The Strongest Guild Of The World

882: The Gate Of The New World (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

A turquoise sword qi slashed down directly, leaving a huge gap on the wall, and then cracks appeared on the wall.

Ka Ka Ka... Like the sound of some kind of mechanical toy turning, the wall in front of it collapsed in an instant.

"My God." This is just a sword, and it can already produce such a powerful ability, such a crazy force. If it is used in battle, facing the enemy's thousands of troops, Ye Ze only needs to strike down with one sword, and he can destroy everyone in the place!

What a powerful force this must be!

Alaga was not only very amazed, but also felt that if he could recruit Ye Ze to his subordinates, wouldn't he be able to completely rule this area, and then there would be no more wars, nor There was another trouble.

But now the focus is not here, the focus now is to find Ollie, and Alaga no longer thinks about these issues, and quickly moves forward.

When the sword came down just now, Ye Ze had already split the wall in front of him, revealing a wide path for people to walk on.

"Warning warning! Danger ahead, danger ahead!"

The map hanging on the wall started to sound an alarm. Alaga might not be able to understand the words, but Ye Ze could hear them clearly. ,

"Alaga stand back a little, something is coming out!"

Ye Ze took a step back holding his sword, and stood calmly in front of Alaga. Now, as the strongest man here, he has the responsibility to protect the weak.

No matter what happens in front of him, he has a way to deal with it!

But just like what he thought before, if they encountered a monster in which sewer, it means that there are monsters in other places, it's just the difference between more and less.

This is like having a source of spiritual energy in a certain place, and this source has cultivated some nearby creatures and made them mutate. After all, this spiritual power will select some people or creatures to make them grow.

And this sewer is connected to this place, so when the spiritual power leaks, it is easy to be sucked in by those rats, cockroaches, etc., and then it will turn into the ghost that it encountered before.

But now, the spiritual power of the thing coming out in front of him seems to be very powerful, and Ye Ze is also ready to fight, staring intently at the big black hole in front of him.

But after a while, there was no movement coming out of it, and it felt like a monster would come out, and the dense spiritual energy in the air also disappeared a large piece.

"Well, there should be nothing wrong now?" Alaga was not sure, but if there was anything to come out of the black hole, it would have come out already. They have been waiting here for a few minutes, but they still haven't seen anything. Seeing this, Alaga could not help but take the initiative to turn off the alarm, and asked quickly.

"I'm not sure, but there must be something inside, and you must be careful when you go in.

Alaga couldn't help swallowing, and quickly said, "I'm also curious, this mere sword has such terrifying power, it can split this wall!" Alaga glanced at the ground The broken stones on the sword, no! This is not a broken stone at all, it can be said to be a huge stone. This sword is enough to have the power to open up the world, except for Ye Ze.

"Okay, the crisis is over, we can go in." Ye Ze also breathed a sigh of relief, put away the Jade Blood Sword, and then used the aura on hand to bounce away the surrounding broken stones to prevent them from waiting. It will become a stumbling block on your way forward.

But now Ye Ze is still a little flustered in his heart. After all, it must have required a lot of spiritual power to make such a big commotion. I just don’t know if Pei Fei will find out. If he is careful, yes It must be felt.

But this may not be certain, because so far, only Ye Ze himself owns the system, so only Ye Ze himself knows about the target's combat power or spiritual power leakage, etc.

On Pei Fei's side, (what's Zhao) doesn't have this advanced function at all, so the only thing he can sense is that he can only perceive the spiritual power just now when he is in a place close to Ye Ze.

Alaga didn't dare to lag behind, so he hurriedly followed Ye Ze, and asked as he walked, "Ye Ze, you just said that you are not from this world, so where did you come from? Where is that place?" What does it look like, do I know?"

"Also, what are you handing over to the system? What kind of thing is that? Does everyone in your world have one? And those peerless martial arts on your body, are they also the credit of this system? ah?".

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