The Strongest Guild Of The World

951: Doubt (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

"...I shouldn't have saved you from the tavern in the first place, that was the biggest regret in my life and the biggest mistake I made!" Ye Ze said fiercely!

If he hadn't rescued Pei Fei from the tavern full of villains four years ago, this Pei Fei would have been shot to death, even if he didn't die, he would have been half disabled! But at that time, Not only did Pei Fei not appreciate him, but he also regarded Ye Ze as one of those bullies and kept attacking him.

In the end, Ye Ze was so forced that he could only defeat the enemies on both sides unilaterally, and finally rescued Pei Fei.

Afterwards, this Pei Fei probably fabricated his own life experience on purpose, saying that he was as pitiful as possible, and sure enough, he attracted 27's attention, and then followed him back to the guild.

Although the clips at that time are somewhat different from what I think now, it is actually the case. It turns out that Pei Fei has been deliberately trying to take things away from him since he first entered his guild.

Ability, or a weapon. In short, this Pei Fei is too greedy. He wants to become the strongest person, but he forgot to start with how to become a person. In short, the more he degenerates like this, the more Ye Ze Feeling chilling, gradually, this chilling turned into a kind of anger. In the end, I just wanted to get rid of this bastard with my own hands, and then get my abilities back. Don't let this Pei Fei use his abilities to do bad things!

And now, the person I have been chasing for almost four years finally appeared in front of me, and the decisive battle at this moment is about to begin.

"What are you waiting for?" Pei Fei slowly opened his hands, smiled, and said to Ye Ze, "How did you teach me the trick before, today I will also teach you my unique trick , as your reward."

Seeing Ye Ze's reluctance to make a move, Pei Fei didn't bother to wait any longer. This is the most important thing to seize the opportunity, and then he shot directly, attacking Ye Ze from another moment, the aura on his body, directly The tiles on the roof were overturned, and they slowly fell off from the surrounding area one by one.

Clap, clack, clatter... On the roof, the sound of the tiles being overturned can be heard endlessly.

At this time, Ye Ze Yunban was still thinking about how to attack, but in a blink of an eye, he found that Pei Fei had already attacked first.

"You are too slow, President, you taught us to preemptive strikes, why, have you even forgotten yourself?!" Pei Fei laughed loudly, and then slapped him with a palm, hitting the aura in his hand Among Ye Ze, Ye Ze was also directly bombarded.

This made Ye Ze not react much. Even if he blocked the blow from this hand and could hold the palm wind, the aura couldn't react by himself. He was still hit. It hit the chest, and it was difficult to resist with other skills for a while. .

"Hmph! I didn't teach you to be such a bad person!" Ye Ze patted the dust on his chest, and rushed forward again, resisting the aura around Pei Fei pressure, and then slammed a fist on Pei Fei's face.

Pei Fei didn't know if he was hit on purpose, and he didn't dodge while standing still, obviously at that time he had seen Ye Ze's fist approaching.

Pei Fei gritted his teeth, then fell to the ground, quickly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then got up, and once again directly met and fought Ye Ze, neither of them used any sky-shattering skills, let alone used any Weapons are simply fighting with fists.

Although it is said that the power of this fist is about the same as that of a hammer, but these two people seem to have returned to the one-on-one fight between the brothers, so that they only remember the beauty of the past for a while, but If you keep punching and punching, the previous things will be broken bit by bit!

With a bang, the two concentrated on each other at the same time, the two separated once, and then each fell to the ground.

This time, after Pei Fei stood up, he did not continue to attack, but stood where he was, staring at Ye Ze.

"Okay, this kind of entertainment time is over, and it's time for the main event." Pei Fei's eyes slowly glowed with a reddish light, and Ye Ze could guess that this color must be a very dangerous color !

"Okay, let us completely forget about the past. Starting today, I am no longer a member of your Immortal Guild. At the same time, I want to become the president of your Immortal Guild. All of this starts with killing you !"

Said, Pei Fei covered his hands and put them behind his back, just like the Kamehae Qigong before. Although there is no Kamehae Qigong in this place, Ye Ze is still a little flustered, after all, he has been to Hokage Pirates Waiting for the time, knowing that one or two moves of Kamepai Qigong doesn't seem to make any difference?

Boom! Sure enough, a ray of light really appeared from Pei Fei's hand!.

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