The next day.

Nine o'clock in the morning!

The usually deserted moon sky is already full at this time, and the students and the bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods outside the school are all gathered together, in order to wait for the opening of the next autumn official competition and the fight between the official players, and the sky above the scene is already filled with excitement, solemnity, seriousness and so on.

Finally, the spotlight at the top of the moonlit sky is on!

After seeing a few spotlights wantonly sweeping at the venue, they gathered on the stage between the moon and the sky.

With the illumination of the moonlight, a petite and cute little beauty appeared in the eyes of everyone, only to see her pick up the microphone and say in a youthful tone: "Friends of the audience! Let everyone wait for a long time, I am Kawashima Rei from the first grade of the Yuanyue Higher Division, and I am also the host of the official competition in the autumn!"

Speaking of this, Kawashima Li paused, and then said in a playful tone: "Although I want to say a few more words, it's a pity that today's protagonist is not me, so let's go straight to the topic and invite today's judges to appear!"

Rei Kawashima's playful words made everyone present smile slightly, but this smile turned into shock as the judges entered the spotlight one by one.

When the five judges appeared in front of the audience, the sound of inhaling cold air continued to sound in the venue.

"Open... Are you kidding? Shouldn't this group be in the semi-finals or finals?"

"That's right, although Dojima Silver appears every year, but in the past, he would come over and show his face on the night of the finals, and it was impossible to see him in official competitions and semi-finals like this, right?"

"I said... The focus this time should be Kojiro Shinomiya, right? Isn't this big man always competing in France, and he has no time to come back to be a judge for his students? How powerful are the personnel of this year's autumn official competition? Can you actually alarm him and make him come back from France!"

"Who's to say no, unless you go to France, very few people can see him abroad, right?"

"Don't talk about these haves and don'ts, don't you look at the two men next to the two? Aren't the two of them Chef Oda and Chef Niwa, who have graduated from Tozuki for a long time? Recently, these two big names are like thunderous figures in the RB food industry, and they are constantly researching many new dishes, and these delicacies can't even be begged for by many big people!"

"yes... The two chefs seem to be obsessed with cooking, ignoring anyone at all, even the former partners can't ask to meet, I didn't expect these two masters to appear, I don't know if I can contact them after the game and meet to talk about cooperation!"

Ignoring these discussions, the five of them walked from the stage into the judges' seats.

Rei Kawashima's voice also rang out at this time: "Today's game is divided into two games, the first one is from half past nine in the morning to half past twelve at noon, and the second is from one to four o'clock! Autumn official round, the first round of the first battle of the eight-in-four, begins!"

As Rei Kawashima's voice fell, the names of two people suddenly appeared on the four big screens that had been hanging high in the air!

"Unscientific... How could Erina Nagikiri be the first ?!!"

"That's right, if Erina Nagi is the first one, then isn't this first battle a crush?"

"Hehe... I just don't know if that kid named Kohei Soma can withstand Miss Erina Nagikiri's aura, if you can't bear it, then it's better not to enter!"

"Erina Nagikiri..."Chef Oda looked at the big screen above, and his tone was disappointed: "It's a pity." "

"What?" A smile appeared on the corner of Dojima Yin's mouth, who was sitting next to him, and asked with a slight smile: "It's not Wang Ye who appeared, do you feel disappointed?"

"Disappointing indeed. The dantian chef who was sitting next to Nagi Senzaemon nodded directly, and said bluntly without any embarrassment: "Although this time it is just me and Oda, but it also represents the defeat of the other five people, the purpose of our here is to see how the little monster is doing now and how much it has grown, after all, there is a saying in his motherland that knows that the other side can not be defeated in a hundred battles!"


Kojiro Shinomiya, who had not spoken, finally spoke, and the content of his words was still very harsh: "I see that if you seniors want to take revenge, you will do it with 100% full strength within these three years, if it is said that after three years or close to three years, you will not have a chance to avenge this revenge in your life, be careful and regret it for life~"

"Hehe......" The corners of Chef Oda's mouth twitched, a touch of vulture flashed in his eyes, and there was an indescribable gloom in his tone: "Sinomiya boy, didn't anyone tell you the truth of respecting your elders?

"I only respect the strong!" Kojiro Shinomiya pushed his glasses.

"What does it take to be considered strong?"

"The strength of the cuisine is too strong, so naturally it is considered a strong one, but unfortunately the two of you are not on my list of strong people!"

"Okay!" Listening to Kojiro Shinomiya's words, Chef Oda narrowed his eyes: "Although I have left the school now, I don't mind missing the original rules of the school, Shinomiya boy, let's have fun?"

"Count me in!" said the Dantian chef with a smile on his face, but the smile was a little chilling!

The sudden attack of these two chefs startled Shinomiya Kojiro, but he was arrogant by nature and was not worthy of these two people at all, even if these two people had changed, when he just wanted to open his mouth to ask what the bet was, Nagi Senzaemon, who had been closing his eyes and recuperating his mind, finally opened his eyes and interrupted Shinomiya Kojiro who was about to speak lightly.

Now that the contestants have entered the arena, what we need to do is the judges' work, not just a child-like quarrel here!"_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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