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Playing field.

At this time, the competition venue was silent, and the graduates, chefs, and everyone at Polestar Liao all stared at the five judges above, very curious about what kind of score these five judges would give, Chef Oda.

“Ahem.” A minute later, Dojima Silver coughed twice and read it under everyone’s expectant gaze.

“Akane Kubo Momo: 9.7 points!”

“Kobayashi Gentian: 9.9 points!”

“Mr. Chapel: 9.7 points!”

“Hinata: 9.8 points!”

“My score is: 9.7!”

“Average score: 9.76!”

9.76 points!

As soon as this score came out, both graduates and Polestar Liao people took a deep breath of cold air.

You must know that this is not a competition of Far Moon College, this is a competition that is scored at the level of graduates, and every 0.01 points of this is to be obtained by strength, not like the academy over there 9.5 points full score, the remaining 0.5 points depends on whether the judges like the contestants, so since Chef Oda can get this score, it means that he has the strength comparable to this score!

“Thank you.”

Chef Oda still had a smile on his face, but the smile on the corners of his mouth was even brighter, and then he turned to look in the direction of Wang Ye, and proposed to Wang Ye with a gentle smile: “Maybe you have a terrifying talent, but you are too young now to be our opponent, so I give you one last chance to apologize for your junior brother’s sake, as long as you apologize, my score can not be counted!” ”

Chef Oda’s words were full of gentleness, without the slightest hint of pride, but these words made everyone present frown, because if Wang Ye really did what he said, then he might live in the shadow of Chef Oda in this life, unless Wang Ye can defeat him in the future, his strength will never improve much!


Under the worried gazes of everyone, Wang Ye pushed the dining car out, and asked with a gentle smile on his face: “Then why don’t seniors obediently admit defeat for the sake of being your junior?” Don’t you know that there is a child-loving word in my country? ”

“Isn’t this word preceded by an honorable elder? Chef Pi looked at Wang Ye with a smile.

“Are you old?” Wang Ye smiled at this question.

“Then let’s have a good fight!” Chef Oda threw out this sentence and walked aside, while Wang Ye walked in front of the five judges, put his own dish in front of them in the eyes of the five judges, and introduced with a smile: “This is my self-created Mongolian roast lamb chops, please try it.” ”

Mongolian grilled lamb chops?

After listening to Wang Ye’s words, and glancing at the barbecue in front of him, the eyes of the five judges dimmed a little.

Because the grilled lamb chops in front of you and the dishes served by the seven chefs are simply incomparable, look at the dishes served by others, which one is not bright and fragrant?

But what about this roast lamb chop that Wang Ye brought out right now? On the surface, it can only be regarded as a roasted lamb chop at most, and it is not at all bright and beautiful, although the aroma is not nothing, but it is very light and light, if you compare it with the dishes served by the seven chefs, then it can be said that there is no at all!

What is Wang Ye doing?

Looking at the dish in front of them, the four people of Kobayashi Gentian , Chapel Pel, Dojima Gin, and Dry Hinata were thinking strangely.

Although Shapel and Qian Hinata said that they did not understand Wang Ye’s strength, they had absolute affirmation of Dojima Silver’s gaze, since Dojima Yin said that Wang Ye’s strength was strong, then Wang Ye would definitely have strong strength!

Dojima Silver and Xiaolin Gentian were also very puzzled at this time, both of them were people who had seen Wang Ye’s strength, and they both knew how strong Wang Ye was, so they also wondered why Wang Ye made such a dish.

“I’m moving.”

When the four judges were looking at the roasted lamb chops in front of them, Akane Kubo Momo on the side did not hesitate, picked up a knife and fork, cut a piece of meat from the roasted lamb chops, and then stuffed it into his mouth.

The roasted lamb chops meat entered the mouth, and when he just took a bite, it was as if he had touched a switch, and the tender and juicy liquid immediately turned into a huge amount of energy, constantly sweeping in Akane Kubo’s mind, making Akane Kubo’s mind appear blank.

When she came back to her senses, she was surprised to find that she had come to the sky above a piece of land, this is a desolate land, there are endless bones and blood on the ground, and countless red-dyed Senhan weapons are inserted in the bones, as if a war has just been experienced here.

This… Where is this?

Although Akane Kubo Momo is the fourth seat of Togetsu, she is still just a little girl who has never been in the world, no… It should be said that even a battle-hardened general will be terrified after seeing this scene, so Little Peach thought in horror, just when she had this thought, there was a fierce voice in her ears.


A simple word, this word is like the unison roar of a million-strong army, straight into the sky.

Then, Akane Kubo Momo found that the earth began to tremble, the sky began to change drastically, Akane Kubo Momo found that endless centaurs poured out on both sides of the earth, and the centaurs on both sides were all rushing towards each other with golden iron horses and swallowing thousands of miles like tigers, as if they wanted to trample each other under their horses’ hooves.

Suddenly, the sound of screams and fighting reached Akane Kubo’s ears endlessly, shocking her.

Just when she wanted to continue watching this kind of scene that she had never seen before, she found that she didn’t know when she had returned to reality, which made her a little disappointed and a little urgent, eager to see the scene that could shock her just now! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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