"So, is there nothing we can do?" Ye Ze narrowed his eyes and asked.

Regarding this matter, if Alaga had any reservations, then he could not help Alaga at all, so he had to tell all the things he knew.

"Can I trust you?" Alaga glanced at Ye Ze, and there was a longing light in his eyes, as if to say, if you can really trust, then I will leave everything unreserved Tell you.

"Hehe, you still have to tell me these things now... Let me tell you this, the purpose of my coming here is not to help you find the real culprit who killed the king. When the three Dachengs said what they said, they heard that in the king's bedroom, not only you and the king were the only two people, but there were three other people present!"

This incident was also heard from the mouths of the three ministers. At that time, Ye Ze was still taken aback, and only then did he realize that there were so many doubts about this incident, and there were actually three people there at that time.

Then it can be said that the three people present are either the accomplices in this incident, or they are the masterminds behind the plot.

Hearing this, Alaga's expression changed, he was surprised at first, then quickly changed his expression and sighed, "Oh, so that's the case, it seems that you also know about those three people. ..."

"So, please tell me about these three people, the three of them are likely to be my target this time.

"Well... no matter what, it's fine, I won't ask why you chased those three people, but I know, there are not many..."

Then, Alaga began to describe what happened after he entered the king's bedroom that day, and there were foreign people between him and the king in those days.

"When I went in, the king and those foreigners were already there. They were discussing something. It seemed that they were about letting foreigners settle in our Vinosia country, and then promised to become allies with each other... ...Of course I didn't know about this matter. If I hadn't happened to push the door open and heard this sentence, then maybe I wouldn't have known. someone is watching

"And the strangest thing is that the king seems to be under some spell. Even though he is a bit stupid and doesn't care about the affairs of the country, he is still the king of a country after all. A person with such power in his hand will not make decisions casually. It was a decision, and on that day, he agreed without hesitation to become an ally with Tianwai!"

"In this way, it means that we will not only have unilateral enemies in the future, if there are still enemies in foreign countries today, then our Venusia country will also have more enemies. In this case, We would not have allowed it to happen before, and we could handle all the other enemy forces against us in Vinosia, but if we add the foreign enemies today, it will be a bit difficult.”

"So I went to stop the king on the spot, but who knows, the king's reaction was very violent, as if he was going to strangle me... But this is not the most important thing. And the people who are here, start dancing in front of me and the king!"

………seeking flowers… 0

Speaking of this, Ye Ze couldn't help but frowned, and asked, "Go to the dance? Is there anything strange in this dance?"

"I don't know what's different. I just know that when I was dancing, it seemed that someone came up behind me and whispered some words in my ear. I don't remember exactly what those words were. But it is because of those words that I lose myself!"

About this point, Alaga really knew everything, including how he was confused by those monks later, and then he explained everything about the king's actions and so on.

In short, the last sentence is that Alaga's murder this time did not come out of his will, but was activated by the three monks to activate the anger in her heart. A kind of hatred, finally broke out!

In this hand was the long sword given to him by the king. At this last moment, it turned out to be the last south face the king saw.

Then with a snort, everything fell into darkness again, and the story told by Alaga was officially finished.

"This is really strange. With just one dance, one can control a person's willpower and spiritual power..." Ye Ze is also a little puzzled, this is not the first time he has encountered this kind of skill However, when he was in Zhongjie Town before, he had already encountered this kind of pollen elves, and they also have this kind of effect of seductive heart, if it is stronger, they can manipulate people's hearts!

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