"Are you worthy?"

Chu Yun said three words softly, but it resounded like thunder in the ears of everyone, and the expressions of everyone present changed drastically.

Only Qin Baxian's face showed a look of enthusiasm, while Monk Dao Yan was Gu Jing Wubo, still smiling and kind.

Bai Lang surpassed Mingjian Mountain, which is unique since the establishment of the Black Dragon Dynasty. It can be said that he is a record-breaking person who is recorded in the annals of history.

But Chu Yun unexpectedly spoke insultingly and questioned him in front of the minister of the Manchu Dynasty of the Black Dragon Dynasty, questioning him in a high-ranking posture.

Of course, some ministers felt that Chu Yun was not ashamed and deserved to be the king of Jiangbei County, but more people felt that Chu Yun was nothing but ignorance or grandstanding!

"what did you say?"

Bai Lang's face turned red, suppressing her anger, and said to Chu Yun word by word, "You have the ability to say it again!"

Chu Yun looked at him with a smile, and gently shook his head, as if he was particularly disappointed with him, with a trace of pity in his eyes:

"The frog at the bottom of the well can't talk about the sky! The summer worms can't talk about the ice!"


Bai Lang was vomiting blood due to Chu Yun's arrogance, and shouted angrily: "Jiangbei County King, you are fine!"

Chu Yun nodded slightly: "I know I'm fine. Don't bother you, the little monk, if you're fine, go back to your ruined temple and chant the scriptures!"

"Monk Ye doesn't want to worship the Buddha religiously all day in his heart, but also wants to learn from others to marry a wife and have children, and he is not afraid that your ruined ancestor will lift the coffin board and climb out, and then be **** off by you!"

"Unscrupulous descendants! Unscrupulous descendants!"

Chu Yun sighed twice, and looked at the stupid men's elder in front of him with the appearance of a compassionate old father looking at his stupid son.

Xue Tonggu finally spoke and said to the two of them:

"Jiangbei County King and White Envoy are both the pride of heaven. If you have the opportunity in the future, you may wish to learn more and exchange ideas. Why do you have to be so tit-for-tat?

"At the moment, the king of Jiangbei County is still invited to participate in the assessment. If the white messenger is interested, might as well take a look at the side as a mutual understanding?"


Bai Lang was furious, but when faced with Xue Tonggu, a character who even his teacher couldn't see through, he didn't make any trouble, but responded respectfully.

Chu Yun was also quite jealous of Qin Baxian and Xue Tonggu. After all, both of them were top talents, and even the Yue women under them were not their opponents.

Chu Yun replied, "It's so good! Then Xue Changshi might as well talk about the rules of this assessment? What method is used to conduct it?"

Xue Tonggu's eyes were indifferent. Although facing Chu Yun, he did not show any emotions. He neither opposed nor supported:

"This time the assessment is divided into three rounds, with two wins in three rounds. As long as your Royal Highness completes two of them, it will naturally follow the marriage contract made by the Queen Empress!"

"The three assessments are not only the meaning of your majesty, but also the thoughts of the queen and princess, and the attitude of the ministers of the court!"

"The first scene, Wen Dou, this is a question from Princess Fuyao to the princess. There are three questions, and the princess solves two questions even if it is finished!"

"In the second battle, three generals in the same realm as the county king are selected from the army of the Black Dragon Dynasty. The county king fights three with one battle. Defeating two of them is considered a victory!"

"In the third trial, the county king chooses the two major trials of the Black Dragon Dynasty, one of the famous sword mountain and the little King Kong, and the sixth level is enough!"

Chu Yun saw that he was a little baffled. He thought that the Black Dragon Dynasty would embarrass himself, but he didn't expect the other party to look serious.

It is not specifically to stop Chu Yun to stop Chu Yun. For example, they all respect the rule of two wins in three rounds, three over two in literary fights, three wins in three fights, and two thirds in the ninth level of trials.

In the process of Chu Yun's suspicion, this assessment was also ready to begin.

The assessment was conducted in the martial arts field of the Black Dragon Palace. The terrain is spacious and can accommodate tens of thousands of troops to practice here.

The subject of the assessment was naturally Chu Yun, and the judges were Qin Baxian, Xue Tonggu, and Daoyan monk. It was precisely these three people that Chu Yun could not see through.

Not to mention that Qin Baxian and Xue Tonggu are top talents, but the talents that Chu Yun detected with the system before did not include this kind old monk.

Chu Yun guessed that this is also a top talent!

He looked at the top talents, senior talents, and intermediate talents all over, but did not see this old monk, probably because he was not in the scope.

Although Bai Lang was there at the time, he might not stay together.

But looking at the attitude of Qin Baxian and Xue Tonggu, this old monk should not be simple. At least Chu Yun's intuitive feeling is that the other party is stronger than his grandfather, Ye Family's father, and Qi Guogong Ye Teng!

Now that Qin Ba first invited this guy as a judge, it seemed that the status of this old monk would not be much different from that of him and Xue Tonggu. This was definitely not the status of the national teacher of the Yanshan Dynasty.

The ministers of the Manchu dynasty and Bai Lang, the envoy of the Yanshan dynasty, all acted as spectators. This made Chu Yun a little helpless, feeling that he was playing like a monkey!

At this time, the martial arts field had been surrounded by water, and the people in the Black Dragon Dynasty court gathered around, and they were still talking quietly.

Most of them expressed their disdain for Chu Yun:

"The little princess who came from the mountain ditch really didn't know how high the sky was. When Xue Changshi put forward this opinion, he still kicked his nose!"

"I don't know what to do, little Wuzong, it's unworthy to give princess Fuyao shoes. I can only look up at the back of our princess all my life.

"Bah! Just him, it is estimated that our princess will be left behind for a lifetime, the kind that can't even be seen from the back of the princess!"

"Hahahaha, this is reasonable, this is reasonable!"

The sentiment was irritated, and they all yelled and yelled at Chu Yun, as if they were a wild dog fluttering there, biting, screaming and jumping.

However, Chu Yun's expression was indifferent, and he didn't put them in his eyes. Most of these people came from jealousy, jealous that he had a marriage contract with the little princess of the Black Dragon Dynasty.

It's just a poor person who gets no benefit, don't take it seriously!

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