I have eaten and drank enough in the tavern, and it is time to do some serious business.

But after all, it is still late at night, and only soldiers are patrolling the streets, so if you go out to collect information at this time, it may be more troublesome. If you are bumped into by those soldiers, you don’t know how to explain it to others. .

The key point is that now Alaga is a wanted criminal, the murderer who killed the king, so now that the entire city of Vinosia is closed, it is impossible to relax for a second. Ye Ze also knows that he should not Take a risk going out at times like this.

In the end, everyone decided to rest in this tavern for one night. Ollie also opened this tavern by himself. He has no partners, and the employees have already asked them to go back to rest before the curfew, so every night there is only Ollie in this tavern. In this way, it will be more relaxing for Alaga and Ye Ze to rest here.

Ollie also prepared a room for Alaga and Ye Ze. They are all small rooms in the tavern, but there is no business recently, so 263 has been vacant

Ye Ze doesn’t know how the guest rooms in Alaga are, but the sanitation is a bit messy on his side, but it can’t be said that they can’t accommodate people. After all, I come here for a purpose now

I can't live too much enjoyment, so I made up my mind, took a cold shower with a wooden bucket in the bathroom, and then lay down on the bed, ready to rest.

But I kept my eyes open and looked at the ceiling, but I couldn't find a place where I could sleep peacefully.

"What's the matter, you killed too many people, can't you sleep?" The system guy, after noticing Ye Ze's mood, began to compare and compare.

Ye Ze rolled his eyes at him and said, "Shut up and talk nonsense...I'm just worrying about tomorrow's affairs...Those three monks don't know where to catch them it is good."

But this is not only the crux of the problem, the crux is whether the foreign people really exist today, and who these three monks are, Alaga did not see clearly at the time, so the description is only a little bit, can only It is said that they wear gray cloaks to cover the upper half of their faces, and they can only see some features, but it is not comprehensive at all!

And there is another point in Alaga's description that makes Ye Ze more puzzled, that is, after Alaga was confused, he saw the three monks dancing, and then he said that the voices of these people were male before, but When they danced, their voices became female again, as if they were androgynous, so that Alaga could not tell them apart.

"If I'm not mistaken, the real identities of these three monks may not be simple." Ye Ze smacked his lips and said, "But I don't understand, they came here from far away. What is the purpose of Siya Kingdom, and killed the king."

Thinking that this place cannot use spiritual power, and it is a completely ordinary world, Ye Ze feels a little boring, but it just so happens that in this kind of place that can be regarded as very peaceful (chah), there are still people who know how to use it. The magicians came in. The skills they used at that time should be called ecstasy, which can charm a person, make him have illusions, cause confusion, and then command him to kill.

That was the case in Alaga back then.

"And you know that other people are not from this world?" the system retorted.

"Do you think you are stupid, a person who can use skills, came to this world, do you think they are here to drink tea? Also, how do you explain the matter of Pei Fei, he has more than one million yuan People with combat power come here and disappear in Vinosia, so what is it?"

That's why Ye Ze associates those three monks with Pei Fei. If there is no relationship between them, this matter cannot be justified. After all, what happened from the beginning to the end is really too coincidental, so coincidental. Believe it or not.

"So what are you going to do tomorrow?" the system asked. What he wants to do most now is to finish this matter quickly and then return to the guild. He needs to replenish his energy and knowledge points.

Ye Ze licked his lips and said slowly, "Tomorrow, let's go and see if there are any clues?"

"Then?" The system was even more puzzled. Since when did Ye Ze like to talk like this, he pretended to say half of what he said.

"It's the three ministers we saw last time. They are the initiators of this incident. They are also the ones who want to arrest Alaga. Also, they deliberately didn't put the three monks who were in the bedroom before the king's death. It is very likely that they are hiding something, or they want to cover up something, so it is very difficult to force words out of their mouths.


Those three people, Ye Ze still can't forget their appearance, that fat guy and the thin guy. .

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