Venue B.

The audience in the audience stared at the monitors from above.

At this time, the screen on the monitor is impressively the movements and facial expressions of the five judges.

After watching the five judges put the vegetables and curry in their mouths, the audience closed their eyes and remained silent for a long time, and the expressions on their faces were sometimes happy, sometimes painful, sometimes shocking, so many expressions could not help but make the audience discuss curiously.

"What the hell is going on? Why don't the judges comment on this dish? Don't they usually dissect the shortcomings and highlights of this dish one by one while eating? Why do they seem to change in front of Wang Ye's monster cuisine?"

"That's right, whether it's good or bad, these judges at least give some evaluation. "

"Huh...... Are you stupid? Alice's cuisine, which has the highest score in venue B, is not comparable to this monster's dish, and now they are enjoying it, where can they have time to give a review?"

While the audience was talking, the judges were experiencing a scene that they would never forget.

The last sentence is half true, and they don't have time to give their own comments right now. But half of them are wrong, because they are not enjoying themselves, but they are suffering from the complex intertwined emotions of desolation, pain, antiquity, joy, anger, sorrow, and helplessness.

The moment they ate the food, it was as if they had traveled through endless time and space to India hundreds of years ago.

At that time, India was really poor and poor, it can be said that it was so poor that there was nothing, and the only thing they had was the land of India, which was full of desolation, but this land was like a land of disgust, except for wild grasses and some vegetables, there were no other plants to survive at all.

The lack of resources in India has led to the most primitive greed of the people of India, and greed has brought war!

In order to get the resources to survive, the people of ancient India began to wage wars in villages and cities, and they tore apart the bodies of their own kind like wild beasts, in order to grab resources.

War naturally brings death, and the five judges witnessed the pain, anger, sorrow and helplessness of those relatives after the death of the soldiers, which pushed them to become one warrior after another, and the killing and death seemed to be an endless cycle, which was unbearable.

War! War! War!

The main theme of the ancient Indian period seems to be!

I don't know how long this war has been, the desolate land has been covered with corpses, and the outbreak of wars is becoming less and less, until the final battle appears, the decisive battle between the two sides of the huge city forces, when the two armies in the Indian steppes face each other, ready to fight, a young man named Shakyamuni appeared.

Shakyamuni seemed to be a person who did not exist in this world, and he appeared on the battlefield out of thin air.

He didn't take any weapons, so he brought a pot and some fruit, but he was like a wild beast, so that the warriors on both sides stood motionless, and then he lit a fire in front of everyone, and poured all the fruit into the pot, and then took some weeds and fruits on the spot, and slowly boiled them.

Ten minutes......

Twenty minutes......

Half an hour!

A rich aroma is like a modern nuclear bomb, quickly exploding on this prairie!

With the appearance of this fragrance, the warriors who were still surging and wanted to kill the other party gradually calmed down, and their faces showed a look of intoxication, this is Shakyamuni finally spoke, his voice carried endless illusion and lightness: "Heaven is the final reincarnation, the sky does not forgive people, killing will always lead to evil consequences, now I give this elixir to purify all sentient beings, to relieve you from hunger and cold, so you disperse......"

"The material of this elixir is very simple, it can be developed with fruits and some wild vegetables, so that you can use it to satisfy your stomach, and then slowly develop the acres of animals, changing this endless cycle of cause and effect!"


After hearing the last Buddha sentence, the five judges finally returned to reality.

Kita Shuye looked at the curry in front of him in disbelief, and said in an incredulous tone, "This... It's a curry for all living beings!"

"That's right!" Shingo Anton nodded and said with emotion: "No wonder the recipe has been lost, in fact, it is not lost at all, but it has always been in front of our eyes, but we still can't believe it, and now I can eat such a curry, it is a great blessing." "

"Are you satisfied?" asked Chimatari to Shingo Anto.

"Satisfied. "

"Then don't eat it!" Hearing this, Chitaru Weaving didn't care about any demeanor at all, and stretched out his hand directly towards the curry in front of Anton Shingo, and said as he stretched out: "I'm not satisfied, although mine hasn't finished eating, but it's definitely not enough to eat!"

"I refuse!" Anton Shingo quickly picked up the porcelain bowl in front of him, and looked at Chiri Weaving with a vigilant face: "Miss Chita, if it's an ordinary dish, I'll give it to you, but this curry can't be given to you!"

"Hmph!" Chimatari snorted coldly, and then looked at the other three judges: "I recycle ...... at a high price"

The voice stopped abruptly, because none of the other three judges were stupid, and after seeing Chitatsu Ori's performance, he immediately picked up the porcelain bowl and ate the vegetables inside while drinking the curry, ignoring Chiri Ori at all.

This made Chimatari stomp her feet in distress, then picked up her spoon and continued to eat what she was looking for!

(How does this chapter give me the urge to write fantasy?...... Don't mind, readers, I'll make up my mind later. )_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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