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The game is over!

These four words immediately made the students in the audience and the people who came in to watch outside breathe a sigh of relief.

Although the 80 contestants this time are indeed Tianjiao of the first year of Yuanyue Academy, it is too boring to let them sit here and wait for three hours, and now that the competition is over, it is time for the judges to comment, then the climax part will come.

After all, whether these eighty Tianjiao entered heaven or hell depends on the comments of the judges next!

B venue.

Five minutes passed quickly, and Kawashima took a look at the contestants in the competition venue after they had all set up their plates, before holding the microphone and starting to speak: “The next review stage is composed of five judges, each judge can score up to 20 points, that is, a maximum score of 100 points, and the four contestants who finally enter the official competition are the top 4 contestants with the highest scores on this basis!” ”

The top four contestants?!!

Even though they knew the rules for a long time, after hearing Kawashima Rei say this, the players in venue B still felt a sense of despair in their hearts.

Although Kawashima Li said that there are four people who are expected to enter the official competition, they know that there are only two real places in venue B, because Wang Ye and Alice will definitely occupy one place each, and thirty-eight people will compete for two places, and the difficulty of this B venue is already twice as difficult as that of venue A!

“What’s wrong with them?” Senkiori, who was sitting on the judges’ table, was keenly aware that the mood of the contestants was a little wrong, so she asked Isshiki next to her curiously, “Didn’t the competition start?” Why are most of the players a little depressed? ”

“Sa~” obviously knew the situation, but felt embarrassed to say it, and said with a smile: “It is estimated that they did not sleep well.” ”

Didn’t sleep well?

What about fools?

The judges scoffed at Isshiki’s statement, but Isshiki didn’t want to say it, so they didn’t bother to ask, after all, what was the situation of the contestants in the audience and their group of judges? All they need to do is review seriously.

“Time is up!”

Five minutes later, Kawashima Rei’s voice seemed to be stuck on a watch: “Next, we have invited the No. 1 contestant to play!” ”

Kawashima Rei’s voice fell, a boy who did not look surprising and had a little thick lips walked up, he put five curries in front of the five judges, and said while putting them: “This is an improved version of the sour and spicy chicken curry I made, please taste it!” ”

“Good.” Kita Shuye was the first to do it, and the spoon spooned the yellow dish into his mouth, and his face immediately showed a look of enjoyment: “Not bad, this dish, this is indeed an authentic North India masterpiece!” ”

“Indeed.” After Shingo Anton ate one, he closed his eyes and quietly savored everything that was included in the dish: “The taste of the sour Temasala spice in this is also very good, and it is worth praising that he did not make chicken into tanduri roast chicken, but made card curry chicken.” ”

“That’s right!” Kita Shuye nodded approvingly: “Tika curry chicken has no bones, so you can eat it directly with a spoon, which is a big consideration for some diners with bad teeth, it is really worthy of being a student of Yuanyue.” ”

The judges’ praise made the contestant smile faintly: “Thank you for the compliment.” ”

Kawashima Rei’s voice sounded next to him at this time: “Then please highlight the judges!” ”

‘Ding! ’

‘Ding! ’

‘Ding! ’

‘Ding! ’

‘Ding! ’

Five voices instantly sounded, and these five voices appeared with scores, and when this sound was over, the faces of the contestants who were originally smiling faintly froze at once, and the audience seats in the entire B venue became lively.

“The judges have a score of twenty instead of ten, right?”

“Yes, didn’t those two judges just give a good opinion of this guy’s cooking?”

“Sure enough… Are the first ones to appear cannon fodder players? ”

No wonder the audience commented like this, because the score was too low and low, a total of 33 points, which is miserable for a 100% perfect score!

With a suppressed anger, the contestant questioned the five judges in front of him: “My cuisine is only 33 points?” What does this mean…”

“Who do you think we are?” Kido Xiuye, who had just been full of praise, interrupted the contestant with a sneer on his face: “We are the people who eat the dishes made by experienced expert chefs every day, and we just praised you, but in view of the level of the students, otherwise such a dish, let alone let us boast, is not qualified to put in front of us!” ”

“At the end of the day… In a game like this, except for some special beings, it is already amazing that everyone else can score a maximum of 50 points in our hands! ”

Kita Shuye’s words are very crazy and arrogant, and this very crazy and arrogant words make most of the contestants’ faces very ugly, but no one dares to refute Kita Shuye, after all, he can sit in the position of the judges, then it means that he is a very great big person outside!

For Kita Shuye’s words, the spectators in the audience discussed it with pity.

“Hehe, this guy Xiduo is still so dragged, but it’s no wonder, after all, except for the graduates and the chief marshal of Yuanyue, it is estimated that there are few Yuanyue Academy who can make him take it to heart, right?”

“That student is also stupid, so which of the five people in the audience is not a gluttonous existence? He actually dared to refute, if this is placed outside, it is estimated that he will not need to mess around in Japan in the future, right? ”

“It should be said that he is young and ignorant, and he does not know the height of the sky? Or is he stupid? The five people on the questioning stage, it is estimated that except for the graduates of Yuanyue who have such capital, the others do not have such capital at all, right? However, he will not want to enter the upper class in Japan in the future, and it is estimated that there is still some future for development in other countries! ”

Listening to the words of these outside spectators next to them, the students who did not have the right to participate and were the audience were cold for a while, and now they suddenly understood a little why this autumn tryout was called the door to heaven and hell.

If there are really students who are selected, then it is indeed considered to enter heaven, but if they are not selected, then it is hell! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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