to cook a sobering dish, do you want to come and see it?” Isshiki Satoshi’s corruption is still very strong, so strong that Ji Zhiguo Ning will be jealous and envy .

“Oh, Wu Wei’s cooking, I’m really curious!” As he said, Isshiki Satoshi followed Wu Wei into the kitchen one after another.

“Isse, don’t be too surprised about the next thing, you will come into contact with it later.” With a hand over, a cabbage with a height of more than two meters appeared in Wu Wei’s hand.

“Wu Wei, is this?” Isshiki Satoshi, who is often Mimi’s eyes, now his eyes are faster than bull’s eyes. He has never seen such a big cabbage. The most important thing is that he doesn’t know Wu Wei at all. Where is it hiding?

“This is the cabbage from the Sky Vegetable Garden. The sky white vegetable has extremely high nutritional value and has a good skin rejuvenation effect. Isshiki, look forward to it. Next is your pursuit.” Then, Wu Wei took the cabbage in his hand. He threw it sideways, grabbed a kitchen knife with his right hand, swung the kitchen knife at the cabbage in mid-air, and then put the kitchen knife back in the same place in Isshiki Satoshi’s bewildered eyes.

“Ka”, the cabbage stayed still in mid-air for more than ten seconds, and a series of blade lights suddenly flashed on the sky blank vegetable, the cabbage suddenly exploded into a pile of broken pieces, one after another falling from mid-air, neatly stacked on the cooking table Upcoming.

“How is this possible, the cabbage was cut in an instant, and”, looking at the neatly stacked cabbage like tiles on the cooking table, Isshiki Satoshi swallowed his saliva and looked at Wu with fierce eyes. (Obtained) Wei: “It’s exactly the same size, this kind of knife work is really unheard of!

“Okay, don’t be stunned, try it, creamy cabbage, this is very sober!” Reached out and handed Isshiki Satoshi a plate, which was neatly arranged with a pile of crystal clear and compelling aroma Creamy cabbage.

“It’s so fast, it’s too fast, it’s only a few seconds, how could it be done? In such a little time, the pot hasn’t been heated yet, okay! You even washed the pot? “Hot pot, Cabbage, gun pot, frying, juice collection, serving, it is a simple step to read this step again in such a period of time, but everyone has already cooked it, and even the pot has been washed, Isshiki Satoshi at this time Three views are completely destroyed.

“So you are still far behind, Isshiki, your road is still long. Leave these cabbage to you, try this different delicacy!” Seeing Ishiki not moving for a long time, Wu Wei picked up the plate. , Walking towards the outside, there is a young girl waiting to eat outside.

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