The Strongest Gods and Demons Summoning System

Chapter 14: Little loli's prestige

"Then we won?"

When Chu Yun heard the words of Princess Tilu, he was full of confidence and asked slowly.

"Let's talk if you win!"

Princess Tilu didn't feel that Chu Yun had any chance of victory. The strong under his hands had few opponents in the same realm.

At this time, Rama gave his hand to the princess Tilu: "The princess, His Royal Highness Chu has great kindness to me. I want to ask the princess to make an exception. If His Royal Highness wins, return the three cities and one pass!"

"I will make up for the loss of the Haru tribe. At the same time, I will personally explain to King Haru that the princess will not be implicated."

This is equivalent to saying that Rama is repaying his gratitude. Just now, Chu Yun's four verses made him realize that he broke through the realm of King Martial on the spot, and he was a man in return!

Princess Tilu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't help but think about it, as if it was a cost-effective way to make friends with the masters of the deserted temple, but it would be very helpful for him on the grassland.

And she can also reap Chu Yun's favor...It's not important. Thinking of this, her little face couldn't help but flush.

In the end she nodded: "Since Ramosaman opened this golden mouth, Xixia naturally agreed to it, so let's see if His Royal Highness Chu can take it down."

Chu Yun's eyes lit up and he arched his hands at Rama, "Thank you, Master!"

Chu Yun was a little speechless with the following bunch of red tape things, is this the same for this particularly wild tribe? Shouldn't you just say something wrong?

The first game was Cheng Yaojin and a master of the desert tribe. The two had already fought once at the wine shop. Cheng Yaojin was slightly better, and then they started fighting with real swords.

Cheng Yaojin continued the style he had always had. The 64-way axe used a three-pronged axe and directly forced the master out of the martial arts stage, and the opponent had no choice but to admit defeat.

There were no highlights in this game, not to mention, it was the battle of the Dragon Girl of Good Fortune, but his first battle was still full of energy to show it.

When Xiao Lori dragged the lotus golden hammer to the stage, everyone present had a weird look, and Princess Tilu couldn't help but ask:

"His Royal Highness, are you sure to let this little child join the fight? This way... not so good, this little sister is not ten years old!"

Before Chu Yun answered, little Lolita said angrily: "Hey! Who do you say is a child? Who of you looks down on this girl, come up for a fight!"

As a result, all the ridiculous men were calm, looking at each other, they couldn't hold back the face to bully the little girl Shan Cai.

No one played in the battle for a long time, but finally the boss of the furnace called the general and called a five-big three-thick bald general to play.

The bald head was a little bit embarrassed, but the military order was like a mountain, and he respectfully took the weapon Guitou knife and then boarded the competition stage.

"Little girl, military orders are like mountains. I will never show mercy, but for the sake of peace, let's stop there!"

Little Lolita showed no sympathy, and said coldly: "The Lord humiliates his ministers, and the Lord humiliates his ministers to death. Your army of wild people surrounds my lord. How can I compromise with you?"

"Today I will teach you a lesson, let you know what is meant by a sword without eyes, this girl's lotus golden hammer is bigger than your head!"

The bald head was furious, this girl kindly treated as a donkey liver and lungs, if so, don't blame me!

When the battle began, the two men rushed towards each other with their weapons directly. The bald heads slammed into the ghost head knife, and the little Lolita dragged the lotus golden hammer, blowing sparks on the ground.

The distance is getting closer and closer, the bald head fiercely raised the big sword of the ghost head high, and the little Lolita’s lotus golden hammer has also been lifted by inertia, and then—


The powerful forces fought against each other, and the true energy surged. The power of the two escaped, and waves of smoke were shaken, and the two people were enveloped.

After a long time, the smoke dissipated, and there was one person in the middle holding a knife and one holding a hammer. The hammer and the knife intersected, and sparks came out from friction.


"how can that be?"

"How can this little girl fight against my wild warrior?"

"The bald head won't let the water go!"

"I think it's possible, but the bald head doesn't look like someone who will pity and cherish jade!"

The bystanders were all shocked and inexplicably shocked, and Chu Yun was also in complete sluggishness. What's so special, this is a junior **** and demon?

Cheng Yaojin's powerfulness, Chu Yun, had already understood it long ago. Basically, he had trouble with the three axes of the same realm, and it would take a lot of hands and feet to capture it alive.

But this is an intermediate **** and demon after all!

Shancai Dragon Girl is just a junior **** and demon, why is she so strong? It's not uncommon for her to defeat the bald fierce general Chu Yun, but she struggled with strength... This sense of contrast is too strong!

One is a little girl who is four to five meters tall, and the other is a long-haired man who is more than three meters tall, alas!

Next came all kinds of gorgeous martial arts hurricanes, which shocked everyone but also feasted their eyes. It was much more interesting than Cheng Yaojin's motionlessness.

However, when the two people were fighting, the dark clouds in the sky gradually gathered on everyone's heads, and they started to drip light rain here.

The drizzle was like a silk, and everyone would not care about this kind of drizzle. They were still watching the battle in the field, which had been twenty or thirty rounds.

The bald head slammed vigorously, and every move was a big opening and closing, with the power of breaking the mountain and gravel, and the good luck dragon girl also held the lotus golden hammer, directly head-on.

The bald fierce general is the pinnacle of the heavenly position, and it can even be said that half-step Wuzong, but the lord of the furnace has never underestimated the enemy, even in the face of the good fortune dragon girl, the strongest is arranged when the general is ordered.

Although she thinks Little Lolita is cute and well-behaved, she would not think that the other party was a fool when she faced Chu Yun who was playing on the stage with herself and let herself be crushed again and again!

The two people fought back and forth off the court, each one of which was a direct head-to-head. In the 30th round, the bald general and the little loli were shocked by the powerful power.

The bald head suddenly felt that his arms were trembling constantly, and when he looked inside, he could see that some of the small meridians and capillaries had been broken, and it would take at least thirty to fifty days to cultivate.

Little Lolita is happier as she fights. If she tries her best, she can take the opponent down early, but it is rare to encounter such a power-line opponent, but she can't play it badly.

The dragon body is extremely powerful, and strength is her advantage. Although she is only a young dragon now, she has few rivals, so she is happy to see the hunt at this moment.

The person next to him had rubbed back and forth too many times in shock, and was used to it, but instead watched the show with great interest.

Just take a pile of peanuts and watermelon, and then carry a small bench!

At this time, the drizzle had begun to grow, and even thunder and lightning appeared. Everyone didn't care, but the bald fierce general felt something was wrong.

He always felt that these thunder raindrops gave him an inexplicable sense of depression, and there seemed to be a stale gas in his chest, which was really uncomfortable.

The two continued to fight hard, almost fifty rounds, the bald fierce general had been suppressed and was at an absolute disadvantage.

If we continue, this defeat is only a matter of time.

The surrounding audience is numb, from the funny, surprised, shocked at the beginning to the numbness now, seeing this powerful monster-like Charlie.

After another head-to-head encounter, Shan Cai Longnv flew back, her fairy skirt floating like a fairy, like a fairy Guanghan in the rain.

Behind, little Lori looked at the bald fierce general, and laughed as clear and beautiful as a silver bell: "Bald! Your strength is very good, but I will not play with you!"

"If you keep playing, my host will be angry!"

Ok? Are you playing with me? Means that you haven't come up with real skills yet?

The bald-headed fierce general didn't know if Little Lori was playing mystery, but the battle just now made him look at Little Lori squarely, so at this moment, he was two hundred percent vigilant.

I saw little Lolita's hands-on Jie-yin, the gestures were so complicated that everyone in the room couldn't understand it, and the speed of Jie-Yin was so fast that it was dizzying.

Little Lolita fingered the sky, fingered the ground, chanting in her mouth:

"Yuqing is the order, the true talisman tells the alliance, the second qi is moved, and the mixed one becomes true. The wind and rain are coming!"

I saw the dark clouds and showers in the sky seemed to be out of control, all converging towards little Lori's fingertips.

The dark cloud was compressed sharply. It was originally the size of dozens of houses, and then compressed to the size of only one person, and the color became deeper and deeper, turning into a deep black, as if it could swallow all light.

The showers were also gathering at her fingertips. The drops of raindrops did not merge together, but each produced different changes, becoming crystal clear swords, guns and swords, shining sharply.

"Hurry up, interrupt her!"

Princess Tilu saw that the bald general was waiting stupidly for Little Lori to do it, and shouted sharply from above.

The bald-headed fierce general was thinking about waiting for the little Lolita to perform, but at this moment he also felt her threat, and he slashed towards the little Lolita with his big knife.

"I can't help myself!"

Little Lori chuckled, the gust of wind and rain in front of her all condensed and formed, and the crystal-clear swords, guns and halberds directly pointed their sharp edges at the bald general.

The dark clouds have also converged into a black sphere the size of a human head, with purple lightning gleaming on it.

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