The three Asura Hall assassins witnessed the end of the coyote gang members, and they had endless fear for the first time. As a assassin, they had already put life and death away, but Chu Yun's men were too terrifying.

Dayu shot, **** on the spot.

The strong smell of blood shocked the soul, and the killers in the Asura Palace had the idea of ​​running away.

But at this moment, a cloudy wind suddenly filled the distance, and immediately there was the power to destroy the sky and the earth swept in, as if suppressing the world, falling waves of violent air, which made the Asura Hall's killer look pleased.

"Is it finally here?"

"The strong immortal king in our Asura Palace is terrifying first-class, and he will definitely be able to deal with this immortal king."

The assassins of the Asura Hall immediately raised their heads. They looked at the endless void, and what caught their eyes was a black figure, which was swiftly moving at an extremely terrifying speed.

"I have seen a **** war god."

Before that person came in front of him, the three Asura Hall killers spoke respectfully. The Bloody God of War was the title granted by their Asura Hall, but it was not available to everyone, and needed the strength of the Immortal King.

And this **** war god, just by hearing his name, he knew it was terrible.

Even Chu Yun looked curiously at the location of the void, with a serious look in the depths.

I saw a black figure in the distance approaching him, and he stood proudly, revealing a slender body.

He was wearing a black night walker. Although he could not see his face, Ye Qing could see the strong will of a map of Pingchuan from his eyes, as if he was there, and the sun, the moon, the mountains and the river were all at peace.

Seeing such a man, Chu Yun was surprised and couldn't help asking: "Are you the bruised **** of war in the Asura Hall?"

When Chu Yun's voice fell, the man flickered his eyes a little, and then looked at Chu Yun with a sense of gaze. After almost a moment, he could see that Chu Yun was in the realm of Daluo god.

In his opinion, this kind of strength is nothing but ants.


However, when the black-clothed man looked at that Dayu, his face was obviously surprised.

"There is an immortal king in this rural land. It really surprised me, but you have become the target of the Asura Hall. No matter what, we will also deal with you in the Asura Hall."

The man spoke, obviously confident in his own strength. In his opinion, although this Dayu was powerful, he was not afraid of Dayu, and he knew that he could kill Dayu.

But Dayu looked at that **** war-god, also with a touch of disdain.

"Fuck me, otherwise don't blame me for being cruel."

As Dayu spoke, he immediately walked a few steps forward, and a powerful figure fell with every step.

"Huh, it's really arrogant, you don't think you can be lawless if you have the realm of the fairy king?"

At this moment, the **** wargod looked at Dayu, killing intently, and in his hand there was a sharp dagger, and there was a sharp and vertical direction in his hand, and then he assassinated Dayu.

"Fuck me."

Dayu roared, roared, and had a terrifying aura. Accompanied by bursts of brilliance ascending and erupting, the heaven and the earth were infinitely powerful and full of killing intent. The violent power was no longer the ordinary people could resist.

Facing such a big Yu, the **** war **** did not dare to despise him.

"The law of darkness, secret."

When the voice fell, Dayu disappeared on the spot, but Dayu understood that this guy had entered the void.

"The Law of Darkness, I didn't expect this guy to control this power."

At this moment, Dayu obviously had surprised thoughts. He did not expect that the blooded war **** actually controlled the law of darkness. You must know that this kind of law power cannot be resisted by ordinary people, and it is even difficult to control it.

The three Asura Hall killers saw this scene, and smiles appeared between their expressions.

"The law of darkness is the most terrifying existence among the laws, and our bruised war **** controls the power of this law, coupled with his physical strength, can completely kill this fairy king."

Chu Yun also took a look at Xu Kong. At this moment, he also knew the seriousness of the matter. After all, the other party had already controlled the power of the law, and it was indeed not so easy to deal with that **** war god.

Zhuqingcheng walked over and said with dignified eyes: "Master, this blood-stained war **** is in control of the law of darkness. It is not a good thing for us to stay here. In my opinion, it is better to leave."

After hearing this, Chu Yun couldn't help frowning.

But he knew that if he didn't leave, his life would be in danger. After all, the strong man who controlled the law of darkness was too terrifying, and he could not be dealt with by ordinary people. Chu Yun also had complicated thoughts.

He glanced at the space for a moment, his face had his own thoughts.

"Zhuqing City, you and I leave here first."


After hearing what Chu Yun said, Zhuqingcheng was suddenly surprised, but he also understood that staying here would not only endanger his life, but would also drag Dayu away, so Tianyin immediately steered the Ark away.

"Chased me and killed these three guys."

There was a shuddering voice in the void.

Immediately, three killers from the Asura Hall surrounded Chu Yun, their auras strong,

Zhuqingcheng was shocked and quickly steered the Ark away on the spot.

"You two still want to run away. It's really whimsical. Leave it to me!"

The three people were extremely angry, their voices shuddering, and then they continued to drop a powerful breath, accompanied by a violent aura, the power of terror was already extremely powerful.

"Chu Yun, leave it to me!"

"You can never escape."

When the three of them chased Chu Yun, they did not forget to speak.

The voice came from far away, Zhuqing City did not hesitate, and immediately urged its most powerful aura. With its powerful force, the space fell into a void of power.

Zhu Qingcheng glanced at Chu Yun and said seriously: "Master, we can't do anything like this. The three of them are powerful, and I can deal with one of them, and the other two cannot."

As soon as he said this, Chu Yun immediately fell into deep thought, with a solemn will between his eyebrows.

"Two people?"

"It just so happens, I also want to know how strong I am."

Chu Yun sacrificed his true martial arts sword, injected strong spiritual power, and the space immediately fell into the sky.

Seeing Chu Yun's move, Zhu Qingcheng didn't hesitate, he shot an attack against the sky.

"These two guys even dared to resist, they were looking for death and killed me."


The three assassins of the Asura Palace surrounded Chu Yun on the spot, violent power spreading across the audience.

Wherever this air wave passes, there will be a violent shock to the world, and the void boat in Zhuqing City has also been severely affected, but he has no fear at all, only a light color in his eyes.

"Master, you and I will go together and kill them."

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