When Chu Yun heard the knock on the door, she got up from the bed and opened the door to see that it turned out to be Meng Qingshuang.

Meng Qingshuang wore a sleeveless translucent gauze with faintly visible black obscene trousers, tightly hiding his graceful figure.

The glittering calves were exposed, the small and lovely feet were on the ground, the white jade arms were behind him, and the fingers were tightly twisted together, even a little whitish.

His hair was wet, with a few strands on his face, with drops of water, as if he had just taken a bath, and his body seemed to be shaking slightly from tension, standing there at a loss.

Sexy and pure, the allure is stunning!

"See the king!"

Meng Qingshuang bit his lower lip tightly, his face flushed as if blood was dripping, and he bowed to Chu Yun, revealing a touch of whiteness in his chest.

Chu Yun stared at Meng Qingshuang dumbfounded, his gaze could not help but moved to the beauty of the prosperous world on her chest, and it took a long while to come back to his senses in a daze.

He closed his eyes slightly, and said silently in his heart: "Zi said: Do not see evil, do not see evil, do not see evil..."

Meng Qingshuang didn't hear Chu Yun's answer for a while, looked up at him, and said softly, "My lord, can I go in?"

Her every move, her frowning smile, all made Chu Yun's heart tremble. Hearing her voice, Chu Yun breathed, quickly stepped aside, and asked her to come in.

"Please come in! Please come in!"

After Meng Qingshuang came in, he directly pushed the door of the room and then fastened it. This caused Chu Yun's expression to change a little.

This... Could there be a story tonight?

"My lord, I have something to tell you!" Standing in front of Chu Yun, Meng Qingshuang said with a trembling expression on his face.

Chu Yun didn't know, so he just raised his hand: "Please speak!"

"I grew up on Xuanyang Mountain since I was a child. When I was a child, the village where my family was located was blood-washed by evil spirits. Only when I was hidden in a water tank could I survive."

"Later, he was rescued by the passing master and master, and then became a member of Xuanyang Sect, and later became an inner disciple, true disciple, and even a saint!"

"But when I grow up, I have always been pure-hearted and low-spirited. I only know how to practice. I didn't know until I was ordered to come to Jiangbei County and I was taken by you to play around. It turned out that this world is so wonderful!"

"I found out that I only know Qi Gathering Pill, Huang Ya Pill, Babao Golden Pill, but I don't know what Bazhen cake, marshmallow, lotus leaf porridge, gold and silver double extract are called!"

"I didn't know that we could fly kites in spring, or go fishing after it rains. There are rattles, mud dolls, bamboo leaves and whistles!"

"Many people say that a person who cultivates is like in the sky, but no matter how spiritual the sky is, how can it compare with the prosperity and colorfulness of the world?"

"From that moment, I knew that my heart was touched, I was touched by the whole world, and you... and you... also touched!"

Speaking of this, Meng Qingshuang's face was not so red. She had already given up her own life, putting her life and death aside, and she became Chu Yun's concubine, and she would stay with Chu Yun if she failed.

Chu Yun opened his mouth and was about to speak, Meng Qingshuang put up his slender fingers and pressed them to Chu Yun's lips, not allowing him to speak.

She continued: "Later, the king was murdered, and I was also used by others. I was thinking of pacifying the king, but I was directly captured by the leader of Xuanyang Mountain!"

"I know, here must be the leader who has also participated in the calculation of the king, but I can do nothing, and I am confined to Xuanyang Mountain."

"Until you come back strong, I will be able to do things by your side. I have no face to face you, but I am even more reluctant to leave you!"

"I just thought, being able to stay by your side in this way does not matter even if you are a guard or even a slave servant. It will be a kind of happiness to the world, the land is old, the cape, and the end of the world!"

"I have been entangled, whether or not to dedicate myself to you, how I long to be loved by you, even if it's just an overnight joy, that is the happiest thing in the world!"

"Just when I was undecided, we went to take a boat ride on the Xianyang River. I heard the story of the yellow dragon carp. How I long for us to have such a beautiful love!"

"But, I heard the tragic ending. I know that sometimes, time waits for no one. Opportunity cannot be missed. Lost will never come again. I am afraid that if I do not take the initiative now, I will never have a chance again!"

"The daughter of the leader of the Huanglong tribe did not finally wait for True Monarch Huanglong, and Meng Qingshuang did not wait for Chu Yun in the end!"

Speaking of the end, Meng Qingshuang stood up, red clouds appeared on his face again, and took a deep breath. A touch of firmness in his eyes finally prevailed.

She stretched her hands into her light gauze long skirt, twisted her fingers around the belt of the clothes inside, and gently pulled it, and a touch of black clothes fell directly to the ground.

The scenery in the light gauze dress was immediately exposed. Although it was hazy, it was even more tempting, making Chu Yun's mouth dry for a while.

Meng Qingshuang directly stepped forward and hugged Chu Yun tightly, his bumpy figure was close to him, causing Chu Yun's heart to throb, and he could really feel Meng Qingshuang's trembling.

"The king said before that he would give me a reward, so what I wanted was the king's love last time!"

"My lord, please love me!"

After Meng Qingshuang finished speaking, he stood on tiptoe, clasped Chu Yun's neck with his hands, and gave the first kiss he had sealed for more than ten years. The girl's unique jerky and delicate fragrance made Chu Yun also release the long-lasting heat in his heart.

Chu Yun was not a sage and gentleman sitting still, facing the warm touch, his hands wandered around Meng Qingshuang's body, and finally said that she hugged her and placed it on the bed.

At this time, Meng Qingshuang was clutching the corner of Chu Yun's clothes tightly, and he couldn't help but be born with seven points of nervousness, two points of hesitation, and nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-one points of joy!

Years of long-cherished wish, once achieved!

The gentleness of her eyes directly melted Chu Yun's heart, and looked at her softly: "Can you?"


The boys and girls release their youth in the Jiangyue Tower, singing and singing softly, and the spring is boundless!

Yue Nu had been paying attention to Chu Yun's room to prevent someone from sneaking in at night. At this time, she could only listen to the voice coming from the next door, her heart trembled, and she couldn't even practice meditation!

And Xiaolongnu was also full of upset, stroking her charming and mature body, but staring angrily at the baby face in the mirror: "Why don't you grow faster? Let Sister Qingshuang take the lead!"

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