The Strongest Gods and Demons Summoning System

Chapter 27: The ancestral land of the royal family, the sword of Zhenwu

One day later, the royal family's ancestral land.

The ancestral land of the royal family is not in the royal palace, but in the Shenlin Garden on the outskirts of the royal capital. Because this is the private property of the royal family, it is also regarded as part of the royal palace.

The ancestral land of the royal family is the ancestral land of the Chu family of the royal family of Jiangbei County. The real heritage of the royal family resides in seclusion. Countless masters are hidden in it, and there are many figures of heaven and Wuzong level.

Chu Yun walked out of the royal family's ancestral land, and recalled the scene of talking with the royal family's old man just now.

Originally, Chu Yun went to visit those old antiques, but still had a faint hope to win their support, but the big clan old man decisively refused.

However, for the refusal, the Dazu elder explained the reason. The ancestors of the royal family's ancestral land will not participate in the replacement of the throne of the county. They are only responsible for protecting the royal family.

As long as the county prince is still a member of the Chu family, they will not intervene, whether it is Chu Yun or Chu Yang.

The other is that the old family patted their chest and assured Chu Yun that although they would not and could not help Chu Yun, they would not help Chu Yang at the same time, so that he would not have any worries.

For such a result, it was also in his expectation.

After all, the ancestral land of the royal family is the umbrella of the royal family. Naturally, it cannot participate in the power struggle. Otherwise, the ancestral land of the royal family should have been banned by some generation of county princes.

Outside the royal family's ancestors, Yue Nu, Shancai, and Xie Han Kiln are all waiting. In addition, there is also a strong man who has a face.

The big man looks about thirty years old, is more than eight feet tall, has a burly body, iron-like beard and hair, and wears a military officer's costume. He exudes a powerful breath.

Behind the four, there were more than a dozen civil and military officials, but no one spoke at the moment, carefully serving the four adults in front.

Everyone was waiting here patiently, no one spoke, the scene was quiet, only Shancai was holding a bright red Zhu Guo and gnawing there, making a click.

Chu Yun got here from Shenlin Garden, but within three to five minutes, everyone saw him bowing.

"See Your Highness!"

After the salute, Chu Yun cast his gaze on the big man. Without asking, he knew that this must be the Great General of the Northern Army Sima Huan Shouguo.

Master Wu Zong, general of the Forbidden Army!

To be honest, Chu Yun was also taken aback when he saw this at first glance.

This Huan Shouguo had already stepped into the realm of a martial arts master in his thirties, and his aura was strong, the blood of the evil spirit lingered around him, and his combat power should be far more than his peers.

Such a figure is turned out to be the Great Sima of the Northern Army who is in charge of the 20,000 Forbidden Army?

Think that Panghu can't control the 300,000 northwest army if he is not in a real situation, but Wuzong masters are just like this?

Although the Northern Army's Great Sima has a high status and is a close friend of the emperor, compared to the official positions of town general, defense envoy, and protector like the local emperor, he is only a bodhisattva in the earth temple.

There must be a reason for the comparison. Chu Yun didn't inquire at this moment. Instead, he calmly looked at each other with Huan Shouguo, and then slightly nodded:

"General Huan came here today, but there is something to discuss. Please also General Huan agree!"

Huan Shouguo looked solemnly and bowed in a salute: "His Majesty is his majesty's protagonist, and the general will dare to follow. I don't know what your Royal Highness has instructed. As long as the general can do it, he must go through fire and water, and he will not hesitate!"

Huan Shouguo made a decisive statement with a slap on his chest, but everyone in the room heard his off-strings, and what he can do is okay, and what he can't do is naturally quit!

But Chu Yun didn't care either. Huan Shouguo was willing to come today, he had already expressed his attitude, and he was still inclined to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun said indifferently: "Now above the court, villains are in trouble, treacherous ministers are in charge, and they are all alone in order to correct the chaos, revive the court, purify the monarch's side, and suppress the court."

"I don't know what General Huan wants, but would you like to help me?"

Chu Yun's expression was cold, and his eyes were cold, staring like a knife on Huan Shouguo's body, which made him look cold.

His tiger's body trembles slightly, his mood is heavy, and tangled colors appear on his face, and he is silent for a long time before he can raise his words:

"His Majesty is a clear lesson, I stayed in the country and received the grace of the country. In the early years, I was able to break through and become the master of martial arts by receiving the kindness of the queen."

"Even if your Royal Highness suffers the evil of a villain and is forced to leave the capital, his subordinates and his 20,000 soldiers dare not fall to the noble concubine and the fifth prince. Today, I went here in person, all because of my highness."

"But with just these few words, your Royal Highness, let my 20,000 soldiers of the Northern Army throw on you..."

Before Huan Shouguo's words were finished, Chu Yun suddenly drew out the dragon-print sword, with the tip of the sword pointing diagonally at Huan Shouguo, and he said:

"I heard that General Huan was in charge of the frontier army, opening up the frontiers and expanding the territory, and even gained the inheritance of the great swordsman of the great school outside the Great Wall, and his cultivation is no less than a famous general!"

"Today, I am not talented, Chu Yun, but my will to martial arts is undiminished. I specifically ask the general for advice, and I also ask the general for his advice!"

When the voice fell, everyone off the court was silent, all staring at him with wide eyes, and an expression of disbelief appeared on their faces.

Even the Dragon Girl Shancai forgot to chew the fruit in her mouth at this time, her mouth was open and she didn't close it.

Huan Shouguo raised his brow even more, looked at Chu Yun suspiciously, and looked at Chu Yun carefully again. Isn't this your Highness taking the wrong medicine? Or are you sure you will keep your hands?

Everyone was puzzled. Even the gods and demons summoned by Chu Yun, because they were independent and unified, did not understand where Chu Yun's courage came from, dare to challenge the dignified Wuzong master with his mere cultivation base?

Huan Shouguo said solemnly: "Your Highness, are you serious?"

Chu Yun stopped talking, just staring at the country, his whole aura and the dragon sword in his palm became one, and the sword heart in his dantian began to turn.

He didn't use the True Martial Sword, although the True Martial Sword could leapfrog one level, but the cultivation base hadn't been reached. If he abused the True Martial Sword, he could lie down for three months.

Huan Shouguo looked at Chu Yun's posture, but his eyes lit up. He actually saw Jianxin bright in this small realm warrior!

With a clear sound of golden and iron strikes, Huan Shouguo drew his sword from his waist. The seven-foot-long, half-foot-wide blade and the shark-tooth-shaped back of the blade were domineering and mighty.

Huan Shouguo has a beard and beard, domineering sideways, and at the same time feels excited in his heart. I can't imagine that the legendary junk boy has shown so extraordinary today:

"His swordsheart is bright and talented, please let him go directly, and the final general will definitely accompany your highness in the battle!"

The **** of Chu Yun merged with Qi, his sword fits with his body, his eyes moved sharply, his true Qi burned, and the Qinglong blood, his cultivation level suddenly rose to a high level.

The whole figure moved, whizzing away like a wind, and came directly to the front door of Huan Shouguo.

The sword's heart moved, and the long sword waved, like an antelope hanging its horns, Feiling approached, piercing the eyes of Huan Shouguo.

Huan Shouguo laughed loudly, roared, and his voice rushed to the sky with his billowing true energy. With the move of the shark tooth, Chu Yun's moves were resolved.

Chu Yun was blocked with a sword, but his complexion still remained unchanged, but he felt the blood in his body surge surging, and his fighting spirit was like a lion waking up at this moment.




Chu Yun's figure quickly stepped forward again. With a move of the long sword, it split into thousands, with the spirit of bullfighting, hundreds of sword shadows slammed on the shark tooth broad sword!

"Starry Sunset Swordsmanship!"

Huan Shouguo's Shark Teeth made a big sword, and it was still resolved without expending much effort, but Chu Yun's offensive was more powerful than ever!

With this sword, the purple gas came from the east, and the glow was everywhere, as if the nine gods fell in the mortal world, high above, supreme and noble!

Huan Shouguo failed to repel him this time!

This sword bursts so fiercely that the gas is fiery, like an underground volcano covered in dust for thousands of years. Once it erupts, its power can shake the world, rivers, and mountains!

Huan Shouguo and him are evenly matched!

This sword is extremely heavy, and lingers with the yellow air of the earth, as if ten thousand mountains are pressing on it, and the power that falls is extremely powerful!

Huan Shouguo's blade was actually suppressed!

Purple Qi Donglai Sword Art!

Volcano swordsmanship!

Hou Tu Jian Jue...

At that time, Chu Yun had learned hundreds of classic sword arts in Zhenwu Sword Domain, and he could be placed in Zhenwu Sword Domain by Zhenwu Great Demon. There was really no rubbish.

Chu Yun cultivated true martial arts swordsmanship and condensed his true martial arts swordsmanship. He had forgotten all the sword techniques, but after his true martial arts swordsmanship was condensed, he could use any sword technique.

From nothing, from nothing to nothing, and then from nothing!

This is the true meaning of Zhenwu Kendo!

The so-called forgetting is not really abandoning the swordsmanship, but integrating the swordsmanship into the sword heart, and integrate them.

Finally, you can use any sword technique at any time!

When facing the enemy, he will not fall into a stalemate, will not be entangled in any kind of swordsmanship, but with every move and every style, he can naturally use the sword that suits him best!

After thirty moves, Huan Shouguo laughed calmly.

"His Royal Highness, why don't we make the final blow, how about one move to determine the outcome?"


Chu Yun was also very smooth, with countless divine lights emerging from his eyes, his body rose into the sky, and said loudly:

"Qinglong goes out to sea and kills long whales, Zhenwu goes to the sky with one sword!"

The dragon sword is no more than three feet long, but the sword light shoots out a hundred feet, and all the aura around it is concentrated on this sword.

Cut down with one sword, thunder from heaven and earth!

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