The Strongest Guild Of The World

956: Everything (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

After confirming that the monk was completely dead, Alaga wanted to find Ye Ze, but he couldn't reach the top, so he had to run out of the palace and wanted to go outside to see what happened upstairs.

But when he ran out of the gate of the palace and came to the bottom of the stairs, he saw that under the stairs, a group of long guards were staring at the roof of the palace in astonishment, one or two raised their heads. The neck seemed to have seen something unbelievable, and some of them didn't even react when their weapons were dropped.

At this moment, the guards probably didn't have much interest in him anymore, and Alaga didn't care about it, and ran directly to the soldiers, then slowly raised his head and looked up.

"This..." Alaga saw that in the sky, a large area began to gradually darken at the other end, and there was only one area where it rained heavily, and in this roof, Ye Ze was confronting Pei Fei, the two were fighting, but Pei Fei was standing where he was, not knowing what he was sitting on.


There was another thunderclap in the sky, and Araga had heard such a few times when he was confronting the monk in the palace just now.

Something is going wrong...... Intuition tells Alaga that something is going wrong, Ye Ze has already told Alaga since he came out that he is probably not Pei Fei's opponent, so this time In the duel, if he loses, the people in this city will suffer. If he has to, Ye Ze will use a unique move to die with Pei Fei

But Ye Ze will not use that trick easily, because once this trick is used, the consequence is that everything within a five-kilometer radius will be swallowed. This trick is Jingsheng's strongest The ultimate trick, devour!

Devour all of these, including the opponent, including yourself!

After thinking of this, Alaga couldn't help swallowing, the ominous premonition in his heart became more and more intense, then he turned around quickly, and shouted to the long guards behind, "Run! Run! This place is about to be destroyed, run quickly!"

Those long guards also realized that the person standing in front of them was Alaga, and they were all very surprised, but now, they all knew that the king was on the roof, fighting against other people, and they didn't have the heart to catch him. Araga is captured.

It's just that none of them understood what General Alaga meant by what he said.

"Huh? General, what is this for?"

"Anyway, believe me, this place is about to be swallowed up. If you don't want to die, you should leave quickly. Otherwise, when this place is swallowed up, you won't be able to escape!" Alaga sternly roared, throwing those Changbei pushed away one by two.

If they continue to stand here to watch this duel, the final result is that they will also be involved in the spiritual power from this duel, and the result is that they will become victims of this battle. Of course, Alaga will not let this kind of thing happen and drive these long guards away.

"Hurry up to the city, shout everyone, let them run as far as possible, the farther away from here the better, do you hear me!"

The current situation is not optimistic at all. If it is not done well, it is very likely that Ye Ze will be forced to use this trick in the next second. Of course, Alaga also knows in his heart that Ye Ze will definitely wait until the citizens are safe. He will use that trick, but if it is really necessary, it is very likely that he will be released early.

Come on Ye Ze, don't lose to this bastard!

"Hehe, look below, how insignificant those people are, why bother, sacrifice yourself, use this trick to die with me, just to save the insignificant human beings in this world? Is there anything worthy of your nostalgia for them? Huh? "

Seeing that Ye Ze was about to use that move, Pei Fei's heart suddenly thumped. He knew that if Ye Ze really planned to die with him, then it would not be uncommon to use that move. .

It's just that at first Pei Fei thought that Ye Ze didn't have that kind of guts. After all, the power of this move is not just that simple. If it is not done well, it will swallow all the creatures within five kilometers at once. , even Ye Ze himself will be swallowed together.

This result is a real tragedy.

"I don't care what you say, in short, if you want to open the gate of hell, I'd rather break up with you!" Ye Ze said, his eyes were red, his hands closed immediately, and then in the palms, exuded With that powerful spiritual power coming out, a gust of wind around here began to gather slowly. It can be said that this last trick is about to be launched...

When the time comes, everything here will disappear in an instant...

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