The Strongest Guild Of The World

913: Nonsense (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

"Hehe, you are too sensitive, right now your Vinosia country has no king and dragons without a leader, and I recommend myself, I have the ability, and I can definitely lead you to glory." Pei Fei said with a smile.

But these words, on the contrary, angered the soldiers on the city wall, making him so angry that he fired the bow and arrow directly, and fired at Pei Fei's head without any care.

However, Pei Fei, who heard the wind from above, didn't hide. He stood on the spot, and then stretched out his right hand to catch the bow and arrow directly. Let it penetrate, and then hold it directly when it penetrates halfway, even if your right hand is penetrated, you don't have to frown.

"This, this man..." The soldier who fired the bow and arrow looked dumbfounded. He originally thought that Pei Fei would run away, and at worst he would shoot him to 447, and let him pay for what he said just now. He paid the price for his words, but now, this Pei Fei used this method to catch the bow and arrow, which was completely beyond his expectation.

"Ah... you guys are really violent. Even though I haven't done anything yet, you're shooting bows and arrows at an ordinary person. You can I justify it!" Pei While talking, Fei pulled out the bow and arrow stuck in the palm of his right hand without even blinking.

And the most weird thing is that no blood flowed from the palm of his hand, as if his hand was a fake hand,

"Bastard, you actually look down on our Vinosia soldiers!" The captain standing at the gate of the city was also furious when he saw Pei Fei's arrogance. He raised the long sword in his hand and walked towards Pei Fei .

"Captain, be careful!" The soldier on the other side was also worried about the captain's accident, and asked worriedly, but the captain waved his hand and shouted, "This is a mere kid, can I still not deal with it?!"

Originally, there were enough things that happened in the past few days, which made him too busy and irritable. Tonight, a brat came to provoke him. If he doesn't teach him a good lesson, he will be punished. Others showed jokes, saying that they are a big country in Vinosia, but they were bullied by an ordinary person.

But, of course, when he walked in front of Pei Fei, he suddenly felt an inexplicable pressure coming, as if a hand was stroking his back, strangely, strangely!

This feeling was really unprecedented, and the captain's legs began to tremble. But this is in front of dozens of soldiers. If he retreats now, wouldn't he be looked down upon by his subordinates? What is it to retreat directly without even attacking?

"Bastard, go to hell!" The captain was so angry that he quickly covered his anger over his fear, pulled out the long sword in his hand, and slammed towards Pei Fei with all his might!

This guy, isn't he going to dodge?

When the attack went down, the captain started to be surprised. This Pei Fei didn't plan to dodge at all, and just stood there! He is a defenseless person, is he really that confident?

However, the captain didn't know what kind of monster he was facing until his attack continued.

This Pei Fei actually caught the long sword that came down with one hand, and then just squeezed it a little harder, crushing the long sword.

A professional soldier's long sword made of refined iron was treated like a piece of paper by Pei Fei, and it would shatter when squeezed!

The captain's eyes widened all of a sudden, as if he hadn't reacted yet.

"I'll say it one last time. I want to be your king. If you don't agree, I don't suggest that you go down together to meet your old king!" The sense of terror was released immediately.

Not an opponent! Not an opponent!

This kind of words came out of the captain's mind in an instant, but he is the captain, the captain who leads a team of more than forty people [How can he be bullied by a person in front of him?

Besides, there are no legends about monsters in the world they exist in, so the person in front of him must be using some kind of weapon that can be hidden in his hand... Yes! It must be like this!

The captain who thought he knew everything turned around immediately, and then approached Pei Fei in an instant. While approaching, he quickly took out the dagger pinned to his waist. This extremely fast speed made him very confident. Before this man can react, he can drive a dagger through his throat!

Before he dies, let him see who he has offended!

However, when the knife was pulled out, Pei Fei's movements were hundreds of times faster than him. He raised his right hand and stabbed the attack he had just pulled out towards the captain's eyes... .

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