The Strongest Guild Of The World

1041: Give Jade (Seeking Automatic Subscription)

Chapter 141 Presenting Jade

The brawny man thought he was in sight of victory, but he didn't expect Alaga's speed to be so fast that he couldn't even react. The city lord saw that the brawny man was about to lose, so he stomped his feet anxiously. You know, he represented Jade City. If it's wrong, the face of Yushi City will be wiped out.

No matter how hard the strong man is, his strength is not in place, and it will be futile in the end. Alaga knew that the time had come, and he could no longer give the opponent a chance to breathe, so he beat the strong man down

Alaga looked ahead triumphantly, he wanted to see if the other party wanted to stand up, but in the end, the strong man's legs were weak and he couldn't stand up anymore.

The city lord rushed over immediately, Ye Ze knew that the city lord wanted to intervene, of course he couldn't let this happen, and he didn't want to fight against the city lord either.

Ye Ze rushed over immediately, and then explained the powerful relationship among them. The city lord nodded. He also knew that Ye Ze Guild 27 had a lot of people.

"I'm convinced now, I didn't expect the members of your guild to be so powerful, I'm willing to bow down.

Ye Ze also blocked the opponent's mouth with modest words, and the city lord immediately asked his subordinates to hold a banquet, and he wanted to drink with Ye Ze overnight.

At night, the strong man called the city lord to him. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he felt that the matter could still be discussed.

"What else do you want? This Ye Ze is obviously hiding something. Just now, that Alaga let you go. Otherwise, your arm would have been gone long ago, but it's also strange. At the beginning, his martial arts were too good. It's normal, I think you can win, but I didn't expect a reversal later."

The strong man was also puzzled, but he firmly believed that Ye Ze must be playing tricks inside, but he hadn't caught the other party's handle yet.

"City Master, I will investigate now. If I find any clues, I will definitely not let them go."

The city lord nodded. The strong man usually trains several generals. They are highly skilled in martial arts and have experienced many battles. If they are sent out, they will definitely have results.

After a few days, they came to report and saw that they were helpless. The strong man knew that they had messed up the matter.

"What did you do? How did I tell you? I didn't expect that you wouldn't listen to the advice. Now that it's all over, you all go down. If you encounter problems in the future, you can make up for your mistakes."

They nodded, and they backed off.

Ye Ze stayed with Alaga for too long, they wanted to go back first, and they would come back another day.

The city lord agreed, and he clapped his hands, only to see two subordinates bring a box full of jade.

"City Lord, you, what are you doing, no, these things are too expensive, I can't take them?"

The city lord insisted on giving it to Ye Ze, Ye Ze knew that the city lord would definitely ask him for something in the future, so he temporarily took it down, and they happened to distribute the jade to the members.

Ye Ze and Alaga pushed the jade to the guild. The members' eyes lit up when they saw a box full of good things. They thought they were very good, so they picked them up to have a look.

"I know that you have worked very hard these days, and I will reward you with these good things. I hope you will continue to work hard."

They agreed, and quickly put away the jade. After a while, Ye Ze received a letter from the city lord.

After Ye Ze finished watching, he knew what was going on. It turned out that the city lord wanted Ye Ze to help destroy the Demon Gang. This was the first time Ye Ze had heard of this gang. He wanted to be an enemy of the Yushi City Lord.

Ye Ze immediately agreed, and he took a few members over there, they were good helpers, and when they came to the front, the city lord told the details.

Ye Ze told the city lord not to worry, he absolutely can't let them get away with it, this day the demon gang leader learned that the city lord invited Ye Ze to play, he was very excited, he knew that Ye Ze's strongest guild is one of the best in the whole world It was defeated by them.

The Lord of the Demon Sect took this opportunity to have a good fight with Ye Ze. When they came to the front, the Lord of the Demon Sect gave Ye Ze a good look. He didn't expect Ye Ze to be so young.

"I think you'd better go. I never fight with children. If this spreads out, I'll think I'm bullying you."

As soon as the words fell, the members of the Tianmo gang laughed wildly, they hurriedly surrounded, Ye Ze asked the members to practice their hands, they rushed over immediately, and fought with these gang members.

Ye Ze looked at this battle, the members showed all their skills, these gang members were vicious on the surface, but in fact they were exaggerating.

Not long after, Ye Ze's members repelled them all, and the leader of Tianmo was very shocked, he didn't expect the first battle to be so horrible, of course he would not let it go "so he wanted to kiss Baitian District.

The leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect immediately fought over. He had a fight with Ye Ze, but was quickly repelled by Ye Ze.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to be able to cast the Heavenly Demon Curse."

The leader of Tianmo was shocked when he heard this, because he felt that the opponent's martial arts were familiar, and now it has been confirmed. .

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