Time flies.

More than two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

The whole moon was bathed in between two scents.

A fragrance made by Kurokiba Ryo is full of the rich seafood flavor of the sea, and this smell is constantly lapping the auditorium like a big wave, constantly making the noses of the audience in the auditorium get a baptism.

The other is the medicinal fragrance emitted by the medicinal food of the scarlet sand of the new household, this medicinal fragrance is very listic, but even if the medicinal fragrance of this list is floating in the air, it is not affected by the fragrance caused by Kurokiba's cool cuisine, but silently occupies half of the entire moon and sky in the middle of the sky!

This situation is extremely similar to the situation when Nagi Alice and Tian Sohui were competing, but the only difference is that these two fragrances are not like the fragrance caused by Nagi Alice and Tian Sohui during the competition yesterday, intertwined and lingering together, but the fragrance is distinct, no one can cross the invasion of anyone's territory, can only call in mid-air!

It's as if these two beasts are constantly roaring, but not fighting.

If it were in any other game, it would have caused a burst of surprise, after all, aromas are easy to blend, but after this game, no one will be surprised.

Because although the fragrance of the medicinal food exuded by the scarlet sand of Xinhu is said to be a clear fragrance, the people in the food industry present know that this fragrance is just the mild surface of this dish, and the real face is that you have to eat it in your mouth to see the true face of this dish, and Chinese medicine is synonymous with domineering for the culinary world, so how can it allow other flavors to enter its own field?

And the seafood dishes made by Kurokiba Ryo are not bad, and the taste of seafood dishes is also domineering, especially after this seafood has been processed by Kurokiba Ryo himself, the fragrance is even more domineering, which can be smelled just from the fragrance that is like waves lapping against the audience.

These two domineering fragrances appear at the same time, and if they can accommodate each other, then there are ghosts!

VIP private room.

Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning frowned and looked at the two people below, and said with a slightly surprised tone: "I didn't expect that in addition to those three people, there would be such a powerful player in the first grade." "

"Awesome?" I have a very good relationship with her for a long time, and I rolled my eyes, and said angrily: "I said, sister, we shouldn't be surprised now, right? There are a lot of people who seem to be monsters in the first grade of this year, don't you think we should worry about how to live in the third grade? I don't believe that this group of first-year students will be so safe after reaching the second grade!"

"Oh?" Ji Zhiguo Ningning said in a tone of voice, "Aren't you all so arrogant, how could you suddenly say such a thing?"


Does arrogance work?

Can this be crazy?

For a long time, I rolled my eyes and thought with a wry smile in my heart, he was indeed arrogant, but that didn't mean he was stupid!

His arrogant impression is because he has been yelling at the first seat, but he dares to shout at the first seat because the first seat is really easy to bully on weekdays, and he doesn't know what it means to fight back at all, so it's okay to be crazy occasionally, but now there are a lot of good existences in the first grade, and he really can't be arrogant, but he feels a sense of crisis!

"Huh. Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning glanced at Jiu Ji and knew what Jiu Ji was thinking, so she said in a comforting tone: "Okay, don't think so much, it's true that the current first grade is more powerful than the other, but next year when we are in the third grade, won't there be six vacancies left for it? What are you afraid of?"

"Six?" "Six?"

"On the surface, it's just five. Ji Zhiguo Ningning nodded, and then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Think about it, after the ten masters leave next year, there will be Erina Nagikiri, Ruishan Edazaya, you, Isshiki Hui and me, Erina Nagikiri and Isshiki Hui We can't afford to provoke it, but Ruishan Ezuya, can't we afford to provoke it?"

Eizayama Ezuya.

For a long time, I instantly understood what Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning meant.

Isshiki Hui and Erina Nagi have indeed been improving in strength, their level has long surpassed Ji Zhiguo Ningning, and they have the strength of the top five seats, and although he and Ji Zhiguo Ningning say that their progress is very slow, they are still improving, so it is no problem to maintain their strength at the top ten, only Ruishan Zhizu is different.

This person is too greedy for money, so after sitting on the throne of the Ten Masters, he has been busy making money, and he has not studied cooking skills at all, so the regression of strength is definitely true, but the students in the second grade are too mediocre, so they have not been pulled off the throne of the Ten Masters, but things are estimated to be different next year!

When the time comes, the first and second grades will definitely set off a bloody storm in the Ten Masters Throne, but he alone knows that there are only four people who threaten him in the first grade, and the Ten Masters will have six positions, so no matter how it is calculated, it will be enough, so he and Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning can be said to sit back and relax.

Thinking about this, my mood suddenly improved a lot.

"Have you figured it out?" Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning held back a glance for a long time, and asked with a smile.

"Hmm. Jiu I Teruki nodded, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I think clearly." "

"That's good. Ji Zhiguo Ning Ning said with a smile, and then admonished: "But after the Yuexiang Festival, don't make any limelight, after all, there are too many first-year fierce freshmen, and their relationship is quite united, it is very likely that if you offend one, you will offend a group, so you should settle down next." "

"Understood. Kuga nodded his head.

(Three Changes...... )_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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