In the next time, Chu Yun accompanied them to go shopping, buying a lot of things in large bags, and anyway, the Yue women's storage ring was filled with half.

However, this is not too much for Chu Yun, who has a big family. The main reason is that he has been away for so long. It is better to bring something to the house.

After returning to the inn, Ye Xiaofeng and the others had already packed their luggage, and all the cultivators of Yipintang gathered together and then bid farewell to Chu Yun.

Their mission was to help Chu Yun win the first place in Nanshan hunting, but they found that they were useless, which made them very shocked.

On the whole, although their role has not been played out, the task has been completed, so they can now return to the Black Dragon Dynasty.

And Chu Yun didn't treat them wrongly, and took out high-level weapons to Ye Xiaofeng, and everyone else also had a middle-level weapon as a reward.

On the whole, they can be said to have made a lot of money this time, and the effect is still good, and their impressions of Chu Yun have also become very good. It is estimated that they have returned to Yipintang and have to say a lot of good things to him.

After bidding farewell to them, Chu Yun walked towards the palace of the Soochow Dynasty. After all, as the king of the subordinate countries of the Soochow Dynasty, he should say goodbye when he leaves.

He has a close relationship with the Black Dragon Dynasty. This is something everyone knows, but it doesn't mean his camp, it must be on the side of the Black Dragon Dynasty.

This is also the reason why he and Ye Xiaofeng sang such a play before. Of course, the Dongwu Dynasty would be wary of him, but in this critical period, it would never pay much attention to him.

Just in this way, he achieved the effect he wanted, because the strongest birds are always beaten, and it is best to be able to hide for a period of time.

It is best to launch a surprise attack, just like Hitler attacked Poland, the effect of the blitzkrieg was greatly confirmed in World War II.

However, the only people accompanying him at this time were Yue Nv and Hebei Si Ting Zhu. Yue Nv is now basically acting as Chu Yun's bodyguard, and Hebei Si Ting Zhu is pretty good.

It was because Chu Yun only later learned that these guys could form a combined attack formation and force their combat effectiveness to a higher level.

The four celestial nine-fold masters are all Wuzong's triple-tiered combat powers. After forming a combined attack formation, they are able to surpass the fighting power to become the pinnacle level of King Martial.

Of course, compared with the real Wuwang peak combat effectiveness, there are still some shortcomings, because the combat effectiveness of the formation has time, but short-term combat is completely no problem.

In this case, letting the four of them as the leading generals can be compared with Cheng Yaojin and Chen Tang, and the points are only 40, which is considered a profit.

In this way, Chu Yun already had a plan in his mind, and planned to divide the army under his hands into three branches, each led by Cheng Yaojin, Chen Tang, and Hebei Sitingzhu.

Nowadays, there are not many troops under Jiangbei County's national hand. Especially after Chu Yun became the throne, the number of the troops has not increased but decreased, and the troops have been streamlined and administration. The emphasis of the army is on the improvement of quality.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the palace of the Soochow Dynasty. Because they had arranged for their subordinates to pass through in advance, the generals of the imperial army and the **** were waiting at the palace gate, and the inside of the palace was unimpeded.

Soon I came to the Imperial Study Room, and let the Yue Nu and Si Tingzhu of Hebei wait outside. Chu Yun followed the attendant **** and saw Wu Emperor Lu Chongshan waiting inside.

"Have seen your Majesty!"

Lu Chongshan put down the memorial in his hand and looked at Chu Yun gently, as if he was an amiable old man in the countryside, and said in a peaceful voice:

"The King of Chu County is here? We don't need to be polite. Your father and I are old acquaintances, and we should treat them as a family. Liu Gong, please give us a seat soon."

Chu Yun quickly arched his hands and said respectfully: "Your Majesty has shown love, there is a difference between the top and bottom, how can Chu Yun dare to go beyond?"

The two of them got together here, and the **** next to Chu Yun moved a soft bed for Chu Yun, and then everyone around him retreated, leaving only Chu Yun and the two of them to talk in secret.

At this time, Lu Chongshan personally took out the tea set from the side, placed it in front of Chu Yun, poured a cup of tea for Chu Yun, and then said:

"I've read the booklet of the Chu Jun Wang you wrote before. You didn't have a long time since you came to the Soochow Dynasty, so don't you stay for a while? You have arranged such a tight schedule, and we have no chance to have a good conversation. !"

Chu Yun quickly expressed his gratitude, and put on a flattered look, as if the tea in front of him was a gift from heaven: "Thank you for your tea!"

"Your Majesty’s hospitality is difficult, and my Majesty is deeply grateful! But your Majesty, I have no one in Jiangbei County to use. I have to deal with everything in a huge country. I am busy with government affairs all day. No need to work so hard."

"I have been away for so long, and I don't know what the country is like. At this time, I will let my father come out of the mountain to take power again. I must go back as soon as possible. I hope your majesty can understand!"

The two were very courteous, nothing more than scenes, but while chatting, Lu Chongshan suddenly asked a question:

"Since the Chu county king has said it, this emperor is not the kind of unkind person. I only wish you a safe journey and return to Jiangbei county soon!"

"But I suddenly remembered one thing. Someone told me a few days ago that the people like Ye Xiaofeng who belonged to the county king were sent by the Black Dragon Dynasty. Is there such a thing?"

Chu Yun was taken aback in his heart. Everyone knows about this. What does Lu Chongshan's sudden question mean? Does he want to act first, but his complexion still remains the same, calm and calm:

"Your Majesty may not know something about it, so I will be honest and honest, and I will not sell anything to your Majesty!"

"Actually, my mother is actually the Ye family's daughter-in-law, one of the ten main gate lords of the Black Dragon Dynasty, but there was an accident in the future, and I was quite left out before!"

"Originally, I have been assigned to the Northwest. I didn't expect that my fifth brother would not let me go. It is a shame for my brother to be against the wall!"

"It was also at that time that I was able to turn defeat into victory with some support from the Ye family, and at the last moment inherited his father's hard work!"

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