The Strongest Guild Of The World

940: Cruel (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

Even so, Yige has always regarded his father as his pride and pride. No matter how others ask, he will answer that his father died for Venusia!

And it was from then on that he determined that when he grew up, he must become a long guard and serve Venusia, but he was stopped by his mother. After all, his mother only had him as a son and did not want lose.

And just now, when Yige's mother saw that Yige was caught on the street and then stepped on, and was about to execute the death penalty, she ran out in panic. two nine zero"

Who can know how a mother feels when she sees her son being beaten like this and about to be killed, she feels her own world collapses at that moment

"Mother!" Yige saw his mother rushing over and knelt at the captain's feet. When he was begging for mercy, he was completely stupid. In fact, he was already ready to die just now. Want to die like a hero!

Although today is his first day as a Changbingwei, and it is also a day when he plans to show off his skills, but no one wants to encounter this kind of thing, but Yige believes in Alaga, believes in Ye Ze, and believes in them The purpose of doing this is for everyone, for the city of Vinosia, so I didn't say a word, even if I was beaten like this, I still didn't say a word!

"Please sir, please, don't, don't kill my son, he, he is still young, he doesn't understand anything, he doesn't understand anything!"

Yige's mother kept begging for mercy, tears dripping on the ground, but was kicked to the ground by the captain, "This man and Alaga may also be together for a while, take me away!" The captain now I don't care about anything anymore. According to Pei Fei's order, this Alaga is the murderer who killed the king. Then, everyone who has a relationship with Alaga should also be damned!

This Yig was, and so was his mother! It made him to protect his son, to protect a murderer's accomplice!

So, the two guards came over to pull Yige's mother away, but who would have thought that a mother who wanted to protect her son would have the strength to shake off the hands of the two guards, and then break free from between them She came out, and then rushed to the captain's side. She planned to hit the captain at once, and then give Yige a chance to leave.

But how could she have thought that this captain is a well-trained long guard, and also a murderous guard. When faced with such a situation, of course, he would not be soft-hearted and directly point the long sword in his hand at this The woman who came over saw that when the woman faced the sharp blade, she didn't have time to react, and she couldn't avoid it, and directly bumped into the blade!

Puff! With a sound, the point of the knife pierced directly from the woman's stomach, and then burst out from the back. The red blood was stained on the silver blade, and the blood also slowly came from the woman's stomach. The blood flowed out, dyeing her white dress red!

"Damn it!" The team leader cursed, pulled out the long sword without blinking, and kicked Yige's mother aside viciously. Slowly fell to the ground, then opened his eyes, streaming tears, without saying anything, and died slowly...

Just like Yige at this moment, when he saw his mother being killed, he just widened his eyes and opened his mouth, but he couldn't say a word, he just opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything. At the moment when the words are about to be spoken, they all turn into tears...

It's gone, everything is gone... the good memories of me and my mother are gone, now only the cold corpse on the ground, the messy hair, and a touch of bright red on the ground are left... ....

"Damn it..." The team leader put the long sword around Yige's neck again, and then shouted at Ye Ze and Alaga who didn't know where they were hiding, "I'll count to three, if You don't want to come out yet, so I'll reunite poor Igg with his mother! Ahahaha!"

As everyone knows, what the captain did was seen by the residents in the residential building. They all covered their mouths in disbelief. They couldn't believe that 0.8, on this street, the captain, actually Suspicious of such a reckless killing!

This was originally a very friendly city of Vinosia. On this street, everyone laughed and laughed and lived peacefully, but who would have thought that one day, there would be a corpse lying on this street, and this person, too. They all know each other, and they all know people...

And this Yige is also a well-behaved and hard-working little boy they grew up with. Unexpectedly, he became a victim of these Changbingwei's subordinates!! Sad!.

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