Xuanyang Sect, Xuanyang Mountain, Xuanyang Hall!

Xuan Yang's wealth is generous, and the layout and decoration of the entire palace are extremely luxurious. Chu Yun remembered the two sentences he had read in the Red Mansion in his previous life, "white jade serves as a temple for gold as a horse" and "pearls are as earth and gold as iron."


If you are so rich, you will be the object of tax collection later, and you must contribute your own strength to the construction of Jiangbei County!

Entering the Xuanyang Hall, Chu Yun met for the first time the leader of the State Church of Jiangbei County, the leader of the Xuanyang Church, and the real person Lin Xiao, the "Danfeng Fire Sword".

Lin Xiao is a long-established master of the martial arts realm. In the early years, he read more than 13,600 volumes of swordsmanship from Xuanyang Jiao Zangjing Pavilion, combined with his own martial arts, and created a hand of swordsmanship.

The Danfeng sword is out, thousands of miles away!

The fire of starting a prairie prairie, sweeping lives!

On the day of swordsmanship, Lin Xiao killed 12 of the thirteen thieves in Jiangbei, including nine Wu Zong and three King Wu. Only Ning Chiye, who ranked second, was able to escape with a secret treasure.

To be honest, the first thing Chu Yun felt when he saw Lin Xiao was that he was too ordinary, as if he were an ordinary scholar, without the edge of a swordsman.

"Master, the third hall is down!"

Xie Jing arched his hand at Lin Xiao, and then stood beside Lin Xiao waiting. The dignified elder, like the guards, respected Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao looked at the three of Chu Yun, with a look of scrutiny in his eyes. Everything that happened outside made him very angry, but the years of cultivation made him calm down.

The Supreme Elder Ye He, who had been sent to the state religion by himself, hadn't heard any news for so long, but did these three highnesses lead people to hit Xuanyang Mountain?

The small Jiangbei County is just a source of blood drawn by Xuanyang Sect. Why is there such a strong person as the little girl just now?

And this woman in Tsing Yi holding a sword, her cultivation level will not be weaker than her own, and she has a sword spirit lingering all over her body, rising into the sky, she is a powerful sword repairer!

After a long while, he said with a gentle expression: "First introduce myself, my name is Lin Xiao, the leader of Xuanyang Sect. Your Royal Highness is a guest from afar, please sit down!"

Chu Yun raised his eyelids slightly, and Da Ma sat directly opposite Lin Xiao with a golden sword, and stared at him unceremoniously: "Your Highness, Jiangbei County, Chu Yun!"

In terms of status, the chief deacon of Xuanyang Sect is already the minister of Jiangbei County Yuyi Qing, the first person under the seat of the emperor, and the leader of Xuanyang Sect is on an equal footing with the county king, or even higher.

Chu Yun is just a prince, this can be said to be extremely rude.

However, he has people like Yuenv and Shancai under him, so he naturally has confidence in his heart and will not weaken his reputation.

Of course there is another reason, that is, Chu Yun was angry outside the mountain gate just now, and naturally he has to find a place here, otherwise his three highnesses' faces will be put away!

Yuenv and Shancai stood behind Chu Yun. This move made Lin Xiao's eyes move. Two peerless beauties, and their cultivation bases are extremely powerful, are they so respectful to Chu Yun?

Lin Xiao stayed quiet, waved his sleeves, and the maids filed in, putting a lot of fruits, food, and wine on the table, all with good color and fragrance.

In the end, Lin Xiao spoke first: "I already knew what happened at the gate of the mountain just now. The people below are ignorant. Don't be offended by the third majesty. I will punish you and give you an explanation!"

Chu Yun sat on the large carved chair, his face solemn and solemn, and his eyes looked straight at Lin Xiao: "Okay, since the leader has spoken, I will personally accept your explanation from behind, and hope the leader will not let me down!"


Lin Xiao was speechless for a while, and his expression was a little embarrassed. He was just talking politely, so did you take it seriously? Don't commit it!

But after all, he is also a fox for thousands of years. He has seen everything in Liao Zhai, and his face is not much worse than that of the Great Wall. He smiled and changed the subject directly.

"It's easy to talk, but I don't know what your purpose of coming to Xuanyang Sect today is?"

Chu Yun said solemnly: "I originally wanted to contact Xuanyang Sect, but now I am simply warning you not to interfere in Jiangbei County's affairs!"

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows, and then couldn't help laughing. The arrogant smile was the opposite of his elegant temperament, and he obviously felt that Chu Yun's proposal was funny.

At the same time, an aura that seemed like a scourge filled his body, turning into a powerful oppression and hitting Chu Yun.

"His Royal Highness, are you still not awake? You will be full of nonsense, do you want to rest in my Xuanyang Sect's guest room?"

"Do you know what you are talking about? Warn me the Xuanyang Sect. You can say the word'warning'. I don't know what you are using to warn me!"

Lin Xiao's aura was so powerful that he directly pressed the entire Xuanyang Hall. The air here seemed to be frozen, squeezing towards Chu Yun.

Yuenv frowned and was about to make a move, but she saw a blue dragon surrounded by Chu Yun's body. She gently waved her sleeve to break Lin Xiao's oppression.

"Master Lin, we are all people with identities. Do you use these little tricks to perform juggling for me and make me happy? On the contrary, it is bothering you to bother!"

Lin Xiao saw that his aura could not oppress Chu Yun, so he didn't continue to make a joke, put away his aura and stared at Chu Yun with a sneer.

I really thought that it would be great if I practiced a technique that can block the aura of a master. After all, the moon in the well is nothing for nothing!

"Okay, Master Lin, don't give me any spooky ideas here, here is a letter, you can read it and talk to me!"

After Chu Yun finished speaking, he directly took out a letter from the storage ring, which was given by the princess of the Haru tribe. Chu Yun had planned to use him to separate Chu Yang from the state religion.

Lin Xiao was a little unsure, but still opened and wrote a letter with a face full of doubt, his face getting gloomy, his whole body changed, as if it was about to explode in the next moment!


Helping Chu Yang fight for the position of heir to Jiangbei County is the established strategy of Xuanyang Sect, but he did not expect to send Wuzong or even King Wu to support him, but the other party designed the Haru tribe to divide the cake!

The most important thing is that the letter plans to use the support of the deserted tribe to re-support an obedient ‘new state religion’ and let Xuanyang Sect go out!

"The true and false of this letter must be recognized by Master Lin. Whether it is a human breath or handwriting, it will not be difficult to get you!"

"Now, we can talk about it!"

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