The Strongest Gods and Demons Summoning System

Chapter 558: Looking for Chu Yun

"What? You want to shield the murderer?"

Granny Cauliflower looked at King Xueyue's panic and said coldly: "I came here today to find a guy from Chu Yun, and my apprentice died here, and my master will bury him anyway."

"Of course, if there are other people involved in this matter, don't blame my mother-in-law Cauliflower for being merciless."


King Xueyue stood on the spot, not knowing how to send this cauliflower mother-in-law.

At the same time, he didn't expect Granny Cauliflower to be so cruel.

At least others will figure out the truth of the matter, but this mother-in-law Cauliflower has no meaning in this regard.

Therefore, Xueyue King's heart was crazy.

He looked at Granny Cauliflower, and hadn't recovered for a long time.

However, Granny Cauliflower's eyes sank, and a glimmer of light passed.

"King Xueyue, since you have nothing to say, let's see you later, but I will definitely make that guy pay the price."

As soon as the voice fell, Granny Cauliflower didn't wait for King Xueyue's reply.

She swooped, "disappeared in the foggy forest.

"Father, what should I do?"

Lin Xueer looked at King Xueyue with a solemn expression on her face, "Mother Cauliflower's strength is beyond our imagination. If she deals with Chu Yun, she will definitely have no problem. And we want to save Chu Yun, that's no What is possible, Father, is there no way to stop this Cauliflower mother-in-law?"

"It's hard!"

King Xueyue shook his head, how could he not know the strength of Granny Cauliflower.

Just knowing that she didn't want to deal with this cauliflower mother-in-law.

But when he thought of Granny Cauliflower doing something wrong in her own place.

Xueyue King felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"I hope this matter can pass as soon as possible."

When the Xueyue King said this, his whole body seemed weak, although he was the leader of the Xueyue Kingdom.

However, facing the Divine Sword Sect, he also had to bow his head.

This is the power of the Divine Sword Sect is not trivial, and it is definitely not something he can deal with.

Because of this, King Xueyue could only let Granny Cauliflower kill Chu Yun.


While in the misty forest, Granny Cauliflower walked and compressed the air, and at this moment she concentrated on searching for Chu Yun's whereabouts.

However, how big the entire foggy forest is.

Even though Granny Cauliflower's strength is at stake, she wants to find Chu Yun, but it is not so easy.

Therefore, the cauliflower mother-in-law at this moment is also weak.

A complicated look fell on her face.

"Damn it, if he hides. Wouldn't I find him?"

Granny Cauliflower was furious, although she was strong, but he looked around, and there was no figure of Chu Yun at all.

If Chu Yun hides, her mother-in-law Cauliflower may not be able to find Chu Yun.

"this is……?"

At this moment, Granny Cauliflower suddenly raised her head to look at a place, and there were dozens of corpses in her eyes, but Granny Cauliflower still noticed that there was Bei Hantian's corpse among them.

Seeing this scene, Granny Cauliflower was about to run away.

She did not expect that her apprentice would really die here.

Granny Cauliflower walked over step by step, looking at Bei Hantian's death, her face looked a little ugly.

"Beast, I must take revenge and kill you."

Granny Cauliflower gritted her teeth and buried Beihantian.

After all this, she hated Chu Yun deeply.

Originally, Granny Cauliflower thought that Bei Hantian might have been killed by the fairy beast, but the sword wound on Bei Hantian's body could not be faked.

Because of this, an icy color appeared in the heart of Granny Cauliflower, and there was even more solemn power in her eyes. In less than a moment, the world was surging.

Granny Cauliflower is like a peerless powerhouse, and she stands proudly, with a gleam of light between her eyebrows, she seems to stand proudly, and the power she radiates is beyond the imagination of others.

"Damn, even if I dig three feet, I will find you too."

Granny Cauliflower said coldly, her eyes flashed with chill.

She spread her thoughts and tried to find Chu Yun's whereabouts.

However, the foggy forest is full of fog, even though Granny Cauliflower has a strong consciousness, she can't cover too far.

Moreover, Chu Yun found a hidden place, how could Granny Cauliflower find it casually.

For half a day, Mother Cauliflower didn't find Chu Yun.

"Damn it, it's really damn, I actually hid, I didn't expect you to kill my apprentice in desperation. No matter what, I will make you pay the price." At this moment, the cauliflower mother was extremely angry. If you can't find Chu Yun, if you know how terrifying he is, no matter how strong Chu Yun is, it is impossible to escape his investigation.

However, there was no whereabouts of Chu Yun in the surrounding area.

This made Granny Cauliflower even more angry about Chu Yun.

Granny Cauliflower left the foggy forest and came outside.

King Xueyue saw the ugly-looking mother-in-law Cauliflower, and immediately walked up.

"Mother Cauliflower, what's wrong?"

"What else?"

Granny Cauliflower had a cold face, and had a completely disgusting attitude towards King Xueyue. If it hadn't been for this old man to hold a hunting convention, how could her apprentice die here, and that Lin Xueer.

You are just an ordinary woman.

Bei Hantian looks at you, that is your blessing.

Unexpectedly, you need a hunting convention to marry you.

Mother Cauliflower was very angry, but her heart was very violent.

She did not expect Bei Hantian to die like this.

This incident hit her too much.

Therefore, in the eyes of the mother-in-law Cauliflower, the killing intent is contained, "Xueyue King, if the murderer does not escape from here, then I want to know if there are other escape places in this foggy forest?"

"Yes, but it's dangerous there?"

King Xueyue answered solemnly.

Granny Cauliflower couldn't help blinking when she heard the words, "In this case, that Chu Yun won't leave the misty forest?"

"This one……!"

Xueyue King wanted to say something but stopped, and he didn't know how to answer Chu Yun.

Because King Xueyue didn't know much about Chu Yun, how could he know the specific whereabouts of Chu Yun.

But he didn't expect that Granny Cauliflower actually wanted to chase Chu Yun.

As a result, King Xueyue was in a dilemma.

Seeing King Xueyue did not answer, Mother Cauliflower couldn't help snorting coldly.

"I hope he will not leave. Otherwise I will definitely make you look good."

For Xueyue King, Mother Cauliflower didn't have any fear.

After all, her Divine Sword Sect family has great business, and she is not afraid of a Xueyue King at all.

Even the Cauliflower mother-in-law at this moment can also deal with King Xueyue.

Just like this, Cauliflower mother-in-law would not put Xueyue King in her eyes.

Lin Xueer on the side looked extremely calm, but she looked at Granny Cauliflower, completely disappointed.

"Originally thought that the people of the Divine Sword Sect would not be so arrogant, but I didn't expect this Cauliflower mother-in-law to be so arrogant. If I marry Bei Hantian, then I might as well marry a dog."

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