The Strongest Guild Of The World

999: Bright (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

999: bright

The sky was lightly raining, and Ye Ze woke up from this dizzy state.

And just in time, he saw a few people slowly approaching on the other side of the street, and they knew Alaga and the two surviving soldiers.

"Hehe, I knew you were fine." Alaga couldn't help smiling when he saw Ye Ze.

Maybe, this is the agreement between the two men.

Most of Vinosia has been destroyed, and very few people in the city survived. When they opened the door to welcome the new sun, everyone had a look of hesitation on their faces.

with sadness.

Everything I experienced yesterday was a nightmare, a nightmare that will never be erased!

But they survived, and this is the best reward for them.

After a night of rest, Ye Ze has almost recovered, but now, he has more things to do-.

Alaga, too, was covered in bandages, walked out of the house, and came to the street. When he saw Ye Ze change into his travel clothes, he knew that Ye Ze was going to leave this place.

"Are you really not going back to the guild with me?" Ye Ze glanced at Alaga and asked.

Last night, he had told Alaga that he wanted to invite him to join his guild. Indeed, Alaga did not have any abilities, and he was basically the kind of person who was at the bottom of the guild. After all, everyone in the guild It is a great god.

But Araki's courage and perseverance are beyond the reach of ordinary people, so because of this, Ye Ze sincerely extended the invitation, but Alaga refused.

"Hehe, you know what I'll say..." Alaga paused, smiled, and walked over with the help of a cane, "Vinosia is my home, and this is my home

And the people here are my family..."

Looking around, more than half of the urban area of ​​Vinosia has been destroyed, and the rest are people in some slums, but it is precisely because their houses are built in relatively remote places that they have not been attacked by those people In times of greater devastation, the regiment survived.

"I plan to stay here and rebuild Vinosia with the rest of the people. Even though I know that it won't be as magnificent as before, I still have confidence that I can lead Vinosia to rebuild."

It is this loyalty that makes Ye Ze want Alaga to join, at least, he will not betray him like Pei Fei.

"So what about you?" Alaga glanced at Ye Ze and asked, "What should you do? You haven't recovered your ability from Pei Fei, so you just leave like this. Can you really do it?"

Ye Ze smiled back and said, "Ability or inability is not important now, Pei Fei is gone, but at least until yesterday, I learned one thing from you, that is, regardless of your ability How weak, as long as you are willing to fight and don't back down, you are strong."

And after a night of deliberation, Ye Ze also knew what his next move would be.

"Alaga, the road ahead will definitely be difficult for you, but I believe that you will succeed... Well, I'm going on the road, if there is anything in the future, you can contact me through this, "

As Ye Ze said, he took out a unique communicator in his guild. This communicator can send signals from any corner of any world, and this signal can be directly transmitted to the guild headquarters.

And this signal will also be directly transmitted to the system on Ye Ze, and then he will know the information transmitted from Alaga.

However, this thing is generally a necessity for guild members, and other people will not be eligible to obtain it. This time, Ye Ze is also an exception.

"One day, if you really build this place well and are willing to have greater ideas and visions, send me a signal, and I will pick you up to the kilometers."


Which communicator Alaga took over and held in his hand, this cold thing does not look like a product of this world, but he is used to it, after all, after experiencing this incident, he will not be concerned about it again Outsiders have any opinion.

"Then, I wish you the best of luck."

Ye Ze traveled alone in the desert, but he did not go to the initial teleportation location, but stood in an open space that no one saw, and looked around to make sure that no one was nearby.

Then, he summoned the magic spell from his body.

"God curse, take me to your world..." Ye Ze's next plan is to go to hell, because there is his next plan.

Soon, the magic spell sensed Ye Ze's needs, and after a while, as soon as Ye Ze closed his eyes, the soul would instantly travel to this hell.

Alternate black and red around you, open your eyes, and you will reach...a....

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