Reluctantly, Qiu Meng could only lead the little wolf to follow.

In the mist, there was no direction to guide under his feet. Everyone was completely blind and walking forward. Compared to the vigilance and nervousness of others, Chu Yun had a relaxed expression.

There is absolutely no wrong path, and his intuition tells him that his intuition is more effective than any navigation.

As everyone walked forward cautiously, the ground suddenly climbed over a few vines and approached them silently.


"Ah! What is this!"

As if the living vines caught their ankles unexpectedly, trying to throw everyone into the air.

They weren't vegetarians either, so they immediately drew out their magic weapons and attacked the vines.


"Damn it, how can this stuff keep cutting!"

Shi Jun yelled and cursed, Shi Lei Leng Jiali and others felled silently, but it did not seem to have the desired effect. I saw that these vines seemed to be alive, climbing up their ankles. Entangled them and strangled them to death.

"Golden Crow Axe!"

Seeing that it was not good, Chu Yun shouted, the magic weapon in his hand turned into a golden axe, a few sharp movements, quickly cut off the vines that entangled them.

The vines, who had been hit by the counterattack, retreated and returned to the shadows.

"Huh, huh, it's really a lot of Brother Chu's reaction, otherwise the result will be bad."

Chu Yun was also sweating profusely, but he didn't expect these tree vines to be dispatched to the Golden Crow Axe.

Everyone was a little embarrassed by this unexpected attack, the vine juice turned out to be corrosive, and there was a certain damage bonus to the monks.

Even if the skin of the monks can resist, but their clothes are not necessarily, part of the clothes are corroded by the vines and turned into rags, looking a little embarrassed.

The five took out new clothes from the space ring, put them on and moved on.

"Brother Chu, what's wrong?"

Seeing that Chu Yun's footsteps were slightly slow, Shi Lei asked curiously.

"It's okay, everyone can go ahead."

However, Chu Yun lags behind everyone intentionally or unintentionally. He raised his sleeves and took a look. The place between which was entangled by the vines just now turned blue.

"How is this going?"

He felt a little uneasy, and according to his instinct, this was not a good omen.

Because of the vine's attack just now, everyone walked cautiously this time, holding their own magical weapons in their hands, and walked more carefully with each step.


The grass next to him suddenly flew over something, Shi Jun was like a frightened bird, shaking all over, and then he lifted his Xuanlong painted halberd and slashed into the grass!

"Ooo! Ooo!" The little wolf led by Qiu Meng quickly turned around and snarled at the grass.

"Damn vines, I can't kill you!"

The grass was flying, and the innocent grass was cut into dandelion-like flying leaves. Everyone looked intently and couldn't help but laugh.

"Ahem, Brother Shi, first see what you chopped."

"I go."

After being stopped by Shi Lei, Shi Jun was speechless and embarrassed when he saw the awkward grass that had been ruined by him.


Chu Yun laughed very shamelessly. With the beginning, everyone couldn't hold back and laughed.

"You guys don't laugh anymore."

Shi Jun has a good temper. Although everyone laughed like that, he didn't see any signs of anger on his face.

"Oh, don't blame you, after all, that thing flies too fast, it's normal for you to see clearly."

"What's that?"

"Flying rabbit, right? The herbs here contain the spirit of heaven and earth, and the birds and beasts here grow here. The food is natural things that contain the spirit of immortality. Of course, they are more sensitive than the animals you see outside."

Qiu Meng nodded in agreement, "This is very true, even the vines have autonomous attacks. Maybe there are more dangerous things waiting for us in front of us."

The group of people continued to walk forward, Shi Jun cried out with some dissatisfaction: "How long do we have to walk? We have been walking for almost half an hour, and we haven't seen the door of the upper magic altar."

"No hurry, I feel fast."

Chu Yun took out the Dingkun plate in his arms, between square inches, his palm was full, and there was only one pointer above, a jasper jade. At this moment, the pointer was trembling, moving faster and faster, as if slowly guiding them forward .

"It looks like it's coming soon, everyone keep up."

Chu Yun put away the Dingkun plate and continued to move forward.

Leng Jiali stared at the object in his hand with unknown meaning, and her hand holding the sword squeezed. When Chu Yun's gaze came over, she pretended to look around without incident.

The other three were a wolf, and they didn't feel anything wrong.

If Chu Yun turned his head nonchalantly, his Adam's apple moved, it was really bad, maybe it was another spoiler.

Everyone put away their playful thoughts and continued to move forward, but this mist is really noisy, follow wherever they go.

If it weren't for the cultivator's good five senses, he wouldn't know how many somersaults would be planted along the way.

"Everyone, I feel we are almost there, everyone must be careful."

Chu Yun felt that Dingkun in his hand was moving more severely, and as soon as he reminded him, he realized something was wrong.

"Hey, look at it, this is so beautiful!"

I don't know when a firefly-like light spot appeared in the sky, the light was soft, and people couldn't help but want to touch it.

"Oh my God, maybe these little things are here to illuminate the way forward for us."

Qiu Meng loves nature and loves this kind of harmless and cute little creatures.

When Shi Jun heard these words, he could not help reaching out and touching a luminous object floating in the air.

"Indeed, it's very warm. I didn't expect that there are fireflies in this ghost place..."

Chu Yun felt that the place where this group of fireflies appeared was unusual, and when he wanted Shi Jun not to touch it, the big man quickly touched it with his hands.

"Be careful, don't touch."

Chu Yun frowned to remind, but Shi Jun didn't take it seriously.

"What's the matter? Brother Chu, you are too cautious. After all, with our cultivation base like this, this kind of bug wants to hurt us. It's impossible, you see."

Shi Jun stretched out a finger, and a small group of fireflies were standing on his fingertips, shining brightly.

When Qiu Meng and Leng Jiali saw this, they couldn't help touching those cute fireflies.

Shi Jun was the closest to Shi Jun. He stared at the light, but felt something was wrong, and suddenly saw the light turn reddish.

"No, Shi Jun! Get rid of them!"

"What? Hiss!"

Shi Jun suddenly felt a tingling pain in his fingers, and then let out a loud exclamation.

"Damn it! This thing **** blood!"

Blood is very precious to a Taoist priest. The higher the Taoist priest, the greater the effect of blood.

"Kill him!"

Chu Yun made a decisive decision, and the Golden Crow Axe in his hand quickly hacked away the blood-sucking firefly standing on Shi Jun's fingertips.

The worm split into two, and the splashed blood stained Shi Jun's hand. The latest chapter address of the Strongest Summoning System: Read the full text of the Strongest Summoning System: strongest Summoning System txt download address: strongest Summoning System mobile phone reading: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"collection\" below to record this reading (Chapter 923 The Fog Forest) , You can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "The Strongest Summoning System", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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