"Really?! Did you really see it?" Alaga shouted excitedly.

But then he realized that his voice was a little loud, so he quickly lowered the volume.

"Yes, I just saw two people flying around in the rain and lightning, fighting fiercely. I, I don't even know if they are human?"

This is the difference. If they could fly, they wouldn't have to be afraid of these rat monsters. It would be better for everyone to fly away together, or fight freely in the air.

But he naturally didn't know Ye Ze, and only Alaga knew him.

Alaga raised his eyebrows, and his face was full of excitement.

"What's wrong with the general? Have you figured out a way?" Several soldiers around Alaga were also very puzzled when they saw Alaga's expression.

Some even thought that Alaga had thought of a way to escape 863, otherwise there would be no such smile.

But Alaga didn't seem to hear it, and smiled to himself, "It turns out that Ye Ze is not dead, he is still alive, he is still fighting, he... is still fighting for us!"

This news is great news for Alaga. If it is said that Ye Ze is fighting for them, then they can say that they still have a chance to survive!

As long as Pei Fei is defeated, there will be a chance to close the gate of hell, and then he will be saved!

However, I don't know how long it will take for this matter to be resolved. At least, for them now, it is not unreasonable to hope that this hope is in the world.

"Okay, you continue to observe the situation, if there is anything special, please tell me as soon as possible!"

However, this (chde) incident has another possibility. If Ye Ze fails and is killed by Pei Fei, then the world will be in chaos!

Ye Ze came here to pursue his own ability, and Pei Fei came here to absorb Ye Ze's ability. To be honest, it is not a good thing for these two people to collide in this place.

But now, they can only rely on it!

"Sigh, I don't even know what I am now..." The soldier who had been sitting in the corner for half an hour was still so passive.

"Okay, don't be so pessimistic. Now at least we have hope. There are people out there fighting for us. Let's wait."

"Wait?..." The soldier smiled disdainfully, then raised his head slightly with a bitter face, glanced at Alaga, and said, "Why wait, we are going to die now, why are you still waiting?" So relaxed?"

"Aren't you still clear about our situation now? These rat monsters are staring at us outside. He wants to see when we will go out?"

This is a game, a game that belongs to each other, that is to say, they are just like the birds trapped in this cage, and those mouse monsters outside the cage are the real human beings and their masters .

They can play with the people in this cage wantonly, and naturally they can decide their life or death. If they are unhappy, they just pry open this cage, and then come in and start killing, the people in this cage can't stop them.

It can be said that now is their darkest time, and it is also the time when they are closest to death.

"I know that you are very sad now. Your elder brother died because of this incident, but which one of us did not sacrifice?" Alaga stepped forward and asked.

At this time, what the soldiers need is encouragement and morale improvement, instead of blindly thinking about these negative things, negative things, which will make them fearful, and then they will really be unable to fight.

"Well..." The soldier kept pursing his lips, not knowing how to respond.

"We are all Chobei, I believe that when you come to the Chobei interview, you should know that we all have to be prepared to sacrifice for Venusia..."

"This kind of spirit is what supported us through so many hard trainings and hard-working wars, so we are standing here now because we are still Vinosians!"

These words were full of blood and passion, and for others, the blood in their bodies boiled all of a sudden.

Even if they are facing hordes of monsters, they still have the ability to fight.

The soldier in the corner seemed to understand, and slowly stood up while leaning on the wall, and then looked at Alaga with tears in his eyes, as if at this moment, he finally understood, "I understand.

"Thank you, will"

Before he could finish the last word, the wall behind him was knocked open, a hard and sharp mouth stretched in, bit the soldier's head, and dragged him out!

Phew! The body was squeezed into that small place, and blood splattered everywhere!.

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