The Strongest Guild Of The World

994: Violence (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

994: violent

Pei Fei was surrounded by the rat monsters, and those rat monsters kept absorbing energy from Pei Fei's body, gnawing on pieces of meat, and when they finally flew away, there was nothing left on the ground.

Even the bones disappeared without a trace.

This is what happened to Pei Fei.

However, Pei Fei's death does not mean that the matter is over, the gate of hell is still open, as long as this magic spell is released, the cracks in the sky will not close for a day, so Ye Ze's top priority is to Drive all these rat monsters back to this hell.

However, Ye Ze had already tried to hold this magic spell before. At that time, it felt like another wave of energy poured into his body, and then washed away the original energy in his body. so-so.

Stinging, painful! Dozens of sensations are intertwined, making Ye Ze very uncomfortable, even his eyes and nostrils began to slowly ooze blood!

Now if you want to touch this rift, you have to grab this magic spell and close the opening in the sky, but this is equivalent to using your own life as a bet!

Ye Ze walked to the periphery of the magic spell, and then looked at the magic spell on the ground, and began to struggle.

Is this really the only way? What if there are other simpler ways?

No! There is not enough time now, God knows if these rat monsters have started eating people in other cities and urban areas, or in other words, there have been many such horrible ways of attacking and killing people now!

If it doesn't stop, it may be very soon, indeed one-third of the people will be killed!

And now, this Alaga is still fighting alone! How can I stop!

Ye Ze took a deep breath, then gritted his teeth, slowly stretched out his hand, and came to the hilt of the cursed knife. After a second of fixation, he firmly grasped the hilt!

ah ah ah ah!

At this moment, the power in the magic spell poured into Ye Ze's body directly. The terrifying magic power brought the temperature in Ye Ze's body to freezing point. He only felt that his internal organs seemed to be shaking. It's like being frozen.

This tingling feeling is really more painful than being stabbed by a knife!


Crazy pain coupled with crazy shouts, at this moment, Ye Ze really felt like his bones were about to be pulled out, no one can understand this kind of pain!

After all, this magic spell is not his own, but Pei Fei's. It can be said that only his spiritual power can control this magic spell. Most horrible punishment ever!

But at this moment, Ye Ze doesn't care anymore, in order to save these common people, he is willing to do this!

He closed his eyes forcefully, followed the source of the pain, and then his consciousness gradually faded away, following the energy to the darkest place.

I don't know how long it took, Ye Ze only felt that his eyelids were a little heavy, and the surrounding was very hot, and then he opened his eyes forcefully!

But this time, what he saw was not the warm mattress, nor his familiar relatives and friends, nor the battlefield where he was standing at the beginning.

…… Ask for flowers………

It was a place of crimson... Standing in front of Ye Ze was a man wearing a pair of glasses, looking at a book on the wall very deeply.

"Hey, me, where am I?" Ye Ze walked over and talked to the man cautiously, but when his hand slightly touched a man, the man's body suddenly turned into a To ashes, and then disappeared in a flash!

This feeling was much weirder, and Ye Ze took a few steps back in fright, but when he saw which book the man who disappeared just now read before he disappeared, Ye Ze might be able to know something.

Still, it's better not to wander around now when you don't realize where you are.

Ye Ze has reason to believe that his coming to this place is definitely useful.

Sure enough, after opening a door, Ye Ze walked in.

"Are you Ye Ze?" There was a woman sitting there with red hair and red pupils. These were all the information Ye Ze had already discovered at the first sight after he came in.

To be honest, Ye Ze doesn't like to investigate women, and he doesn't like to quarrel with women, but he still wants to find out why he is here, and what purpose is he here for?

He didn't have an answer to any of these. The only thing he knew was that his appearance here was definitely not an accident, or could it be said that it was a fateful arrangement?

Of course, this is not so mysterious.

Ye Ze nodded, walked in, walked up to the woman's table, and sat down on the table according to the woman's idea. .

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