The Strongest Gods and Demons Summoning System

Chapter 6: Nine Princess Chu Xiangyu

Previously, Pang Hu calculated Chu Yun's death by taking advantage of a war defeat, but this defeat caused the loss of three cities and a border fortress in Jiangbei County.

However, the deserted tribes lived in chasing water and grass, and the city of the Central Plains had no effect after looting, and they simply used it in exchange for benefits.

Therefore, the court negotiated with the deserted tribe, exchanged gold, silver, jewellery and food for the city, and at the same time married the nine princesses and relatives and became friends.

The desolate tribe is a general term, with hundreds of tribes large and small. The powerful tribe is comparable to the dynasty, and the weak one can be compared with the general county.

The tribe that made peace with Jiangbei County this time is called the Haru tribe.


On the wide gallop, hundreds of northwest horsemen, all wearing horse armor and holding horses, swiftly headed north.

The sky is full of yellow sand, horseshoes are bursting, and the iron cavalry is surrounded by a strong young man in soft armor and a big red cloak. It is Chu Yun.

He received the news that the nine princesses had been sent to be married, and hurriedly led troops to intercept the Heqin mission. Due to the rush of time, he did not command the army, and only brought Cheng Yaojin and hundreds of Jingqi to the north.

Logically speaking, the capital is already the site of Concubine Lin and the five princes, but as the former prince, how could there really be no means and arrangements?

The iron cavalry went north, and the yellow sand rolled. Soon, Yiqi Juechen came, the Northwest Army scout who was exploring the road ahead, came to Chu Yun to report respectfully.

"His Royal Highness, our scout team has discovered that the mission has stopped and rested in Dunhuang City, waiting for the Haru tribe to send someone to respond!"

Chu Yun's face was gloomy, and he spurred his horse: "Speed ​​up!"

Chu Yun led the soldiers forward, but still remembered the memories of getting along with the nine princesses in his mind...

Not long after the birth of the Ninth Princess, the mother of the two siblings, who was also the queen of the palace, disappeared bizarrely, in the conspiracy and deceitful place of the palace, but it was said that Chu Yun brought her up.

The eldest brother is like the father, but to the nine princesses, the eldest brother is better than the father!

After Chu Yun was framed as a frivolous national religion saint, no one in the entire court dared to say a word. The old county king took out the emperor sword to attack Chu Yun, but the nine princesses abruptly stood by the sword and refused to yield.

Even if it is the soul from Huaxia that dominates Chu Yun's consciousness now, the remaining feeling still drives him to intercept the mission non-stop.

Three hours later, it was getting late, and Chu Yun also came to Dunhuang City, which was also under the control of the Northwest Army, and no one stopped them from the city gate.

Hundreds of people galloped for almost a whole day, even if they were all elite warriors, they were already a little tired at this time. Chu Yun directly ordered a rest, and then sent scouts to alert and inquire about the news.

Soon the scouts returned news, and the entourage was living in the post, and local officials from Dunhuang City came forward to receive them and prepared a dinner at the city guard mansion.

In half an hour, with the support of the Qi-Returning Pill and Qi-Replenishing Pill, regardless of the cost, hundreds of fine knights, including war horses, all regained their vitality, and Chu Yun directly led them to the city guard mansion.

The Dunhuang city guard surnamed Wu, a civil official, was the partisan of the Concubine Lin, and he was sent to Dunhuang City for the purpose of gilding his qualifications and preparing for future promotion.

I know that Concubine Lin and the five princes arranged for the delegation to go to make a relationship, especially the head of the delegation, who is a close friend of Concubine Lin, is still very dogged to prepare a banquet to curry favor with them.

The nine princesses have lived far away from the Great Wall after the marriage this time, but this is making Han Wudi the son of the national teacher Han Ying. If he fawns on him, he won't have to worry about promotion in the future.

So he invited the best cook in the northwest from Tianshan City a few days ago, and then took out the minzhimin ointment he had searched for a banquet. What Tianshan nine-petal snow lotus, white elk lip, golden beard turtle... are all good I can’t bear to eat all the ingredients.

At the beginning of the banquet, everyone in the delegation was also very satisfied, especially because it was making Han Wu fearful, and even praised him again and again. The wine in his hand was definitely the best wine in the world.

Wu Chengshou felt distressed about his own pockets and looked at the century-old wine from the small country of Tufan. He said in a good manner, and pretended to be proud to let Han Wufen take two bottles home.

The nine princesses, Chu Xiangyu, sat at the top with a sad face at this time, and she couldn't help feeling a little sad as she watched the coquettishes underneath.

I went far beyond the Great Wall in exchange for the fortress here, but no one would remember myself. They were all happy, and who knew their grief?

Born in the palace, besides the beautiful clothes and jade food, he was also shocked at every step. Since I was a child, I have never seen my mother a few times. My father is very busy with court affairs. There are many rewards of gold and silver jewelry, but I can't feel it. care.

Only the elder brother brought him up, but now he was framed by the poisonous concubine Lin Guifei to the northwest. Now he has no chance to meet him, and he is about to leave the Great Wall.

When the Ninth Princess Chu Xiangyu felt sorry for herself, Chu Yun had already led people around the entire city guard mansion and quickly beheaded the guards outside the city guard mansion.

Chu Yun told Cheng Yaojin: "After entering, protect Xiangyu immediately, and don't let the people of the mission take her hostage!"

Cheng Yaojin nodded, then waved, and immediately followed by dozens of innate pinnacle masters, and walked directly towards the gate of the city guard mansion.

Pushing the cups and changing the cups inside, there was a staggering arrogance, there was also the sound of singing and dancing, and the noise was abnormal. Chu Yun directly stepped forward and kicked the door panels with one foot, flying several feet into it.

The expressions of the people present suddenly changed, and they dared to make trouble in the city guard mansion. Could it be that the old birthday star eats arsenic and does not want to live?

Cheng Yaojin didn't hesitate, and rushed in with a group of warriors. Relying on the speed of the master of the heavens, he drove directly to Chu Xiangyu's side. The powerful coercion radiated out, and the people around did not dare. Recklessly.

A group of elites from the Northwest also rushed in, directly facing the guests with their horses. Seeing this posture, the visitors were not good.

The headed Chu Yun was trembling in spirit, with a cold expression on his face, and he also had an aura of deep stubbornness and no anger and prestige on his body, which made people fear as a tiger.

Only the nine princesses at the top showed joy at this time, and at the same time, they were very surprised. Is this his elder brother who hadn't become a climate in the past?

As the head of Dunhuang City, Wu Chengshou was also regarded as a high-ranking official in the northwest. Naturally, he had seen Chu Yun before. At this time, seeing Chu Yun bringing Cheng Yaojin, the evil god, came over, he felt a little bit in his heart.

He had never thought that Chu Yun was here for the Ninth Princess. After all, things like going to kiss are normal, and no one will be offended.

At this time, Chu Yun slowly came to the top and said to them: "My name is Chu Yun, you should have heard of me!"

Everyone present was in an uproar. The officials and representatives of the aristocratic family in Dunhuang quickly stood up and bowed to Chu Yun in salute: "See Your Highness!"

In the northwestern land, they are naturally aware of the recent Northwest Army's great changes. Facing the third prince who even said to kill the Northwest town general, they didn't want to be in trouble.

The only people sitting in the court were the first gang and the pro-mission figures. The headed Han Wufan frowned slightly. His attention was not placed on Chu Yun, but rather staring at Cheng Yaojin.

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